Well... I have an ubercool footman model. I envoloped the bones etc correctly.
Problem is with his cape
When I envolop the cape it gets its position changed with a great ammount.
When I move the cape after evoloping it returns to its position when I move the bone.
I tried to Copy cape, same thing happened
I tried to Copy cape as instance and evoloped again, same thing happend
It was in its original position and wasnt have changing position when envoloping
But it position was not correct and I decided to fix it, those things happened...
How to prevent this ?
Thanks for any incoming help attempts.
(well if you say "You cant" its ok I can move them after its done with War3 Model Editor... I found this solution now and I wouldnt ask it if I'd find before. I tought about not posting but want to hear the solution if there is one.)
Well for example I have a model and tought I need to edit one of bones... How to do it ? When I delete a bone vertex' return to their starting positions...
Im tired of building skeleton again (rebuilded 4-5 times)
Problem is with his cape
When I envolop the cape it gets its position changed with a great ammount.
When I move the cape after evoloping it returns to its position when I move the bone.
I tried to Copy cape, same thing happened
I tried to Copy cape as instance and evoloped again, same thing happend
It was in its original position and wasnt have changing position when envoloping
But it position was not correct and I decided to fix it, those things happened...
How to prevent this ?
Thanks for any incoming help attempts.
(well if you say "You cant" its ok I can move them after its done with War3 Model Editor... I found this solution now and I wouldnt ask it if I'd find before. I tought about not posting but want to hear the solution if there is one.)
Well for example I have a model and tought I need to edit one of bones... How to do it ? When I delete a bone vertex' return to their starting positions...
Im tired of building skeleton again (rebuilded 4-5 times)