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Making a full TD [Reviewed: Ralle]

Level 4
Jun 27, 2008
First Thoughts
This is my recommendation if you want to make a new innovative map that everyone wants to play......
-Don't make something that has been done before!
(Example) A Maul such as Wintermaul.
(Why Not?) It has been overused so many times before, and these days you rarely see a maul anymore because everyone has played it and gotten bored of it.

-Make something new that features nice qualities, and effects.
(Example) Element TD.
(Why?) It features a new system to make towers and fuse elements to upgrade towers. Its hard to get bored of because there are so many possibilities!

-Make something that you created on your own and didn't steal then edit.
(Why??) I know its a lot faster just taking a already made map with levels, and such, but then you don't get the experience of working with triggers, and finding out ways to make a great TD!

-Always protect your map so people can't steal it!
When you protect your map people won't be able to take it apart and recreate a ripped off version of it!

-Always go to www.hiveworkshop.com if your stuck on something that you don't know how to do.
(Why?) Hiveworkshop includes many great tutorials on helping you with specific details on triggering, terraining, and editing!
Map Start

Step 1:Go to trigger editor. Click on the Initialization folder, and delete it. Make a new folder called Game Start, and make a new trigger called Game Start. Make the Trigger like this
  • Game Start
  • Events:
  • Map Initialization
  • Conditions:
  • None
  • Actions:
  • Melee Game - Use melee time of day (for all players)
You can also make sounds, and text for the start of your map to do that make a trigger like this.
  • Game Welcome
  • Events:
  • Elapsed Time is 0.10 seconds
  • Conditions:
  • None
  • Actions:
  • Game - Display to (All Players) the text: Whatever you want to say
Then go to the sound editor and pick out a cool sound that you want to play when you do make a trigger like this.
  • Game sound
  • Events:
  • Elapsed Time is 0.10 seconds
  • Conditions:
  • None
  • Actions:
  • Sound - Stop Music immediately
  • Sound - Play Whatever Sound you like
And you have created a good start to your TD.

Alright kids lets start your TD! Its extremely simple. I'll guide you through simple steps!
Step 1:Make a basic, or complex area where creeps pass through and towers are placed! You shouldn't need help on this step just use your imagination!

Step 2:Now lets work on pathing for the creeps to go.
Go Layer then Regions. You will see a region palette on your top right side of the world editor. Click add region. Then make a region for where the creeps will spawn. Call it whatever you like I prefer creepspawn.

Step 3:Now make a region for every turn you have and just name them things like Path 2, Path 3, Path 4 and so on. This will be the route that the creeps will take to get to the end.

Step 4:Now make an end region where you will lose a life when a creep enters there. Call it whatever you like. Then Make a region surrounding the whole area where Player 1(Red) Plays, or where every player plays and name it Whole Red, or Whole Players.

Step 5(Triggering):Get ready for some really easy triggering I'll guide you through every step just incase. First lets just say my Td has 4 turns in it so it will have 6 regions. Start, T1, T2, T3, T4, End. This will be the triggering. Yours will probably be simpler but you will understand the concept easily!
  • Trigger1:StarttoT1
  • Events:
  • Unit - Unit Enters Region(Start)
  • Conditions:
  • NONE
  • Actions:
  • Unit - Order (Entering unit) to Move To (Center of T1)
  • T1toT2
  • Events:
  • Unit - Unit Enters Region(T1)
  • Conditions:
  • None
  • Actions:
  • Unit - Order (Entering unit) to Move To (Center of T2)
  • T2toT3
  • Events:
  • Unit - Unit Enters Region(T2)
  • Conditions:
  • None
  • Actions:
  • Unit - Order (Entering unit) to Move To (Center of T3)
  • T3toT4
  • Events:
  • Unit - Unit Enters Region(T3)
  • Conditions:
  • None
  • Actions:
  • Unit - Order (Entering unit) To Move To (Center of T4)
  • T4toEnd
  • Events:
  • Unit - Unit Enters Region(T4)
  • Conditions:
  • None
  • Actions:
  • Unit - Order (Entering unit) To Move To (Center of End)

Step 6:All you have to do is that concept to connect all of your regions and you got the pathing completely correct! Well now that you've made pathing you probably want to test how it works right? O.K.!
Make a new trigger titled Test Level. And make it exactly like this!
  • Trigger2:Test Level
  • Events:
  • Time - Elapsed Time is 1.00 seconds
  • Conditions:
  • NONE
  • Actions:
  • Unit - Create 40 Footman for Player 12 (Brown) at (Center of Start Region)(Facing 0.00 degrees)
Step 7:Now test the map. If it doesn't work then recheck your work for any mistakes, and try again. If it did work than you got pathing easily down Good Job!

