Hi, i'm making a huge ocean based rpg. where there are over 30 islands, and you sail your boat around completing mini quests, and major quests throughout the sea. The quests and strategy will be somewhat similar to zelda:the wind waker. But, you are not limited to one class. You can choose from 6 individial classes, each with unique (not-boring) abilities.
The way items work in this game is FAR from zelda. Its more like diablo. There will be hundreds of items, including sets, class specifics, uniques, and a "forge" feature, which lets you mine ore and forge certain items.
----Open Positions-----
Always got more room for thinkers.
I need someone with terraining experience.
I need someone who can work well with triggers
(specifically class specific items // stacking potions)
I need someone who knows the object editor inside and out.
---Filled positons---
Boss fights (because no one wants the boss fights to be 5 mins of melee)
Please PM me if you would like to hear the storyline / apply for the position. =D
The way items work in this game is FAR from zelda. Its more like diablo. There will be hundreds of items, including sets, class specifics, uniques, and a "forge" feature, which lets you mine ore and forge certain items.
----Open Positions-----
Always got more room for thinkers.
I need someone with terraining experience.
I need someone who can work well with triggers
(specifically class specific items // stacking potions)
I need someone who knows the object editor inside and out.
---Filled positons---
Boss fights (because no one wants the boss fights to be 5 mins of melee)
Please PM me if you would like to hear the storyline / apply for the position. =D