Day's End RPG
Hey! I thought I would post the very early stages of the RPG that I am currently developing. The game is in extremely early stages without any content. Currently it is just terrain and small areas to test new skills; however, I thought I would post it here to prevent from losing my progress if something happened to my computer. Despite the lack of content, I would love feedback on the terrain (this might be the biggest area for improvement as I am not great at terraining), plot, game systems or implemented skills. Also, the current map size is huge as its based off the UTM 4.0 as a template. I plan on slimming the size down overtime as I work on the map, but it will still most likely end up a large map due to my love of high-res doodads. Hope you guys enjoy!
- Sidenote, if you do happen to take a look at the map and think to yourself that maybe an effect isn't quite as amazing as it could be. Or perhaps there is a model that doesn't fit, or just that an area needs an awesome new doodad that you want to make, I would love for you to contribute models or icons! I have no skill in modeling and therefore am using resourced models and am always open to new, potential awesome models.
Gameplay Overview
Day's End is designed to be a dungeon-crawling focuses RPG. Players select a hero and will level that hero from 1 to 100 by killing enemies, defeating bosses, and completing quests. The game will be playable for 1-8 players, with all dungeons scaling automatically based on the number of players who enter the dungeon. To increase the party play within dungeons, there are plans to implement a threat system similar to many ORPGs. As well as being dungeon focused, the gameplay is also very item and build focused, with high rewards for finding the right item drops to fit your character and playstyle. To support this, the stat system for Warcraft has been greatly extended.
Although very early in development, the end game has over 10 full dungeons planned, each with unique aspects, bosses, and loot. Included in these 10 dungeons and spread throughout the map, there are over 25 planned boss fights. Each boss fight will consist of unique AI for the boss and will require different strategies to complete. As well as intense dungeons and boss fights, I plan on eventually implementing a main questline and side quests. The attempt of these quests will be to provide unique tasks for the players to complete (limited fetch/kill x quests) as well increase immersion.
Although very early in development, the end game has over 10 full dungeons planned, each with unique aspects, bosses, and loot. Included in these 10 dungeons and spread throughout the map, there are over 25 planned boss fights. Each boss fight will consist of unique AI for the boss and will require different strategies to complete. As well as intense dungeons and boss fights, I plan on eventually implementing a main questline and side quests. The attempt of these quests will be to provide unique tasks for the players to complete (limited fetch/kill x quests) as well increase immersion.
Class and Skill System
The game will feature multiple classes, over ten planned, each with their own playstyle, strengths and weaknesses and build options. Each character starts with 4 abilities, including one passive attack ability to replace their basic attack. As the player grows this number increases to 6 as the player conquers different challenges.
To augment the build possibilities for each class, each class has 10 available Glyphs to choose from as well. A single character may have up to 4 of these 10 Glyphs active at once. Each Glyph alters how the skills of the character work and the character's role in the game.
To augment the build possibilities for each class, each class has 10 available Glyphs to choose from as well. A single character may have up to 4 of these 10 Glyphs active at once. Each Glyph alters how the skills of the character work and the character's role in the game.
Item System
As Day's End is a very item and build dependent game, their are plans to include a very large number of items that can be acquired through crafting, dungeons, or world bosses. As mentioned previously, one way to increase the amount of builds possible was to greatly increase the number of attributes a hero has. These attributes are increased based on the items a player crafts and acquires.
Alongside this greatly expanded stat system, items are given dynamic rolls. All items will be given quality rolls for their stats, altering how powerful the item is. Therefore two of the same items may vary greatly depending on these rolls. Items are also planned to be customized through the use of gem sockets. Specific items will have a set number of sockets in which gems can be placed, increasing the stats they grant players.
This is an extensive list of stats that a character can increase through acquiring items.
Attack Damage
Critical Multiplier
Cooldown Speed
Critical Chance
Damage Reduction
Spell Damage
Fire Damage
Lightning Damage
Cold Damage
Holy Damage
Dark Damage
Physical Damage
Attack Speed
Healing Received
Attack Damage
Critical Multiplier
Cooldown Speed
Critical Chance
Damage Reduction
Spell Damage
Fire Damage
Lightning Damage
Cold Damage
Holy Damage
Dark Damage
Physical Damage
Attack Speed
Healing Received
Alongside this greatly expanded stat system, items are given dynamic rolls. All items will be given quality rolls for their stats, altering how powerful the item is. Therefore two of the same items may vary greatly depending on these rolls. Items are also planned to be customized through the use of gem sockets. Specific items will have a set number of sockets in which gems can be placed, increasing the stats they grant players.
Quest System and Plotline
Coming Soon
I know what you are thinking, wow this all seems great. Sounds like you are going to make the single best RPG in the world! I am super pumped! But you haven't actually made anything.... It's an empty map with a few hills on it. Is there an expected timeline? Will it be done by 2030? Or is this a Game of Thrones Book type of deal? Well unlike everyones favorite fantasy writer, I'm willing to share exactly where I am at.
Extended Attribute System
Core Skill System (Helper functions for faster production)
Classes and Skills ~ 3%
Threat System
Although from the above list, it appears that I have done nothing, its important to understand this is a very new project and that most of my time has been devoted to the core systems which will increase production speed. Due to these systems being completed, it should take a very short time to add content. For example, the Dynamic Item System allows me to add an item in only one or two lines of JASS and the Skill System provides functionality to quickly add new skills or change existing skills.
Dynamic Item Generator (Random rolls, dynamic descriptions)Extended Attribute System
Core Skill System (Helper functions for faster production)
In Work
Terrain ~ 8%Classes and Skills ~ 3%
Threat System
Although from the above list, it appears that I have done nothing, its important to understand this is a very new project and that most of my time has been devoted to the core systems which will increase production speed. Due to these systems being completed, it should take a very short time to add content. For example, the Dynamic Item System allows me to add an item in only one or two lines of JASS and the Skill System provides functionality to quickly add new skills or change existing skills.
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