Step 1: Go to trigger editor, then go to variables. Its the yellow X. You will see a little box that should contain 3 categories. Variable Name, Variable Type, and Initial Value. Click on new variable its the green X. Set the Variable name to RedLives, and set the variable type to Integer. Make the initial value the amount of lives you want Red to start with, and then press Ok.

Step 2:Now lets setup a leaderboard containing the value of RedLives. Do this trigger Exactly!
  • Trigger3:Lives Leaderboard
  • Events:
  • Time - Elapsed game time is 0.30 seconds
  • Conditions:
  • Absolutely None!
  • Actions:
  • Leaderboard - Create a leaderboard for (All players) titled Player Lives
  • Leaderboard - Add Player 1 (Red) to (Last created leaderboard) with label Lives and value RedLives
  • Leaderboard - Show (Last created leaderboard)

Step 3: Now that you have created a leaderboard you probably want to see the lives value change. Well then make this trigger!
  • Trigger4:Lives Lost Red
  • Events:
  • Unit - A unit enters End Region
  • Conditions:
  • (Owner of (Entering unit)) Equal to Player 12 (Brown)
  • Actions:
  • Set RedLives = (RedLives - 1)
  • Unit - Remove (Entering unit) from the game
  • Leaderboard - Change the value for Player 1 (Red) in (Last created leaderboard) to RedLives
  • Game - Display to Player Group-Player 1 (Red) the text: 1 Life Lost!
  • Trigger - Run RedDefeat (checking conditions)
The Red Defeat Trigger....
  • Trigger5:RedDefeat
  • Events:
  • None
  • Conditions:
  • Lives less than or equal to 0
  • Actions:
  • Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in Whole Red Region) and do (Unit - Remove (Picked unit) from the game)
  • Game - Defeat Player 1 (Red) with the message: You Lose!
:grin: Yay! Horray! You made a lives system, and a pathing system for Player 1(Red)!!!!

A time to Think and Discuss

Alright, now that you have finished making the terrain, pathing, and the lives feature its time to take a break and think about how you are going to continue your Tower Defense. Ask your self these following questions.

Question #1:
How successful do I want my Tower Defense to be?

Answer #1:
Well I'd recommend that you aim for the most successful possible because when you aim high you have a less chance of hitting low. As you now think that your TD can be really successful you need to know that you need really smooth, long, and nice triggering features. I'll provide you with that, but you need to work hard to earn a good Tower Defense.

Question #2:
How long am I willing to work on this Tower Defense?

Answer #2:
The answer is simple.... as long as you can. Don't work on it all day though you need to take breaks, go outside, hang out with friends. Thats where you can really get your ideas from... looking outside. There's plenty that nature provides us, and creativity is definitely one of them.

Final Question:
This isn't really a question but an answer. Don't think that you can't get help on your map. Ask your friends on Warcraft 3 or go to hiveworkshop if your stuck at any time. Of course this tutorial should provide you with all your TD needs there may be more, and that's a good thing. Now its time to resume work on what we have so far. Lets begin....

