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Melee AI and custom abilities?

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Level 6
Mar 17, 2012
I'm pretty new to the whole AI business. I've been using "http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/jass-ai-scripts-tutorials-280/base-abilities-custom-spells-cast-melee-game-ai-units-193280/" to create some custom spells, and I launched:
  • Melee Game - Run melee AI scripts (for computer players)
But am finding that my AI still won't use custom spells. They also won't even use basic spells. Footmen won't cast Defend when they come up against Archers, even though I removed the tech requirement for Defend.

What am I missing?

EDIT: It worked when I made the Footmen owned by Player 2 - Blue. It seems like the AI only applies to Player 2 in testing. Is there any way around that?




The test button is flawed, try to launch the game from wc3.
Level 12
Nov 3, 2013
The test button is flawed, try to launch the game from wc3.

It's flawed? Are you talking about "Use fixed random seed"? You can toggle that off.

Or is there something else? Since obviously it's a pretty big deal to know whether or not I can count on test map, since I wouldn't start the map from wc3 otherwise.

(sry for off topic)




You can usually count on it ( I hope so, I do myself), if it comes to trigger testing,
but some advanced stuff, like AI and such, can bug.
I cannot say what exactly is bugged, I don't know, but I read multiple times issues were
solved when launching the game via the actual game, not the editor.
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