LoZ: OOT Chronicles

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Level 5
Jun 8, 2009
:goblin_boom:Demo Released 10 Sept 10:goblin_boom:

--Don't Forget to Revisit Links Old House.

Note: This map isn't really a Single player game, if you go in by yourself you are going to have a really hard time, Recommended 3+ Players.

Any and all Feedback will be appreciated and will be greatly needed. I won't be working on this over the weekend but will get back on this as soon as I get back.

This Demo should be Fully Stable and completely beatable, You will get a message but the game will not end for you so you can continue to find the hiddens.

My map is Nearing 45% Completion, Meaning that My first Three temples, and a good portion of hidden items and quests will be available on the map upon loading.

Demo Will be Open To Everyone, However the map will not be open source to prevent people from going into the map and seeing where all the secrets are hidden :p If you want a open source of it you will need to message me personally.

Demo is still Scheduled to release on Sept 10

Demo Features
Max Level 15
3 Dungeons
Large Overworld
7 Quests, 3 pertaining to the dungeons. 4 On the overworld.

This is What is available to Date (update Sept. 13)
-12 Heart Containers
-2 Mask Quest Line with each mask giving their own Special benefit
(3 Usable Masks)
-Hyrule castle, destroyed and overrun by ReDead, will be restored throughout the game.
-3 Unique heroes which all have abilities which require players to work together to succeed.
-8 Magic Beans (similar to heart pieces but increase Magic instead of Hp)
-14 Golden Skulltulas. (These give a high Gold Drop)
-Dungeon System featuring Dungeon Items being purchasable after Being Collected the first time (to let other players buy them)
-Unique Ability quests given at Certain Level which is determined by Units Chosen Fairy (ex. Din link, or Farore link, all will get a different ability)
-2 Scripted Boss Battles
-Dungeons Featuring Puzzles
--Can you find them all? Type [-Stats] to find out

I plan to add more variety of heroes and to change the original 3 up completely, but for right now these three will be your characters and any and all suggestions are welcome!

----Story---- as of Sept 8th
It's been years since The famous hero of time Link left to find his missing partner. Years since the evil that threatened the land of hyrule was vanquished, years since evil had presence on the wonderful land of Hyrule. It only took seconds for the Evil Gannon to Resurface and destroy what was once sacred, what was once unified, what was once sanctified. With terror and destruction being spread throughout the land The Great Goddesses Din, Farore, and Nayru have come together to bring hope to hylians everywhere, Using their energy they Have Brought Forth reincarnations of great Hylian ancestors, One of Fire, water, and Wind. These ancestors have been given a difficult task, To return the 3 Sacred stones to restore the land to normal, and to destroy the 5 Evil beings in the 5 Monster filled dungeons to break the Barrier around the New fully formed Hyrule castle Black Citadel. This task, will be a difficult one indeed.

If anyone can tell me how to make a screenshot of the minimap you can get a quick look at how it's looking, I'm using alot of space of 256x256, Cramming the dungeons together and stuff (don't worry enemies are different players with no shared vision so enemies from D2 wont be attacking you or spellcasting you at D1 lmao)

Update Sept 07
-Just finished Scripting the 3rd and Final boss for the demo.
Going to add 3 more quests, a few more hidden items, Need to add more Overworld Spawns, going to do some doodading on the overworld, a couple more items. And we should be good to go, I changed my Mind, Im going to just upload the map for anyone to DL and Play, However, the map will be Locked, anyone wanting an open-source of it will have to PM me. This is not to be an ass, but merely to preserve the locations of the hidden items, and quest objectives. :p

Update Sept 13
Test Plays with other people have been fun, Its good to see that players have enjoyed playing and will continue to play the current version as is. (Most haven't been able to find everything :p.. We'll heres what I've added to the full version thusfar

Lost woods is complete 10 Squares of Goddamnit fuck this game i don't wanna figure this sh*t out. Although a good alternative would be to pay 2000 Rupees for a Deku to tell you the right path, if you can find him, also if he can remember :confused:.

I Buffed up The temple bosses abit, decided to give them chaos attack damage. Also major change to potions the Red & Green ones will now have 3 Charges and the Blue will have 5.

Dungeon Items are being given a little boost.

IF you are one of the unlucky 3 (really??) that downloaded the map you would notice that there are some major bugs, all of those have been fixed and the map has been made smaller, i removed some of the music files because they weren't being used anyway taking up precious space, i may re-add them when the full version comes out, or one of em anyway.

Overworld Spawns are little crazy, Deal with it, at low level your helpless if you run the overworld by yourself, Stay on the roads and you wont have to die :p.

-Later changing that you respawn from your dead spirit to keep the game having a constant flow (no fun in running all the way back, your team mates just wait for you anyway why not just save the time right?)

-The Hylian Ancestor of wind has his Crit Strike Skill Removed and is now Called Power of The Wind (grants only evasion)
-Hylian Ancestor of Fire will have his skills changed around and be given a new skill set.
-Hylian Ancestor of Water, Mana cost and cooldown of Healing spell will be reduced but so will amount healed. Amount healed slightly, mana and cd more.

