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Model Request: VARIAN WRYNN

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Level 5
Jul 6, 2005
I think a Varian Wrynn model is much overdue. There's certainly a lack of human hero models suitable for a warrior such as Wrynn.

My current project is roughly 90% complete and I'd rather not have to use a brown haired Arthas to play the role of Varian Wrynn as Arthas is already present in my map.

It need not be a model of Varian Wrynn per se, I really just need a model of a "human champion" that would adequately represent him.

My map's filesize is already quite large, so please make use of in game textures and refrain from custom animations to save space.

The project in question is based around the human kingdoms and I've already had to do a bit of model recycling to accomodate the kings of other kingdoms. Leaders such as Genn Greymane and Thoras Trollbane are easily represented by by the paladin model, but the character of Wrynn demands a unique model of his own.

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Level 5
Jul 6, 2005
Use Lord Garithos or the Bandit Lord.

Garithos is already present in my map. I've already exhausted both the available in game models and the custom models on this site in representing the other human leaders.

Aside from use as Varian Wrynn this model would be extremely useful to other mappers for any map involving a number of human heroes.
Level 3
May 8, 2008
A Varian Wrynn model would be a good addition to the resources here; I've seen a lot of maps that might benefit from one.
Level 4
Oct 20, 2009
Would indeed be an epic addition to the models, But have you read the gigantic sign on requests? (No wow models), i dunno how hard this iron first is, but i thought i´d mention it. I do admit it´d be very nice though.
Level 11
Aug 25, 2009
For the LOVE OF GOD. STOP LINKING TO OTHER MODELS ON THE HIVE. Seriously, he said that there werent any models that would fit him, he didn't ask for you to tell him what ingame models to use, give advice on how to make the model, make the model yourself, or just screw off. It takes 10 minutes to see all the models on the hive, a person should spend the 10 minutes instead of asking another person to go through the work of making a model, please consider these things... Sorry for stating this in a rude way, just pisses me off.
Level 5
Jul 6, 2005
Would indeed be an epic addition to the models, But have you read the gigantic sign on requests? (No wow models), i dunno how hard this iron first is, but i thought i´d mention it. I do admit it´d be very nice though.

...Have you read my request? I have not requested a WoW model. I have merely requested a model of a character from the warcraft universe, and provided a link to a screen shot of the character as he appears in WoW to give ideas to potential modelers.

I have also stated in my request that it need not be a model of the Varian Wrynn character per se, just a human warrior hero who fits the character's feel.

The gigantic sign you're referencing refers to extracting meshes or skins from the actual game itself, that's stealing Blizzard's artistic property.
Level 4
Oct 20, 2009
Very well, i didn´t make that comment to be rude or so---It was simply since i didn´t want you to get in trouble or anything ^^ Just thought i´d mention it in case you missed it, that´s all.
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