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Model does not rotate ingame...

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Level 3
Dec 21, 2007
Hi there,
I made a human for wc3 with Art Tools and here is the problem :

I tested my model ingame and the results are that my model is not attacking or running in the right angle/direction/way.
Imagine like this :

<--- Attack [ Model ] Opponent

My model hits the opponent, but not in the right angle.
Does anyone have a idea what I have to change for this result :

[ Model ] ------> Attack Opponent

And when my char is running he does not rotate to in the running way that I want :(

Please help
Level 3
Dec 21, 2007
Ehm, the model animations ingame are okay, but he does not rotate, there is no wrong rotation. And I did not make a 90 degress rotation.
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