Step 1:Finally you get to make your own levels right? Well before that we there's one thing that you have to make. Its a trigger that allows players to see the whole map. Its very important for a TD. Make a new folder, name it Visibility. Make a new Trigger and name it Visibility. Now do this.
  • Trigger6:Visibility
  • Events:
  • Time - Elapsed game time is 0.10 seconds
  • Conditions:
  • None
  • Actions:
  • Visibility - Disable Fog of War
  • Visibility - Disable Black Mask
Step 2:Alright now that you disabled the Fog of War, and the Black Mask its time to make a starting time for the beginning of the TD.
In the beginning you need to give people more time than in-between levels. So lets make a separate beginning timer. Make a new folder named TD Timers, and then make a new Trigger named beginning timer. Now go to variables, and make a new variable. Make the Variable name TDtimer, make the variable type a timer. Then press O.K.Now make a new variable. Name it Level. Make it an integer. And Make it equal to 0. Now make a trigger like this.
  • First timer
  • Events:
  • Time - Elapsed game time is 0.10 seconds
  • Conditions:
  • None
  • Actions:
  • Countdown Timer - Start TDTimer as a repeating timer that will expire in 1.00 seconds
  • Set BeginningTimer = (Last started timer)
  • Countdown Timer - Create a timer window for (Last started timer) with title First timer in...
Step 3:Now that you have your TDtimer you have to make the timer repeat for the rest of the game. Do this trigger.
  • Continuous Timer
  • Events:
  • Timer - TDTimer expires
  • Conditions:
  • None
  • Actions:
  • Countdown Timer - Destroy (Last created Timer Window)
  • Wait until ((All units of (Units owned by Player 12 (Brown)) are dead)Equal to True), checking every 1.00 seconds
  • Countdown Timer - Start TDTimer as a Repeating timer that will expire in 30.00 seconds
  • Set Level = (Level + 1)
  • Set TDTimer = (Last started timer)
  • Countdown Timer - Create a timer window for (Last started timer) with title Enemy Wave in...
Step 3: Alright now that you have the timer done, I will inform to you what it does. You see when you made a variable named level it equaled 0. But now every time that timer expires it will add 1 to the level variable so you will get a continuous flow of levels, but levels won't start until one levels creeps are all killed. Isn't that great? Of course it is.

Step 4:Delete your test level you don't need it anymore. Now lets make a couple of level triggers so you can understand how it works. Make a new folder named Levels. Then make a new trigger named level 1. Now make it like this.
  • Level 1
  • Events:
  • Time - TDTimer Expires
  • Conditions:
  • Level is equal to 1
  • Actions:
  • Unit - Create 15 Level1Units for Player 12 (Brown) at (Center of Start Region)
Of course you have to make a unit for level 1. Most likely you want to make it weak, and then the units will get stronger and stronger after each level. Lets now make level 2.
  • Level 2
  • Events:
  • Time - TDTimer Expires
  • Conditions:
  • Level is equal to 2
  • Actions:
  • Unit - Create 15 Level2Units for Player 12 (Brown) at (Center of Start Region)
Lets now make level 3 and after making level 3 you will probably be able to make all the rest of the levels on your own.
  • Level 3
  • Events:
  • Time - TDTimer Expires
  • Conditions:
  • Level is equal to 3
  • Actions:
  • Unit - Create 15 Level3Units for Player 12 (Brown) at (Center of Start Region)
There I showed you now how to make your first 3 levels remember to make different units for each one, and continue this level thing for as long as you would like. You can work on it whenever you want, but for now lets not make anymore levels and lets work on the next part of your TD.
Making Towers

Step 1:Alright now we are going to make some towers I'll show you how. Open up your object editor. Click on the new custom unit box. Make the Base units Race Human, and Melee. then choose the Guard Tower and press O.K.

Step 2:Alright on the top there's a thing called Abilities - Normal, remove all those abilities from it. Now change the icon and model file to whatever you would like. Then if you want change the tinting colors. Change the damage, and damage type, and change who it attacks to either ground enemy air, ground enemy, or air enemy so your tower can't attack other players towers. Change the Build time to 1 for Fast build, almost everyone in TD likes fastbuild on towers. Change the gold cost, and lumber cost. Remove Lumber Mill from the techtree requirements. Change the name and both basic and extended tooltips. And that's how to make a tower!

Step 3:Now lets make a guy that builds the towers. Go to object editor, then make a new object again. Keep it at human and melee. And pick peasant for the builder. Now for the Abilities remove Harvest(Gold and Lumber), and Call to Arms(Peasant), but DON'T REMOVE REPAIR. Change the icon and model if you would like. Make the Attack type None, and make the damage 0. So he can't attack. Go back to abilities and add invulnerability to him so he can't be destroyed. Then make his move speed 500, and move type fly. Change his fly height somewhere between 300-500. Remove all the upgrades used and structures built, and add your towers. Change his name and both tooltips.

Step 4:Now lets place the builder that you made on the map. Go to Layer and then Units. Go to human then custom. Then place the builder on the map. After you did you can continue making towers levels, and other features that you like.
Importing Models

Step 1:Importing models is an important thing to do in a TD, it can make your towers or creeps look better than before. To get a model first go to www.hiveworkshop.com and go the the Models page.

Step 2:Find a good model that suites what you are trying to make.

Step 3:Download the model and save it to a folder you will remember.

Step 4:Go on World editor and go to import manager. Click the Import File button and find the .mdx file of your downloaded model, and import it.

