Map Problem! Cant Host It!!!

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Hi! I got a really strange problem... I cant host my map :S I can host other maps but I cant see my own map on battlenet in the list... I can see the test files when I aint on battlenet and I can see that the file is in the right folder! So pllz help me, whats the god damn problem? Excuase me my language, but I am really desperate. If u know what to do pllz answer me, cause I really wants to host it!
Level 10
Mar 16, 2009
Is the size too big(bigger then 4 mb) or is there start locations on one another with the trigger create starting units presnt. All i can think of noe I'll dl you current project and try to figure it out, nvm I thought the link in your sig went to a dl screen but it doesn't so . . .
Level 22
Nov 14, 2008
I have already tried to put it in other folders and its under 4 mb, here it is, I hope some1 can figure out whats wrong...

What do u mea with: "is there start locations on one another with the trigger create starting units presnt"?

with that he mean if you have set alot of starting pos' on each other and have a ini trigger creating units on starts pos you prob crash I think
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