-Shadow Of Gannondorf
-Given Double Attack Speed than normal.
-Will be given a second spell
-This boss will be scripted all the way down to start, Upon starting the fight players will be teleported into the fight, Since everyone wants to just run away out the door when hes casting his Meteor Spell :p While fighting this boss when you die you won't become a spirit and if everyone dies you will all spawn at the beginning of the Second Floor Ready to restart the fight.

-Mage Brothers will be given a +10 Armor + 35Attack and Plus 2950 HP. They will have a Mana Regeneration Aura that Restores your mana back to feed their Feedback ability.
-There is an issue with this boss where after you kill one brother the other is supposed to cast an ability that doubles his attack gives +15 armor and +10 Hp Regen, However when playing online he does not cast this or his other spell, will look into this and properly make this boss as hard as was intended.

Deku Plant
-His intro Teleports will be faster.
-Attack has been doubled and given a .55 Attack Speed increase
-+8 Armor +8 Hp Regen
-You will no longer auto follow him when he teleports
-Will have a new spell which steals 500 Life from a target player and Gives it to him. If the target does not have 500 life it will die and he will receive 1000hp. When he begins casting this spell you will have a 4 second time to get the fuck out of there.

-Helm of The soldiers Aura has been fixed, as well as the 3rd mask not showing up.
-King Zora's Kill the Infected Zora quest Zoras have been reduced to 15 (was 25) and will be buffed. Enemies will no longer spawn in that area while quest is active.
-All of Player 9s Units are now Invulnerable, seeing as how someone wanted to go on a mass goron and Zora murder Spree.
-Some of the doors that weren't invulnerable are now.
-Upgrades will now cost +50 more lumber per upgrade.
Working on a new lumber system that will reward all players with lumber rather
just the person who got the kill.

-Fixed a bug where if a player left and his hero died a heart piece would spawn where his corpse used to be. The Hero will now be removed completely after the player leaves.

-Exp Gain has been increased 35% For the Demo only.
-Fixed Ocarina Bug, Instead of 2 spells one making day and one making night, The ocarina will now just speed up Time to day or night, whichever is next in rotation.
-Fixed a Bug that caused the Bandits not to appear after finding the Town that appeared to be raided.
-Moved the Inaccessible heart piece to a new location
-Golden Skulltulas will now drop a token that will improve either Strength, Agility or intellect by 5. They will no longer give gold.

Newest Version Uploaded. Please Enjoy it :D Others have so I know you will! I need feedback this is what games are made of.


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Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
Sounds great, I love Zelda, and making it an OOT version is even better, hope you go through with this and finish it!
Level 5
Jun 8, 2009
I spent a little time detailing the map a little to give you an idea of where stuff is and where what isnt there is going to be...
-Kakariko Village
The villagers have evacuated as the mountain continues to become more and more dangerously active, this once inhabited town is now a ghost town with nothing but hylian soldiers to hold the gates to Death Mountain.
-Death Mountain
A Fiery death yields to those brave enough to go through the flames erupting from this mountain, Although the gorons seem to have found it peaceful minus the Strange infection that seems to be coming from the mountain....
:Dodongo Cavern
Strange wizards entered this cavern after volvagia was reincarnated...again... daring those that enter to test their might.
(For some reason Great Tree is blocking part of the dungeon on the picture, isnt like that in the game lmao so theres a little bit of room where that tree is thats part of) this dungeon.
Stalfos now inhabit this area to the zoras lair
-Zora City
An Area Full of Zoras
:Tomb of the Great Lord JabuJabu
After the death of JabuJabu a great temple was constructed in his honor, After Gannondorfs return he cast a horrible spell on the temple, infected zora have been found leaving the temple, they must be removed and the source destroyed.

The kokiri have since not been infected by gannondorfs spells, however that doesn't include the deku, Great Tree Guardians have emerged to fight the infected deku but are swiftly losing the battle.
:Inside The Deku Tree
The source of the infection of the dekus lies deep within the cast of the Great Deku Tree.
Lon Lon Ranch
Once full of horses now deserted from Gannondors Onslaught, Only malon waits here for the hero of time to return and save her on a horse.....

Stuff That is PLanned
Gerudo Valley/ Spirit Dungeon
Water Dungeon/Ice Cavern
Forest/Fire/ShadowTemple Also Little room for Lost Woods
Hyrule castle Black Citadel


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Level 5
Jun 8, 2009
Quick post here to remind everyone that The map will be Uploaded here on the 10th which is Friday. So far It seems that It will make it on that day unless something like a power outage or my internet goes down or something will be the only thing to stop me.


Also, I can't wait to hear everyones feedback on this, I've been working alot on this, I would say i put over 50+ hours on this already, I guess you could consider that slow for how much is done :( i dono, I will let you guys decide on the release, also, its open to everyone now. I've also updated my first post so don't forget to take a peek!

