Map Noobs Come Here!

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Level 16
Jan 1, 2009

To All Map Noobs

By A7xpwns3 and Ap0calypse

Hello all map noobs!

Did you know that proper coding, proper descriptioning, good terraining, and leakless triggers are all completely unnecessary?

A recent study by both me and ap0calypse found that popularity of maps on and their ratings from players is completely independent from these factors. Even when told all of the problems in the map by us, they only slightly decreased their ratings (Unbiased average of 4.2/5 down to 3.9/5)

Surprised? You should, especially since the testers were no noobs. They knew what they were talking about.

Some of these testers included but are not limited to:
  • 1ce - Pro GUI/Terrainer
  • Mf-Shroom - Pro C++, Jass, GUI
  • PLTN - Moderate Terrainer/GUI
  • ETC.

As you can see, these people actually knew what they were talking about.

Their ratings were downed by the simple fact that the game lagged from the massive amount of leaks.

Don't take my word for it? Ask Ap0calypse (On the hive)

Thanks, A7xpwns3!

Yes, this is a joke. It is not intended as trolling in any way or form.
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