[MAP] Quickie Techies

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Level 4
May 27, 2009
Needed info for creating a thread

* Quickie Techies
* J.A.W.Z (Its still mine)
* Published
* The game is about using Multiple Goblin Techies (from DotA) and see how you play with this complicated and fun map!
* This games features a small area and a gameplay which lays lots of time around. Also has minor creeps to farm and shop to buy.
* You win this game after 25 kills

Friendly tips

* Use Sentry Ward to gain sight advantage.
* Place lots of mines so that it would be easier to score.
* Use Magic Traps to stun enemies for seconds.
* Use Tinkerbots to trigger a slight explosion.

Quickie Techies!



Added a Detonation ability for Land Mines.
Added a 5 second delay on Batobalani respawn time and added 6 more.
Added Flare animation every 5 seconds.
Ankh of Reincarnation: Lowered cost from 600 -> 100.
Remodelled Aqualord to Warship.
Remodelled Hydrophyte to Chopper.
Points: You score will show after you gained points from the player.
Trigger Unhappy: Replaces Spy Wand.
Added Pocket Rocket.


Sentry Wards: Sight range reduced from 10 minutes -> 1 minute.
Sentry Wards: Duration reduced from 600 seconds -> 45 seconds.
Warship: It has a -5 Fortified Armor.
Warship: Abilities are Critical Strike, Ministun and Deploy Choppers.
Chopper: It has critical strike and moves faster than Warship.
Magic Trap: Increased HP from 100 -> 1000.


  • A knockback effect like Batrider's Flamebreak (from DotA)
  • How do you instantly create heroes for a Player/Computer?
  • How do you make a unit drop a random item (i.e drops TomeOfInt/TomeOfStr)
  • How to make Tiny's Toss with knockback effect?
  • Do you know how to code Lanaya's Psionic (from DotA) Trap?
  • Resource request found here.
Last edited:
Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
Ok, first thing. Fix the link. Use:
[URL="http://www.epicwar.com/maps/download/101699/aa0ce3786776fdfc899c9dd13677c8184a5892f0/Quickie%20Techies%21.w3x"]Quickie Techies[/URL]
That way, it works and links straight to the file instead of having to go to Epicwar and download from there.

Next, the creeps spawn too quickly :(
The game is really enjoyable though xD Its really fast-paced and cool.
However, you may want to make the mines trigger all at once if you group them and trigger.
Sentry Ward lasts too long. Maybe 45 seconds or so would be good.
There should probably be a mine limit too, or one Techie might own the whole map with mines 0_o. Something around 25-30? That might be good.
Items are fine, could use some health/movespeed ones or something though. Maybe even some that allows you to plant special traps and such.

Finally, create the hero at game start instead of needing to select, would be better :D

Good luck. This was rather rushed :(
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