Step 5:Add the model to your selected unit, it will appear blank at first, but when you close and open world editor your model will fully load to your map.

Final Step:Don't get to many models because the more you have the longer it will take for your map to load!
Final Tips

-Don't Make certain Races/Towers overpowered
-Never make cheats to your game
-Protect your game
-Get help when needed
-Test your game all the time
-Focus and try not to make mistakes
-Make different types of levels like: Armored, Hero, Air, Ground, Multiplying ETC.
-Have fun!
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Level 4
Aug 25, 2007
This actually helped me alot.. Thanks! Even tho. I do exactly what you write, and theres still bugs in my TD. Either you could help me, or else it must go on being bugged >:l
Level 1
Jul 26, 2008
  • Wait until ((All units of (Units owned by Player 12 (Brown)) are dead)Equal to True), checking every 1.00 seconds
How i do that?
Yes, it's really hard to make this trigger:

Wait until ((All units of (Units owned by Player 12 (Brown)) are dead)Equal to True), checking every 1.00 seconds

If you cant tell me then at least post the map. :/

Edit: I found a bug when i was testing, or mybe i diden't do it right. When the creep comes to the END of the region the game exits to the desktop and Frozen Throne closes.

Edit: I fixed the problem, the game doesn't crash anymore.
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Level 11
Feb 14, 2009
  • Wait until ((All units of (Units owned by Player 12 (Brown)) are dead)Equal to True), checking every 1.00 seconds
How i do that?

Oziris said:
Yes, it's really hard to make this trigger

This is very simple. Just go to the Object Editor and set every creep's "Stats - Food Cost" to 1. Then create a trigger that will look like this:

  • Events
    • Player - <Creep Controller>'s Food used becomes Equal to 0.00
  • Actions
    • <Wave cleared, spawn the next>
Level 12
May 21, 2009

Unit - Unit Enters Region(Start)
Unit - Order (Entering unit) to Move To (Center of T1)

Unit - Unit Enters Region(T1)
Unit - Order (Entering unit) to Move To (Center of T2)

Unit - Unit Enters Region(T2)
Unit - Order (Entering unit) to Move To (Center of T3)

Unit - Unit Enters Region(T3)
Unit - Order (Entering unit) To Move To (Center of T4)

Unit - Unit Enters Region(T4)
Unit - Order (Entering unit) To Move To (Center of End)
Unit - Order (Entering unit) To Move To (Center of End) = Leak set end = (Center of End)
unit - Order (Entering unit) To Move To (Center of End)
call RemoveLocation(udg_end)
Level 20
Jan 6, 2008
This is very simple. Just go to the Object Editor and set every creep's "Stats - Food Cost" to 1. Then create a trigger that will look like this:

  • Events
    • Player - <Creep Controller>'s Food used becomes Equal to 0.00
  • Actions
    • <Wave cleared, spawn the next>

I dont think thats smart, isnt it better to just do this:

  • Events
    • A unit owned by player 12 dies.
  • Conditions
  • Actions
    • (Is there a variable for each level that you can insert in Conditions?)
    • If then else multi thing
      • If (it was lvl 1)
      • And
        • Number of Living Footmen? owned by player 12 equal to 0
    • Then
      • Show text
      • Start Level 2 Trigger
    • Else
For removing leaks? or?

EDIT: Catch_Ya posted while writing this
Level 11
Feb 14, 2009
  • Events
    • A unit owned by player 12 dies.
  • Conditions
  • Actions
    • (Is there a variable for each level that you can insert in Conditions?)
    • If then else multi thing
      • If (it was lvl 1)
      • And
        • Number of Living Footmen? owned by player 12 equal to 0
    • Then
      • Show text
      • Start Level 2 Trigger
    • Else

Huh? My trigger only has only one event, not multiple if/then/else statements. Why on earth should you confuse yourself with variables and multiple if/thens when you can replace that with just one event?
Level 12
May 21, 2009
you got these variables:
Level = integer (the current level of the waves)
Unit_Type = Unit-Type (The Unit type of being spawned)
Number = integer (The number of units spawned)

number of living (Unit_Type) owned by player 12 brown equal to 0
Level 3
Jun 21, 2008
Trigger4:Lives Lost Red

Leaderboard - Change the value for Player 1 (Red) in (Last created leaderboard) to RedLives


