Heroes of Loria RPG

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Level 3
Apr 30, 2017
Heroes of Loria




Terrain Screenshots

Heroes of Loria is an RPG map that aims to create an enjoyable experience that features a progressive storyline filled with fights against monsters and bosses. Players have to complete quests, explore, progress and defeat bosses in order to reach the end.

I decided to put some work into the map after being inactive for 2 years. My goal with the map is purely self-interested. I like handling projects and putting stuff together. I take immense pride and satisfaction doing so. If some other people share the same interest as me, it's a bonus. I'm a big fan of World of Warcraft, and the map resembles it a lot.

HoL features 11 player slots in total, along with the twelfth being the friendly faction.
Player Amount
You will be able to explore the whole world and complete most of the quests alone. A recommended amount of players for progressing through the whole storyline is more than 3 players.

There are 9 total classes in the game. Every class has a specific and unique role and completely triggered abilities. Their unique roles allow them to excel at areas even if they are unbalanced.

Right from the start, players have a chance to take quests by talking to NPCs and progress through the storyline by completing them. After completion, quests reward players with moderate gold and experience. Most quests are specifically made to be able to be done alone, but a few require you to kill formidable enemies that require more players to be downed.

Team Content
Map features Rares, Elites, World bosses, Dungeons and Raids.

A dungeon is an area specifically made for 3 or more people. It features elite monsters and bosses that reward sufficient amounts of gold, experience, rare items and in rare cases, epic items.
Raids are made for 8 or more people, require extreme measures of teamwork and preparation and reward players with grand amounts of gold, experience and epic items.

Player vs Player
PvP is enabled, features an arena where you can face players that are in the same game as you. PvP doesn't reap any rewards in-game. However, PvP is great for improving your capabilities with your class.

This is a tab where you will be able to find information about the development progression of the map.
Most of the tabs of this topic are not completely finished yet and I will be adding more information.


As of 20.5.2017, I have worked on the map for 216 hours.

If you're interested in helping, send me a P.M. here or a request on discord Pugna#0827.

Starting Area.pngTown.png Northern Forest.png Cave.png Hollow.png Cathedral.png Cathedral 2.png Sunken Forest Entrance.png Sunken Forest Portal.png
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Level 3
Apr 30, 2017
Recently, I have been reworking the terrain of the map and I have managed to finish theorizing class spells and specializations (10 classes equal 177 abilities so far). I have uploaded screenshots of terrain to show what I have managed to create so far.
Level 3
Apr 30, 2017
Update: I have scripted a system where I can set a unit type(melee, ranged, elite, rare, dungeon boss, raid boss...) and level and automatically assign the required stats with 2 lines of GUI code when I spawn units.

Formula for calculating stats includes an exponential function that curves the difficulty exponentially while leveling up. At maximum level, stats are around 75% higher than what they would be with a linear function, ensuring higher difficulty as you progress and compensating for classes getting stronger as they level because of them gaining abilities and choosing class specializations.
Level 3
Apr 30, 2017
i would be up for some testing
I have a couple people that are willing to test the map aswell. I'll have a decent version with around 4-16 hours of quality playstyle by the end of July. I'll contact you a few days before we test so we can decide when will we play.
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Level 3
Apr 30, 2017
I would like to ask a moderator to move this to the general project section since I am not recruiting anymore.
Level 3
Apr 30, 2017
Update: I'm on easter vacation this week so I've been spending some time on the map. The amount of progress I'm making is insane.
Level 3
Apr 30, 2017
Does this have anything to do with the game Loria that even Kwaliti took part of it?
No, not at all. I don't even remember where the name came from. Funny thing is, I think Warcraft I or II has something to do with the name of Loria.

At the end of the day, the name's not that important to me, if it becomes a problem, I'll change it.
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