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[Solved] Metamorphis Effect not playing anymore (only this map)

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Level 12
May 16, 2020
Hi all,

I'm having a really frustrating bug again within World Editor.

For some reason the "Art - Caster" effect is no longer playing withing the Metamorphosis spell. It worked until 2 days ago, and in older versions of my map the effect still plays properly. To make sure the problem is bound to my map, I created a completely new map and did a simple test to check, and there the effect plays properly too.

In the map where the effect doesn't play, I created the spell from scratch, created to completely new "normal" and "alternate" units, but the effect still doesn't play. It's like something is broken, but I have no idea what it might be.

Does anyone have some ideas what the problem might be?


EDIT: I still have no idea why it doesn't work in my map, but I solved it via triggers.
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