MiscData problem-not working

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Level 2
May 18, 2018
Hey guys possibly a noob question or me forgeting to do something since im a screw up but ye
i recently got a new pc so i redownloaded WC3 and all the map making stuff, and now downloaded miscdata and made an UI folder in my programfiles86/WarcraftIII but it wont work no matter what
anyone got this issue or know what to do?
or is miscdata no longer usable etc etc?
Level 22
Dec 4, 2007
I think one of the recent patches reset local file enabling to false, wherefore your miscdata.txt will not apply any functions.

1 You'd have to make sure your miscdata is present in your warcraft 3 installation folder and then subfolder UI (Warcraft III\UI).
2 Then open regedit and navigate to "Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III"
3 Create a new D-word value (32 bit), named "Allow Local Files" and set it to "1".

This will bug out buff icons ingame (all buff icons are displayed as black) as long as in use, which is negligible i'd say.
Level 67
Dec 23, 2013
For one reason or another, this isn't working on my side :\

Named War3.mpq or War3mod.mpq, in the Warcraft III folder or the x86 folder the editor moved to, it's not working :c

I did find in the regedit that my original change to add that line had been undone by the update, but even re-adding it and setting the value to 1 didn't restore the editor's unlimited cliff-height :[
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