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Mini - Game contest

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Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
I'm starting a new map called Mini - Wars or something like that. It is a combination of quick mini games with a points system and overall winner.

So what I’m looking for is ideas for my map.
Unfortunately I can offer no reward but maybe putting the game in my map but for any1 who has a good idea and wants to share it here’s what I’m looking for.


The game must be able to be played with up to ten players and at least 3.It needs to rank all the players so that there is a first place second place ect.

The total area used by the game should be about 16 by 16 (it is a mini game after all) and the max should be 32 by 32. The whole area should be able to fit in one region so that the set camera bounds action can be used. The base terrain setting should be barrens if possible.

Imports are encouraged to enhance the game but I’m putting a 300kb limit that is negotiable.


Originality 10
Enjoyment 10
Triggering 10
Terrain 5
Units 5
Compatibility 10

Obviously an original map is better but I don't mind a remake of an old favorite as long as it has an original twist. For example Pass the bomb with different rounds ect.

The map should be fun and easy to learn about and adapt to.

A well triggered map is best with as few variables as possible (and try to use arrays for each player). The triggers should be leak free and cause the minimum amount of lag.EDIT : All triggering must be in GUI no JASS or the like :!:

I would like a better looking map with terrain that matches the game.

The unit should once again match the game and have correct health movespeed ect.

Okay, there is nothing you can really do for this section but follow the rules and guidelines I’ve set but these points are for the compatibility with my map.

You can post your ideas in this poll but only games that are made will be marked. The maps should be posted on this site in the spell section (unless you think its better in the maps section) as well as being e-mailed to me at [email protected] because I have trouble downloading because of my internet.

1 entry recived :
Donut3.5 - Whack a crypt fiend - 81%
Level 27
Feb 22, 2006
A well triggered map is best with as few variables as possible (and try to use arrays for each player). The triggers should be leak free and cause the minimum amount of lag.
A well triggered script will have plenty of variables, if not a lot, to remove the leaks.
Using little variables limits you to such small script...
Dunno what you're talking about... :?
EDIT: you also posted this twice >_>
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
changed marking

okay i'v decided to change the marking system a lttle and added enjoyment which gives marks acording to how fun the game is as well as how easy it is to learn to play. the reason i decreased the marks for triggers is because mini games are all about fun not so much the way they work.

the reason i say use as few varibles as possible because some people use them when they shouldn't for example :
a varible for each and every different dummy used instead of just adding a timmer to them.
making unit groups when doing something to a random ally or enemy instead of the unit group matching condition fuction.

A spell also doesnt need variables to run. For example some people use variables like casting_unit attacking_unit and target_unit when you could use "triggering unit,attacking unit,damage source or target of ability being cast".

i admit this aproach can limit what you can do but it makes it so much easier and simpler.

I hav no objection to you using 30 variables but try to use as few as possible.

and i removed the other post... soz bout dat...
Level 27
Feb 22, 2006
Re: changed marking

Kixer said:
the reason i say use as few varibles as possible because some people use them when they shouldn't for example :
a varible for each and every different dummy used instead of just adding a timmer to them.
making unit groups when doing something to a random ally or enemy instead of the unit group matching condition fuction.

A spell also doesnt need variables to run. For example some people use variables like casting_unit attacking_unit and target_unit when you could use "triggering unit,attacking unit,damage source or target of ability being cast".

Hmmm... Ever hear of memory leaks? :D
Those are why you must have unit group variables for unit groups to destroy them.
Set AntiLeak_GROUP = blahblahblah
Pick every unit in AntiLeak_GROUP and do blahblahblah
Custom Script: call DestroyGroup (IDK if destroy group is entirely right... something like that.) anyways call DestroyGroup (udg_AntiLeak_GROUP)
That way games won't leak later on. Of course don't do that if you're gonna need the variable later on.
And when you're using spells that require more than one trigger then you definitely need to set the caster and the group targeted or w/e...
But I see where you're coming from.
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
ya i'm kinda new to the whole leaks thing but iv never realy noticed any problems that my maps give.

