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[AI] Making My Custom AI work with a Melee Map

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Level 2
Oct 29, 2004
Hey all, ummm i am very good with world editor, i can do triggers, etc, but i started up the AI editor, and made my own AI, and it works, but i cant seem to get it to work on my map, and when i start it up, it doesnt do the AI i added, does the path matter? Warcraft3imported\Custom.wai blah blah? Can you tell me what i need to do, to make it load up? ive tested it with the "test Ai" but how do i get it to do my AI, when i play the map...PLEASE HELP!

Level 2
Oct 29, 2004
well what i am i did the add ai to map thing, then it shows up in the import area... when i play my map, it doesnt do my ai i made, it did the orginal ai it usally does, how do i get it to load up mine?
Level 2
Sep 4, 2004
The .wai is a binary file, the compressed form
of the script. Use File/Export Scipt in the
AI editor to get a .ai file, which is a text file
so you can look inside with notepad i.e. (and edit
it to get a better ai). This text file can be
loaded with the specific triggers.
If u use the melee ai load action, then u must
load yours first to work, because the first
loaded ai will play.

ps: if u use test ai, then u will notice that
the editor decompressed your .wai into the TestGame
directory with name WorldEditTestGame.ai. (So even
the AI editor cannot load a .wai directly.)
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