Model Changes in Wc3ModelEditor And in Game.

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Level 3
Dec 5, 2015
Hi,I'm using MilkShape 3D with plugins to convert obj to mdx.The model is smoothed and exactly as i want it to be.Everything is ok when the model is in MilkShape and its format is obj.
As you see in the picture:

Even when i open mdx file to Warcraft III Viewer it has no problem and its exactly like the moment when it was in MilkShape,Smoothed and No texture problem or anything else.
As you see in the picture:

The problem starts when i open mdx file in Wc3ModelEditor And all of skins of models are completely different and in the wrong place,Model isnt smoothed and everything is completely wrong.
As you see in the picture:

Also it will happen in game too and the model is completely Wrong.Nothing is the thing that i want it to be.
If anyone have any experience about modeling or skins,Or have any suggest to solve this problem and what the reason And can help,Please do it.
Level 3
Dec 5, 2015
Thanks for the reply,The problem was from texture wrapping.I just needed to check those 2 fields in edit option of texture in Wc3 ModelEditor.
For the future, you don't rly need to convert Milkshape models into WC3. You can simply save them as milkshape files and use the Import function (Files --> Import) of WC3 Editor. (aka Magos) :wink:. I don't remember if it messes up the anims though, this way. At least you will have to set the sequences manually in Magos afterwards, as far as i remember this process.
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