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[Trigger] melee trigger - create units - help.

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Level 2
Sep 10, 2005
Hi, i dont want to use the mele trigger like create units at start locations etc, so i made it the otherways but, how can i entangle a goldmine at the map start? also how do i do for get the tree of live start rooted? TY4All...


PD: sry if i dont wrote it like er... its kinda shitt xddd im a bit drunk and sleepy by now >.<
entangle a goldmine: create a dummy(unit with no model, wit entagle gold mine ability(it shoud be enough for melle game)
Than make a trigger:
time elapsed is equal to 0.01
unit - isue order to target a unit(order<your dummy> to entagle gold mine <tour gold mine>

tree of live start rooted
time elapsed is equal to 0.01
unit isue order with no target(order <your tree of life> to root

Note im not i we... im in a hurry so ill use trigger tags latter. i jope yous still undarstand it.
Level 5
May 1, 2006
entangle a goldmine: create a dummy(unit with no model, wit entagle gold mine ability(it shoud be enough for melle game)
Than make a trigger:
time elapsed is equal to 0.01
unit - isue order to target a unit(order<your dummy> to entagle gold mine <tour gold mine>

tree of live start rooted
time elapsed is equal to 0.01
unit isue order with no target(order <your tree of life> to root

Note im not i we... im in a hurry so ill use trigger tags latter. i jope yous still undarstand it.

  • entangle a goldmine: create a dummy(unit with no model, wit entagle gold mine ability(it shoud be enough for melle game)
  • Than make a trigger:
  • event
  • time elapsed is equal to 0.01
  • condition/
  • action
  • unit - isue order to target a unit(order<your dummy> to entagle gold mine <tour gold mine>
  • tree of live start rooted
  • events
  • time elapsed is equal to 0.01
  • conditions/
  • actions
  • unit isue order with no target(order <your tree of life> to root

Doesn't look right.. But eh, there ya go ;)
Level 2
Sep 10, 2005
Ye, Thank you all! :)
the only problem i see is that what will happen in the tree of live unroots? the gold wine will be still entangled? >.< .. so im willing to know if it is possible to make the tree of live use as the dummy* unit and make it create the entangled gold mine ( well till these point i know its possible ) , but whithout waiting the X seconds untill its done. ( for incase player does unroot the mine will also destroyerd ;O )

Level 2
Sep 10, 2005
long time ago t_T i jsut haddent itnernet :((

well, i mean that if the tree of live makes a entangled goodl mine, if the tree of live unroots the entangled gold mine will be destroyed ( normal mele o_O ) .. but that if i create a dummy unit and make him create the entangeld gold mine, if the tree of live unroots the gold mine wont be destroyed.... So i was asking if theres a way for make the dummy unit be the tree of live so that if it unroots the gold mine will die , also if possible without waiting the building construction of it, cuz its a normal* melee map.. and well, i dont think that its a nice way to wait till the gold mine is entangled for gatter gold for a night elf player playing my melee map....

well, some confusiong xD but better explained these time o_O

Ty all! ggL&HF! cya.
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