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Model with color-bug when turn invisible..

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Level 5
Dec 19, 2004
I got this model downloaded from the hive workshop, but when it fades to invisible with the shadowmeld ability, it turns slowly red (which is I think teamcolor, I only tested it with player 1).

It's like there is some kind of layer under the normal skin, which appears when the normal skin gets transparent (because of the shadowmeld ability).

Of course after the fading time the unit is invisible to enemies, but for the owner (and allies with shared vision) the model is still red.. This looks ugly, and it also makes the unit even more visible before it is completely invisible (for enemies). This is something I really can't use because the map is a stealth map where the unit has to be as hard to see as possible..

How can I change this? I have the War3ModelEditor. Is it fixable with that? Or would someone who is better at modelling fix it for me?

Would be really awesome if someone can help me!
Level 5
Dec 19, 2004
Yeah I already tried that too, forgot to mention.. But that doesn't work either.. Or I'm doing something wrong (I'm new to modelling and that kind of stuff)

I did it with notepad, changed the word 'None' after 'Filtermode' to Transparent

There are btw 2 materials that use Replacable ID 1.. Both where on filtermode None, and I changed them both to transparent.. But that didn't work..
Level 5
Dec 19, 2004
I already use another model now..

But I would like to add some more characters to my map, so it would be great if this one could be fixed! :)

BTW I already tried removing team color and indeed this worked.. BUT then I had another problem: some parts disappeared (like the mask and some face parts) so it became useless.. :(
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