Update : 3 maps added
Give me credit if you use.
I use AMAI, a new IA created by Strategy Master.
As you'll guess, MacroTpM is a Macromanagement training campaign which is giving you the oppurtunity to get a perfect macro in all situations.
In this map you are able to choose between four types of trainings :
- Timing to creep
- Timing to expand
- Timing to produce
- Spying Contest
Timing to creep allows you to find out which is the perfect way to get your hero leveled up following certain conditions;
you want to creep without getting red Hp heroes ? Use the "damage taken' fonction to calculate the best creeproute for your army
you would like to compare your creeping to your opponent ? The number of creeps killed is here to help you !
Omg, my blademaster would love to steel some xp ! The map visibility fonction makes you know how to harass at the perfect time.
Timing to expand is the best way to find the right moment to expand fast, safely or smartly.
What's Timing to produce ? Well, if you want to know if you'll have your mass huntress before the human tier 2, or if you can try some tower rush before your opponent gets 4archers,
then you're in the perfect place !
New : Spying contest, you are playing a normal game, you try to beat your ennemy and you want to know exactly what are your weak points; then this option will
make you know important informations like the time of inactivity of your heroes, or the units you lost during battle and a lot of other stuffs !
You'll also be able to know if your spying was good or not, with a brand new option based on what informations you've got from your spying along the game.
To play, you have to choose one race and one type of training, then you can use the bonus options to start your game with some Bonus gold or wood
(this option has been created to give you the possibility to train your team build orders or starts, like if your ally was giving you some gold at the start of the game).
Important : A new IA has been added so you can train yourself versus a computer playing like a real pro player !
AMAI is able to harass, make tower rushes or fast expand and it'll certainly be a hard pain to face his micro.
spy, spying, IA, AI, Melee, Timing, train, training, multiboard, TPM, macro, AMAI.