Merging Units

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Level 3
Dec 19, 2016
Can someone help me make it possible for three units of different unit types to merge into one unit, similar to the Archons in StarCraft. I want the units to be able to activate it with an ability. I do not think it is possible with the default abilities, but maybe someone can make a custom ability with triggers.
There is this nightelf archer skill which allows fusing 2 units.

But you want to fuse 3+ units:

here an Instant Fusion code:
  • The Unit Types are the merging Units
  • AoE is how far fusion parts are searched from the unit casting this
  • result the result of the fusion, it will be spawn in the center of the units merged.
  • remove, are the merging units removed =true or killed =false
  • Spell is the ability a non target spell is expected.
  • The Merging units Die/are Removed instantly and the Result spawns instantly
There are Visual Effects displayed on the new unit and the removed/killed ones:
to change them you need to look into "Fusion do" trigger, in 1.28.5 there is a bug with copying strings beeing paths therefor I did not include the feature to change them in the init.


  • Fusion.w3x
    21 KB · Views: 78
I made a small mistake, the spell does not check for ownership, currently one can fuse with enemie units.
To change this simply add an additional condition inside the group loop "default filters": choose the wanted one.

only own units:
  • (Owner of (Picked unit)) Equal (Triggering player)
Can use allied units:
  • ((Picked unit) belongs to an ally of (Triggering player)) Equal True
or might use the now more powerful system [GUI-Friendly] Unit Fusion System.
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