map idea need feedback!!

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Level 3
Jan 10, 2009
Got a name now say if it sem good: Dark Galaxy Wars.
maker: jimd3 wc3 alias Dawn_Slayer.

State of Map: Planning and desition.

i thinking of making a Wc3 space orpg. i need a name first and i got some of the ideas of the map ready, but i need feedback if it is a good idea for map or not!!.
idea: space orpg whit 2-3 races the humans,andros and reavers. the game will take place in a galaxy look at history for the full info.

2 million years into the future the two spiral galaxys milky way and andromeda colided and created the galaxy of Xiora I. in the galaxy of milky way the humans on earth almost got devouerd by the colision when the 2 black holes merged into one. the planets neptune and uranus got sadly devouerd. in the galaxy of andromeda a space war was taking place, betwen the high-tec andros and the flesh eating Reavers. when the galaxys colided the mostly of the 2 races people was killed. andros lost their home planet, but they had enough outposts that survived to continue the war. the humans got right in the middle of the war. andros wanted an alliance whit the humans. 13 years after the request of an alliance the humans jumped into the battle. but the reavers had more ships, and the humans and andros was nearly destroyed. you play 50 years after the colision of the 2 galaxys, and the battle is going for an end. it is all up to a group of star captians, of humans and andros to destroy the savage reavers. play and fight for your life in the battle aginst the reavers or the alliance...!!

the objective of the game is random since it is an RPG/ORPG. you can help the andros an humans to destroy the reavers or(maybe be reaver and destroy humans and andros) or go solo and be space pirate or something else like Adventurer,dicoverer,space pirate, deivery boy and colonist(maybe). there might also be a galaxy destruction event when the senter of Xiora I devouer the rest of the universe and destroy every thing left(not sure i might add this event)you play around the senter of the universe and can travel to solar systems there might be 1-3 parts part 1 in senter 2 alittle outer and 3 furthest out where the war will end!.

Ive had REALY good feedback on this idea please give more but im starting to asemble a team to make the map!! ask me if you want to join it also you need to tell me how good you are and what thing you are good at. i need ALOT of modelers on this project. thank you for your good feedback! here is Reqruitment:
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Level 2
Apr 26, 2009
Awesome... I would play that.
Well The story looks great so far, Do you know all about the terrain and such so far?
Random +Rep
Level 6
Sep 13, 2008
Good idea. You should try to make this map if you have the patience. Even better you should make 1 map per planet and have save/load codes that work on them all. You will probably need a team to accomplish this anytime soon. It will be good to get out of the warcraft universe for a while.
Level 3
Jan 10, 2009
yeah ill add save/load and you travel in a small part of Xiora I right by the middle there will be like 5-15 solar system(earth will be included =)) the random nummber is not so random actualy it would be like 1 000 000 or soething but that is to mutch... so i took it maybe add som more years xD and it isnt mutch work actualy... its only flat ground(some planet you can land on or sumthing) the terrain will be easy the hard thing will be the ALL the triggers and spells and stuff but ill set up a team to get less work on my back =D.

edit: i got a drawed map ready i came up whit 12-13 solar systems and a secret planet. got like 16 Spells Upgrades and abilities ready too there are class spells too also 4 ship classes:
Deploy ship(a bigger ship that can release ships to go the fighting)
Battle ship(a smaller ship that can shoot multiple targets)
Sneaker(can create holograms to draw fire from the real ship)
Command ship(the ship that lead forces to battle and give nearby friends a 10% speed boost and 5+ damage)
these are classes and their class skills i might change them and these are just the planing spells and stuff
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