Ok... I'm starting to get sick of your attitude here guys. What's with this?
1. You call us lazy. I've heard this a lot of times. "Mods are so lazy these days". NO, we are not lazy. But there are a lot of problems to deal with, we also have a life, and we probably have our own problems as well. We maintain this site the best we can, and to be honest, I think that some of us do a wonderful job (such as oz02 and DarkShadow). VGSatomi has been busy right now, he mentioned once why, so don't blame him. You all think you could do better but I assure you that you wouldn't!
2. This! Now, excuse me but why do you send emails to mods? I've also received quite a lot of emails, and yes, I replied to all of them. But for god sake, what are then PMs good at? Revise your attitude, and you will realize that I'm right. And now, I personally am not overhwhelmed with PMs.
Have a nice day!