Level 1
Jun 25, 2009
im makin a mini TD and my 2nd wave (giant Kobold name:that thing) doesnt work it goes bout halfway thru my maze then turns around & goes bak 2 start

sum1 plz help its pissin me off
Level 2
Jun 27, 2009
In the beginning you need to give people more time than in-between levels. So lets make a separate beginning timer. Make a new folder named TD Timers, and then make a new Trigger named beginning timer. Now go to variables, and make a new variable. Make the Variable name TDtimer, make the variable type a timer. Then press O.K.Now make a new variable. Name it Level. Make it an integer. And Make it equal to 0. Now make a trigger like this.
  • First timer
  • Events:
  • Time - Elapsed game time is 0.10 seconds
  • Conditions:
  • None
  • Actions:
  • Countdown Timer - Start TDTimer as a repeating timer that will expire in 1.00 seconds
  • Set BeginningTimer = (Last started timer) <<<<----- HERE!
  • Countdown Timer - Create a timer window for (Last started timer) with title First timer in...

Just joined this website. :D Btw when did you made that variable "BeginningTimer" ? If you look at it beginning timer is a trigger instead of a variable as you said there. So how come it is changed? Just an opinion, in tutorial, naming something by using double quotes will make it easier to see.
Level 1
Jun 25, 2009
NVM I didnt figure out what it was but I fixed up by changin the object dunno Y it didnt work tho :p
Level 1
Jun 14, 2009
nice tutorial, but what about if a unit owned by you go in, the unit go to the other location, its the only prob, you should another trigger to fix this !
Level 1
Jul 11, 2009

i got stucked at the Wait until ((All units of (Units owned by Player 12 (Brown)) are dead)Equal to True), checking every 1.00 seconds trigger and it looks like other do to can you plzz explain it a little more proper?
Level 1
Jul 15, 2009
i got stucked at the Wait until ((All units of (Units owned by Player 12 (Brown)) are dead)Equal to True), checking every 1.00 seconds trigger and it looks like other do to can you plzz explain it a little more proper?

I am stuck on the exact same trigger. It seems that the creator of this guide no longer visits this site though, as the last date that he logged onto this site was back in 2008.

Anywho, if there is anyone out there that can suggest a better way to set up level progression triggers, please say somthing about it :)
Level 11
May 2, 2009
Level 3
Sep 22, 2009
Good day

I know the post is a bit dated, but perhaps still one reads it.

How should indicate so, I understand

"" Lives less than or equal to 0 ""
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Level 1
Nov 2, 2009
How do I make so that the timer starts over again when all the creeps are dead? (Player 12 brown food 0 thing)
Level 3
Nov 8, 2009
Help i really really need ur help

PLS HELP ME!!!! I GOT PROBLEMS... :cry: i cant find this...

Set RedLives = (RedLives - 1) <----About this, the (RedLives - 1) how do u get there?

Lives less than or equal to 0

Wait until ((All units of (Units owned by Player 12 (Brown)) are dead)Equal to True), checking every 1.00 seconds

Level is equal to 1 <--- from 1 to alot

Unit - Create 15 Level1Units for Player 12 (Brown) at (Center of Start Region)
For that how to make Level1Units ???

And under levels... You wrote Make a new folder named TD Timers, and then make a new Trigger named beginning timer.
Making that trigger is for??

Trigger4:Lives Lost Red
Unit - A unit enters End Region
(Owner of (Entering unit)) Equal to Player 12 (Brown)
Set RedLives = (RedLives - 1)
Unit - Remove (Entering unit) from the game
Leaderboard - Change the value for Player 1 (Red) in (Last created leaderboard) to RedLives
Game - Display to Player Group-Player 1 (Red) the text: 1 Life Lost!
Trigger - Run RedDefeat (checking conditions)

About that i dont understand... That is when Red lives is 0 or -1 of Red's lives ????

When 1 of my creep when to the end point, i still got 30 lives , it should -1 of my lives but my live in the leaderboard says -1 and i lost the game. Werid

How to add cold effect to a tower and when the tower attack the unit, how to make the unit have been slow. And for fire is burn the unit for a few second. And like when the unit takes more damage to nature and my nature tower attack that unit... it will take more dmg. how to do that???

And i my map got alot of problems...
I can send u the map to help me..But u must teach me too...
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Level 20
Jan 6, 2008
PLS HELP ME!!!! I GOT PROBLEMS... :cry: i cant find this...

And i my map got alot of problems...
I can send u the map to help me..But u must teach me too...