I do use variables alot because of diff triggers for example the event-time every blablabut i try to keep them to the minimum if possible. I would rather add 5 new actions than add one variable.
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
not german


Rather in english plz cuz a cant speak any german :( but im glad to see the sum1 is actualy entering. :D

so if its not too much effort... english

Shot :lol:
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
size is an issue :?

mmmm size is kinda an issue for me.... :?
because i want to use alot of mini games that have their own imports the map gets a bit larger than i would want it... :(

but please submit your map no matter how big it is but dont go out of your way to make it huge... :wink:
but if the map is too big you will lose marks for compatibility.
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
ya its fine

um ya 32X32 is fyn.... :?
but it is a bit big for a mini game dont ya think :?:
still its fyn but once again you will lose marks for compatability... :(
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006

I realy want to learn Jass but i can't find a good guide... :?
I have no programing experience so i cant realy teach my self.. :(
My major problem is with this whole return and takes thing... :?:
Level 27
Feb 22, 2006
PurplePoot said:
donut, actually, Unit Groups dont need a variable to prevent leaking. you can

Custom Script: set bj_wantDestroyGroup = true

or, if youve learned enough JASS from me by the time you're done, you can use locals, and it wont be an issue :D

i might enter, if i get an idea.
Waaait... what's this now:
bj_wantDestroyGroup = true
I thought for unit group loops we do:
 local group g = CreateGroup()
    local unit u
 call GroupEnumUnits[a variety of functions](g,parameters,[null for the boolexpr])
 set u = FirstOfGroup( g )
exitwhen u == null
        call GroupRemoveUnit(g,u)
call DestroyGroup( g )
    set g = null
Or am I completely off topic?
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
im talking GUI, youre talking JASS :p

yeah, thats the JASS way, but im saying that

Custom Script: set bj_wantDestroyGroup = true

is much more efficient in GUI than stuff like


Pick every unit in ANTILEAK_GROUP and do actions

Custom Script: call DestroyGroup(udg_ANTILEAK_GROUP)

and here is why bj_wantDestroyGroup works

function ForGroupBJ takes group whichGroup, code callback returns nothing
    // If the user wants the group destroyed, remember that fact and clear
    // the flag, in case it is used again in the callback.
    local boolean wantDestroy = bj_wantDestroyGroup
    set bj_wantDestroyGroup = false

    call ForGroup(whichGroup, callback)

    // If the user wants the group destroyed, do so now.
    if (wantDestroy) then
        call DestroyGroup(whichGroup)
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
GUI plz

Shot Purple i think i get the idea but there is something that i realy need to stess for the compitition... :!:

The triggering must be done with GUI :x because of the simple fact that thats the only way i can mark it :? . Do no Jass or anything of the like but custom script is fyn... :wink:
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
ya i suppose

ok well heres the thing... :?
if your game is realy good then i would like to use it in my map (credit included an everything :) ) but if its JASS i would have a serious problem doing that. :(

So you can use JASS and i did know that a well coded map will run smoothly and i will mark the game in that mannor if it is JASS but try to use as little as possible because using too much means that you will lose marks for compatibility... :(
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006

@ PurplePoot
you push a good argument but im sticking to the fact that you will lose marks...

If the map is in jass it wound be compatible to the rest of the map... it won’t be EASILY editable and balanceable and it won’t be EASILY implemented into the map...

@ Donut3.5

Here’s your marks... bear in mind that these probably will be edited when i can compare them to something else!

Whack a crypt fiend

7.5 out of 10

I liked the idea and i haven’t seen anything like it before. I admit a basic concept and a well used name but very original and i like the scoring system...

8.5 out of 10

Loved it! Fun to the very last second and will make for a great finish.

8 out of 10

Major problem here... I like the way the crypt fiends burrowed and unburrowed and the layout was similar to my own but here’s the problem... There is not enough room to hold a lot of crypt fiends... They leaked a lot and when they did they wouldn’t burrow, unburrow or be removed...

3.5 out of 5

very basic... although it matched the mini-game well in a visual sense the leak factor on the crypt fiends lost a lot of marks

4 out of 5

I couldn't find anything wrong with this but the last mark is reserved for something very creative.

9 out of 10

Very good... can be easily implemented with compatible terrain and good number of units... I liked the simple hints and the space for points listing...

40.5 out of 50

81%... which is good...overall a nice map with some simple bugs...