-Also, Does anyone know of any programs that can Change a TGA to a blp? I've tried to use the programs on HIVE tool section but none of them seem to work for me :(
Level 5
Jun 8, 2009
Sept 13th Big Update

All of the updates here are not in the posted version. The version That is posted now is fully stable and may be the last demo version to be released. Right now, with the great input i've been given from the public on bnet I will Continue to work on this map at full speed, even after halo reach's release date.
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
If I'm not mistaken this is literally the same map as another very old save/load Zelda map, same terrain and all, just seems to be scrapped a bit. Which of course is against the rules, unless credit is given and a statement saying that it is alright for you to edit.
Level 5
Jun 8, 2009
Read the quests you jerk-off before you accuse me of anything.

1st, its not the same terrain
2nd, it hasn't been "scrapped abit"
3rd, If you haven't taken the time to play and see this game and you just rushed to the forum to say that then you are one sad little kid.
4th, How come you can't even do a simple thing on the loading screen? READ QUEST LOG FOR CREATOR/MAP CREDITS noob.Thank you for trying though.
Level 5
Jun 8, 2009
Right now, i just finished doin lost woods, im doing forest temple now,

Heres my Productivity chart

-Forest Temple (15th)
-Fire Temple (17th)
-Water Temple(19th-21st)
-Shadow temple(22nd)
-Gerudo Fortress(23rd-25th)
(i wanna try to make a segment with patrolling gerudos and wiht low accusition range that when they see you you will get thrown in a jail for a short time :p while you do a goal ill have there)
-Spirit Temple(25th-26th)
-Gannondorfs Hyrule Castle Black Citadel.(28th)
-Clean-Up && Item additions as well as quests masks purchasables. (30th)
Oct 1st if I stick with this and fall through with Everything.

:Then additions after.
-Also those 4 pits will be used for something End-Game, Not sure what yet though however.
-Heroes at Level 15 will be able to go to their "fairies" cave to get a special ability from them which will level up at 30.
Hey chilla what you mean by standard blizzard cliffs?
Level 31
Apr 17, 2009
I'm talking about this:


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Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
Read the quests you jerk-off before you accuse me of anything.

1st, its not the same terrain
2nd, it hasn't been "scrapped abit"
3rd, If you haven't taken the time to play and see this game and you just rushed to the forum to say that then you are one sad little kid.
4th, How come you can't even do a simple thing on the loading screen? READ QUEST LOG FOR CREATOR/MAP CREDITS noob.Thank you for trying though.

It is the same terrain (I used to play that map a lot) which would mean that it IS indeed scrapped, I did take the time to play it, there was a bug at the very start after killing all the redeads.

If it wasn't scrapped, why is there the same trigger stating (The Gorons/Kokiri/Zora's need help in the dungeon.

The dungeons look exactly like that of the old game.

Either way, you shouldn't of lashed out for me making a statement. A true one at that.
Level 5
Jun 8, 2009
It is the same terrain (I used to play that map a lot) which would mean that it IS indeed scrapped, I did take the time to play it, there was a bug at the very start after killing all the redeads.

If it wasn't scrapped, why is there the same trigger stating (The Gorons/Kokiri/Zora's need help in the dungeon.

The dungeons look exactly like that of the old game.

Either way, you shouldn't of lashed out for me making a statement. A true one at that.

A bug ehh? what was that? Coudln't get the bridge raised? Couldn't sit there and farm xp while soldiers are attacking redead?

-You mean the help showing where players are supposed to go? Well hell then, I guess I shouldn't have showed players where to go.

-Did you read the quests, guess not,

The original terrain Is LoZ OoT Created by Nebu_Bei, Which is the VERY FIRST thing that the quest log says when you select the Credits Tab, does it not? ohhh you diddnt read it? Guess not nigga, try again next time. I explained myself thoroughly in the credits. I guess I must explain myself to you here since trolling is something common on your posts.

From starting, The original Units Triggers Doodads Switches, everything was deleted. All the dungeons, cities, the lake, was wiped. Hyrule Castle Town was made bigger, moved so there could be more room for dungeons. The ranch, smaller and moved closer to Gerudo to provide more overworld room, which is definetly not the same as original. It's like making a new flavor poptart, just because it's a poptart your not gonna say omfg you robbed kellogs thats againts the law!

Dude your intention was to come here and lie to the public telling them the map is a rip-off of that version which it clearly is not, and your telling me its wrong for me to go off on you? You damn right nigga. You wanna know whats againts hive?

That is what your saying i'm doing, which is 100% false. I Would never pirate a map and claim it as my own.
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
My intent was to never make you out to be a liar, and someone who stole a map. I was simply just reminding you to make SURE you did credit everyone, Nebu, though a creator of a good chunk, wasn't the only person. As shown in your link to MapGnome. (Bond009)

The bug referred to the footman that didn't let us receive the quest, meaning the portal was blocked, meaning nothing we could do but sit in this town, not being able to go anywhere.

I just have a hard time believing that you just recreated some of the triggers that was in the very same format as the other ones in the original map.

I came on this thread to see a Zelda map, that indeed needs to be recreated as a Wc3 map. Not as you stated to make you look like a thief.

Refrain from using profanity and other racial slurs, as you did in your post.
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
Both times, we tried everything, double click, right click, attack, we got no reaction from the guard, and just sat there.
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