Dota 2: Techies Mine Blocking

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Level 10
Apr 18, 2009
I made a Techies mine blocking tutorial with real pictures (in colour!) that you can look at. :-}

As with most techniques in Dota 2 this is of course highly situational. I just provide you with a broader toolkit for your Techies, something that the hero definitely needs. When you want to utilise this is up to you.

There are already mine blocking tutorials on them intranetwebz, but I made this one because I felt that they were not as instructive or complete as they could've been.

The tutorial is for Dota 2 but of course you regular DotA players could also jump in on the discussion.

Please add what goes through your head when reading the tutorial. Is something unclear? Should I have approached certain aspects from a different angle? More general stuff like: Why do you think this would never be viable for instance? I really would like to see Techies picked more. For that to happen people have to understand his strengths, weaknesses and limits better, right? So these kinds of discussions are always valuable to have. =)
Level 10
Apr 18, 2009
Thank you. Like you'd like to see guides for different heroes with tips and tricks in the same style or what? Sure there are some other things I could do like Earth Spirit creep denial by pulling them into trees and stuff like that that would probably be helpful for people to know. It takes a while to do a guide of this quality though with everything double-checked and so on, so that'd be in the not-so-near future then. =)

I uploaded this one here first because I wanted some feedback on it before going on to upload it on a larger scale. Please guys keep commenting about anything that goes through your minds when looking at this, it really would help a lot.
Level 10
Apr 18, 2009
Thank you! Yeah maybe I will make more actually. Maybe something on blocking and dewarding the more important creep camps such as the pull camps. There have of course been many guides on that from other people, but I feel I could be clearer, invovle the exact spawn box lines and so on. That would be helpful to a lot of people I think.
Level 10
Apr 18, 2009
I don't know how much I could add in addition to the good jungling guides that are already out there.

Here are some of my personal favourite jungle guides:
Jungling Doom (dire jungle):
Jungling Lycan (radiant jungle):

And the following two videos are just interesting because they demonstrate very well how you can start in the jungle/utilise the jungle but still be helping your team, not just AFK farm:
Natures Prophet:
Crystal Maiden:
Level 10
Apr 18, 2009
Yeah I didn't have a reddit myself before but I figgured it was a good place to put a tutorial like that. Thanks for investing your time in this guys.
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