Please remember these marks will be moderated...
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Anyways, Heres what ill do - since i have a minigame idea anyways, but it cant be done in GUI ( i need MUI for it ), ill include a disabled version of all the triggers ( in GUI ), a document for How-to-Modify the JASS, and easily modifiable JASS triggers. :p

EDIT: lol, just re-read the rules, and noticed the barrens thing. I never thought of it, but thatll be perfect for my Minigame :D
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
sounds good

ya it sounds good...
looking forward to it...
and the hints will get you better marks in compatibility and triggering and having GUI triggers as well means that you don’t lose marks for compatibility

@ donut3.5

Would you mind if i used your game in my map?
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006

ya kwl....
i am gonna change a few things and fix sum stuff but you will get credit in the quests and the tooltip for the game...
I'm gonna use Donut3.5 k? :?:
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Yup thats me polite to the very end :wink:

Anyway Purple do you think u could have ur game done by 2moz... :?:

i dont want to rush you or anything but it would be da ideal time for me so ya... :?

btw what bnet realm do u guys play on :?:
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
2moz? whats that supposed to mean?

i should have a good amount, if not all, done by tonight, and ill give it to you w/o the GUI stuff. The GUI stuff will cause me to take awhile longer ( cuz ill need each trigger 2 times, unless its a trigger that i can do in GUI, then ill do it in GUI just for you :p ), and ill give you the GUI later to mark the compatability, or something.
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006

donut3.5 said:
I'm gonna take a guess and say 2moz is tomorrow.

Yup thats what i ment...

ya its fyn without the GUI i can wait for that...

I hate that why doesnt that code ever work?!?
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
LOL i know da feelin

LOL i know da feelin
its always alot easier in theory

just had a look...
loved da leap and the art of divine shield is sooooooo :p sexy.

Looking forward 2 the real thing.8)

BTW i'v done something similar already but urs has a very different theme...

@ Donut3.5
Ur games in da map but i changed the general layout...
The archers are now in da middle with the fiend on the outside.
Distance is divided by 10 to get points and iv tweaked the fiend burowin.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
No, actually, it was mostly trying to get it so that it had a minimum cast range, with a warning, etc, etc that actually LOOKED good

so, whaddya think of the first spell? does it give you much of a hint on what the gameplay will be? :D

if you want me to tell you how the game works, ill tell you, just ask.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Kombat Kowz

Some taurens are fighting for no apparent reason. Each tauren has ALOT of life, 15 mana, and 4 abilities. The taurens are units, thus they start with all their abilities.

Also, the ground will begin shaking at random points at random times, and after 2 seconds, a spike will shoot out of the ground at that point, killing everything above it.

Vanquish the weak!



The Kombat Kow jumps to a point, killing everything in a 250 radius upon impact

Mana Cost: 15
Cooldown: 1 second

Raging Slam

The Kombat Kow slams the ground, causing a pulse to erupt in front of him. Everyone hit by this pulse ( moves about 700 range ) will be thrown in the air for 1 second.

Mana Cost: 5
Cooldown: 1 second


The Kombat Kow releases his inner rage, greatly energizing him for the combat ahead. Adds +1 mana regeneration and +75 move speed for 15 seconds.

Mana Cost: 5
Cooldown: 30 seconds

Divine Favor

The Kombat Kow receives a divine favor, surrounding him in holy magic. If he would be hit by a Jump or Raging Slam, the effect is blocked. Lasts until hit by Jump/Raging Slam.

Mana Cost: 15
Cooldown: 45 seconds
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006

any idea what kind of arena its in and im not understanding how long it takes to kill a Kow... Lyk 1 shot kill of lots of jumps and slams?
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Yeah, the health is just ALOT so it doesnt say 1/1 or something, it shows a blank

Jump kills 1 hit

nothing else does damage

Raging Slam disables.

The arena - a square. Maybe add doodads, its your choice

Im gonna put it in a 64x64 map, but all you'll have to do is resize the region to w/e you want, I suggest 16x16.
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006

sounds brilliant...
perfect size terrain custom arena...
im just worried buy jumping/thrown unit leaving the arena....

Omw iv just noticed ur using the Hotkeys "Q,W,E,R"!!!
im doing the exact same thing for every single mini game!!!!
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006

lol nice sounds realy good...

btw if any1 wants a beta version of Mini - Wars just pm me with you address.:wink:

there a few bugs i know of at the moment but i cant fix them because i dont have a workn WE.
There just basic things like tooltips and not destroyed timer windows...
Level 27
Feb 22, 2006
Re: LOL i know da feelin

Kixer said:
@ Donut3.5
Ur games in da map but i changed the general layout...
The archers are now in da middle with the fiend on the outside.
Distance is divided by 10 to get points and iv tweaked the fiend burowin.
Lol... yeah, those numbers got too high, but I was feeling too lazy to do an equation... :p
Oh, and I'd like to beta-test this.
BTW, can we submit more than one minigame? 'cuz I have a few more ideas...
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
ya sure submit as many as you want...
btw i didnt quite understand the "Oh, and I'd like to beta-test this." bit...
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