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MMC12 Brainstorm

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Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
As title says, brainstorm for Mini-map contest 12.
- I do not care whether we get entrees or not, these things are fun as heck anyway.

To me, a good theme is one that allows for user interpretation, while being specific enough that entries can be judged on some comparative merit.
For example MMC 10 - Survival, open enough that more than 1 mechanical genre can fit the theme, but focused enough that user maps do fulfil a quantifiable criteria.

Some previous/already done themes
Limited Size
Boss Fight


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Maybe my idea from the prev brainstorming? heheh

Organization - organize/grow something to make it better until certain goal condition has met (e.g. growing civilization / kingdom / company / industry / anything)

And "peaceful" was also a good idea.

I can't participate anyway, got too much projects atm. :(

But let me give a hint. I dislike the previous mapping contest because of the theme. Themes like "treasure hunting" and "thief" are way too specific. I asked the difference between treasure hunting and map size limited because I thought you could see their difference: Map size limited has a big degree of variety. You can make any kind of gameplay you want as long as the map size is under the restriction. Thus it would challenges you to be as creative as possible in such huge probabilities.
Why treasure hunting is too specific? Because whether you like it or not, you are restricted to create a map where you have to hunt some items, there is no other choice. Maybe the only thing you can judge from is how unique the item hunting is or how good the aesthetic is? But still, those maps are basically just an item hunting map, nothing's special. Personally, I dislike it. Why? Because it won't let people to find/create something new. Well, that's just some opinions.
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
Maybe my idea from the prev brainstorming? heheh

Organization - organize/grow something to make it better until certain goal condition has met (e.g. growing civilization / kingdom / company / industry / anything)

And "peaceful" was also a good idea.

I can't participate anyway, got too much projects atm. :(

But let me give a hint. I dislike the previous mapping contest because of the theme. Themes like "treasure hunting" and "thief" are way too specific. I asked the difference between treasure hunting and map size limited because I thought you could see their difference: Map size limited has a big degree of variety. You can make any kind of gameplay you want as long as the map size is under the restriction. Thus it would challenges you to be as creative as possible in such huge probabilities.
Why treasure hunting is too specific? Because whether you like it or not, you are restricted to create a map where you have to hunt some items, there is no other choice. Maybe the only thing you can judge from is how unique the item hunting is or how good the aesthetic is? But still, those maps are basically just an item hunting map, nothing's special. Personally, I dislike it. Why? Because it won't let people to find/create something new. Well, that's just some opinions.

As before, I'm all for this theme.

I think part of the problem is the democratic process of voting for the theme - many people will vote for a theme that they think is good, but doesn't really allow a lot of space to make cool things. It might be better for the host (an experienced mapper/reviewer) to just pick a theme and create the contest.
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
But still, those maps are basically just an item hunting map, nothing's special.

If you want to be reductive enough, every game is "just a bunch of button presses, nothing special".
That said, I do like the sound of organization/management.

I think part of the problem is the democratic process of voting for the theme - many people will vote for a theme that they think is good, but doesn't really allow a lot of space to make cool things. It might be better for the host (an experienced mapper/reviewer) to just pick a theme and create the contest.

I'm personally fine with that; though as someone who wants to participate, its probably not in anyone's best interest for me to choose said theme.
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
It might be better for the host (an experienced mapper/reviewer) to just pick a theme and create the contest.

Id also like to add; if you can actually find someone that qualifies, we could start ASAP.
I don't have any connections to mods or any relevant parties to start said contest however.


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
If you want to be reductive enough, every game is "just a bunch of button presses, nothing special".
I was just trying to point out that previous theme was way too specific in my opinion. Your conclusion is way too far here.

Anyway, no one should doubt whether he/she's qualified enough or not. I'm sure anybody who's been here for some times has the right to host/judge/participate a contest. All you need to do is to post at staff contact for permissions.

Btw, I come with another ideas:

Weakling - Create a map where players have a weak role in a certain scenario and struggle to survive against the supremacy.

Peaceful (taken from previous brainstorming) - Create a map without any presence of violence/gore and blood.

Replication - Port an existing game into Warcraft 3 version. I know it doesn't serve any originality score but it's fun, really, to see some classic games being ported to Warcraft 3.
Level 8
Jul 8, 2014
This is an interesting one and could be a challenging too. (Atleast for me)

I will give you a great idea:

My Little Pony.

Dont you even dare to say no.

I love Quilnez's organisation idea. Make a game where you are a guild and you rek people.

I have a great idea: Stealth. Make a game where you are a stealthy guy with stealthy skillz and you steal stuff and kill people. Idea creditz goes to Assassin's Creed.
I also would propose this :

Strategist Play - make a map where player have to execute certain strategies to win a battle scenario (like have to destroy X to destroy Y, ambush enemy Z and so on).

Mystery - make a map where player have to solve a mystery case.

Traveller - make a map where player has to travel to multiple places and reach destination in time.

Bank - make a map where player has to get a certain amount of currency to win, this can expand to investment style and such.
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
Strategist Play - make a map where player have to execute certain strategies to win a battle scenario (like have to destroy X to destroy Y, ambush enemy Z and so on).

Thats called having a quest log. :D

Mystery - make a map where player have to solve a mystery case.

Interesting, though note that its an invitation for more puzzle heavy maps (like the last contest)

Traveller - make a map where player has to travel to multiple places and reach destination in time.

Bank - make a map where player has to get a certain amount of currency to win, this can expand to investment style and such.

"Traveller" literally describes almost any map, simply adding a time limit as a specific narrows what contestants can do pointlessly.
"Bank" is a farming rehash but even more limited.




Is this dead ? Do I necropost now ?

I would like to present two ideas:

Idle - Basic interaction is mouse or key pressing, with upgrades, free theme, PvP intended and Score aimed

Interfaces - Around 90% of the gameplay is determinated with custom interfaces, the map creator has to place images and interfaces to create whatever gameplay
Meh, life's screwing me over, so I've been thinking of joining a contest as a distraction. Hopefully we can get this one up soon.

Peaceful (taken from previous brainstorming) - Create a map without any presence of violence/gore and blood.

I like this theme. +1
Also maybe we could have a quick weekend mapping madness contest before this one? :p
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
How about start Friday at around noon (GMT or CEST) until Sunday midnight?

The reason I bring up the hosting thing is I think it's best if the host can also double up as a judge if the judges go AFK.

Otherwise I have no issue with it, would be happy if you host it.

As for judges, Cokemonkey11 has been a good and quick judge on the last two contests, if he's willing to judge this one I'd be happy with him being the only judge if we can't find another.
I'd be okay with these themes
Personally, I would like the challenge to involve adding a plot to a genre that otherwise isn't known for said plot.
eg. story driven tower defense
Weakling - Create a map where players have a weak role in a certain scenario and struggle to survive against the supremacy.

Peaceful (taken from previous brainstorming) - Create a map without any presence of violence/gore and blood.

Although if I had to choose one, I'd go with 'peaceful'.
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
Hmm, not quite sure what you mean.

In that thread they have a 24 hour mapping contest every few months, and the theme is randomed by the host from a pool of genres and themes.

e.g. genre pool: tower defense, hero siege, capture the flag, rpg
theme pool: demons, elves, modern

One of each is rolled and everyone needs to make a map based on that.

For the weekend mapping contest anything is fine though.

I'm happy with the Peaceful theme for either the weekend mini contest or the main contest.
Ooh gurl I am pumped








Mkay, enough fooling around, lemme make that poll.

edit: done http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...weekend-mapping-madness-3-themes-poll-268468/
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