Make an Integer Variable, and then you use Set RedLives = (Value - 1) (ARITHMETIC)

Make another integer, using the "Condition" Integer

Use Wait for Condition

For each (Integer A) from 1 to 100, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Levels Equal to (Integer A)
Then - Actions
Actions, this will only run once, since Levels is only set to 1 of the 100.
Else - Actions

I would advice to use a Unit_Type Variable with Array, then you set it to 100, and create Unit - Create 15 Unit_Type_Variable[IntegerA] for Player 12 at Center of Start Position

Its so you know what the time is for that the new wave will come.

It will tell you what lives you got left, so it will set your life to lets say 99 if it was 100

Do you remember to reset the leaderboard/multiboard?

I would leave the red to someone else, not my strong side...
Level 3
Nov 8, 2009
I still dont get it

I dont get it... if u dont mind take a screen shot of it or make it a video... T_T its really hard to understand... i dont know where to get that... best is to help me like this... Make steps...

For ((All units of (Units owned by Player 12 (Brown)) are dead)Equal to True)
How to get that??? i in the wait for condition. den click condition den do what???

For each (Integer A) from 1 to 100, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Levels Equal to (Integer A)
Then - Actions
Actions, this will only run once, since Levels is only set to 1 of the 100.
Else - Actions

How to get that???

When i put Set Redlives -1 it means that red life is -1(negative 1)

And now when 1 of the creeps when to the end point. The leaderboard says -1(negative 1) and the game never ends...
Pls write in steps :(
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Level 2
Dec 10, 2009
Where do i find this Condition?

I cant seem to find the condition " Lives less than or equal to 0." Also this action i cant seem to find Wait until ((All units of (Units owned by Player 12 (Brown)) are dead)Equal to True), checking every 1.00 seconds.
Level 2
Nov 4, 2009
  • Wait until ((All units of (Units owned by Player 12 (Brown)) are dead)Equal to True), checking every 1.00 seconds
How i do that?

Hello, i found how you can do it. First make the action and then: "Wait for condition" then when you clicked on "Condition" use "Boolean Comparison" press on "Triggering unit is a structure" and change "Unit - Unit Classificaton Check" to "Unit Group - Units of Unit Group are dead" press on "Unit Group" and change it to "Units owned by (Creep controller)" then just click "Ok" and you're done!!!!

(If you don't understand something just ask and i will answear you).
Level 2
Jun 25, 2009
Lives less than or equal to 0
Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in Whole Red Region) and do (Unit - Remove (Picked unit) from the game)
Game - Defeat Player 1 (Red) with the message: You Lose!
How to do this plss reply asap.
Level 20
Jan 6, 2008

If you have trouble of the units being too seperated, simply set the Collizion size of the unit to 0.30 or something, it will look more proffesional. ^^

^^Also, You above

  • Events
    • Time - Every 1.00 seconds of game time
  • Conditions
    • Integer - Lives less than or equal to 0
  • Actions
    • Unit Group - Pick every unit in REGION, and do Unit - Remove (Picked Unit),
    • Game - Defeat. ^^
Level 2
Nov 2, 2008
Plzz help me..

I have a little problem, i want to make towers that the creeps can walk throug and i want to build the towers "on" the road.
but i have 2 problems..
I can't make the towers walk throug able.

I don't know how to make towers that can be build on terrain that towers
normaly not can be build on.

will someone plzz help me with this?

And ahow can you make that "trigger window" ?=

And BTW cool tut it willy helped me :thumbs_up:
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Level 2
Feb 21, 2010
I'm having trouble with the Set RedLives = (RedLives -1) action in the lives section. I have the first Set RedLives = part but not the rest, could somebody please explain to me how to got the -1 to go there?

Thank you
Level 2
Feb 21, 2010
I'm having trouble with the RedLives = RedLives - 1 action. Could someone please tell me where i can get that action? I have the first part but can't manage to fit in the second RedLives -1 action. Thanls
Level 6
Feb 18, 2010
  • Level1
  • Events:
  • Time - TDTimer expires
  • Conditions:
  • Level Equal to 1
  • Actions:
  • Unit - Create 25 Footman for Player 12 (Brown) at (Center of Start4 <gen>) facing Default building facing degrees
Ok i put that but it creates 25 Footman every like 10 seconds!
How i fix it?
Level 1
May 18, 2010
Set BeginningTimer = (Last started timer)

i cant find the variable beginningTimer?
or isnt it a variable?
plz help me