Does it exist any scripts that makes a unit purchase from a shop, forcing an AI player to BUY a unit from a certain shop. In my map control panels "sells" units, so when you buy them you activate the panel. I want an AI to activate those panels, but I don't find any functions which can make it happen?
All the AI functions in the map it controlled by triggers and functions. I have no AI scripts.
Is there a code for doing that? A code which makes a unit buy a unit from a shop? Rep+ for useful help.
Closest thing I get is to select that "console" unit, I lack the step of making it buy the unit triggerwise.
(All questions related to AI buy mercenaries is unanswered which I googled. So is this impossible even with a jass script?)
All the AI functions in the map it controlled by triggers and functions. I have no AI scripts.
Is there a code for doing that? A code which makes a unit buy a unit from a shop? Rep+ for useful help.
Closest thing I get is to select that "console" unit, I lack the step of making it buy the unit triggerwise.
(All questions related to AI buy mercenaries is unanswered which I googled. So is this impossible even with a jass script?)