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model resizing tutorial

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Level 13
Sep 29, 2008
can i ask, help or maybe tutorial on how to resize models without screwing up the animation?
can't find a tutorial for that or maybe i haven't look hard enough? Advance thx 4 the link.

Not rescaling on World Editor but maybe in magos or some other programs?

Because some models are too small or too big...
then when rescaling on World Editor, the special effect attachments also get bigger...

...Also maybe model moderators should say if the approved models' size is in "blizzard" average size or too big and if it has hand,origin,foot attachments on the models... just a suggestion.
Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
Resizing only the vertices make the animations odd-looking, you should also raise all the connected bones to make the animation works perfectly, also don't forget to raise the attachment point, or else it would look odd when you tried to place an attachment
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