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Map Reviews (online Play With Your Map!)

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Level 5
Jul 16, 2008
Have you wanted your map to be famous but you cant host or no one dl's it? Then i have a solution! post your map here for a review and 1 online game. Your maps are safe i dont even find use of touching your maps I just want more variation of games online unlike DotA lol. Just post your map and your done. If you have any questions dont hesitate to ask!

NOTE* i can only do a few maps a day AND sometimes i wont even be able to do any at all cuse of my bro =P.
Level 9
Jan 8, 2008
When the download box pop up, just directly save the file into warcraft III/maps folder.

The file you downloaded is in .w3x rite? if it is, then it shouldn't be a problem. You can just copy and paste the file into that folder.
Level 5
Jul 16, 2008
ok this is gona be long post (for me atleast) OK

when i dl the map it gives me 2 options, to save to disk or open with world editor. if i do either it SHOULD save it into the internet dl section i have but it dosent it dl to who knows were SO i cant copy and all i know that it dl is a box with the map file appears but i can only do open map and then it protected blahblahblah SO i cant find your map but i dled it AND it's protected so i cant move your map :confused:
Level 5
Jul 16, 2008
ok rating time!

Rating will not be taken lightly and will show my criticism over 10 subjects each 10 point for a total of 100 points

Police catch Thief

Balance: 7/10. Towers my friend are rigged as hell and make this game so long. Also for a side note mana burn is annoying sometimes and also earthel is to.

Easy to learn: 9/10. This game is fun but you have to know exactly what to do. I killed all the towers an thought then the invurable shield on the main center would go away but i had to look in the map info thing ONCE thats all so you get a pat on the back for that =D.

Lag or uselessness ingame: 8/10 Some things are pointless and somethings are good. i cant really go into detail but it is a good score because there wasnt much lag and the extra crap was there i guess to make ppl laugh? =D

Spells: 10/10 i found myself enjoying this...gj

Terrain: 9/10 not much to say here it was good and stuff...

Ai: 9/10 I was very impressed BUT you didn't get a 10/10 because the portal at bot was sad for AI. They just stood there wondering what to do.

Game Time: 9/10 makes sense with the towers that way and it gets close to average DotA game times.

Items: 9/10 some useless items like when you gamble the highest price and stuff =D (i clicked that button over and over hopeing that it would be a lie lol)

Gameplay: 10/10 does not require a genies to play =D

Errors: 9/10 i couldn't do online gameplay for some reason... it stated when i tried making the game that the game name was to long or something. Other wise just remove leaks and if you could make it more on the jass side

Level 9
Jan 8, 2008
lol.. i was just about to ask you whether you successfully downloaded my map or not. but surprisingly, you posted the ratings now haha..

First of all, thank you very much for reviewing my map.

Balance: 7/10. Towers my friend are rigged as hell and make this game so long. Also for a side note mana burn is annoying sometimes and also earthel is to.
Ok, I will be updating a new version soon, with another mode called "Quick Mode", in that mode, the units' armor are reduced a lot. And for creeps abilities, actually there is a command to disable it.

Lag or uselessness ingame: 8/10 Some things are pointless and somethings are good. i cant really go into detail but it is a good score because there wasnt much lag and the extra crap was there i guess to make ppl laugh? =D
Ya, the map will be lagging a bit when creeps abilities are turned on. If you turned off that, it will not be that lag anymore. Lol.. pointless? can you give some example so that I can take some actions?

Ai: 9/10 I was very impressed BUT you didn't get a 10/10 because the portal at bot was sad for AI. They just stood there wondering what to do.
I see, ya I noticed that too. I will improve this in the new version.

Items: 9/10 some useless items like when you gamble the highest price and stuff =D (i clicked that button over and over hopeing that it would be a lie lol)
lol. that is useless? Actually if you are lucky, you can get more gold from it. But of course the gold will not be too much because I need to prevent the players from gambling continuously instead of fighting enemies.

Errors: 9/10 i couldn't do online gameplay for some reason... it stated when i tried making the game that the game name was to long or something. Other wise just remove leaks and if you could make it more on the jass side
I think I had found the problem. Its because of the long map title. I had changed the title to Cops & Robbers AI 1.04 instead of Cops & Robbers AoS AI 1.04. I think you may try to download the updated map and host it again, it should be working now.
Level 17
Aug 20, 2007
Level 5
Jul 16, 2008
OK this will be a number out of 70 (x/70) becuse of some parts of the review could not be stated for whatever reason


Balance: 9/10. Not much to say here. Good balance overall

Easy to learn: 6/10. Here is the problem. you need to make it alot more easier to figure out. When i played it online we were 30 min in doing nothing lol. You also have to tell them on the loading screen to press ESC to get upgrades.

Lag or uselessness ingame: 9/10. very minnor lag

Spells: i cannot rate this really

Terrain: 7/10. An easy flat land terrain

Ai:no AI

Game Time: 7/10 this can go on forever with alot of players

Items: No items

Gameplay: 8/10 a little hard to understand but it is fun late game

Errors: 10/10 there weren't any real errors
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