(banner by modafoka)
Big thanks to Mr Apples and his WW3G map for inspiring me to create this!
Warcraft III Gold General
Warcraft III Gold (wc3g) is warcraft, but better! In wc3g, there is more to do, more warriors to train, more upgrades to research, more options to create your army with, and [more races (coming in version 2)]
Wc3g, comes in all the melee maps you are all fimiliar with, plus a handful of brand new maps!
With all the new upgrades and units to choose from, you can literally create your army exactly the way you want, you can create a swift army, or a brute army thats all about melee, or a sneaky army that will piss off your enemies, or if you have enough resources, create an army with all these strenghts!
THREE new heroes for each race! thats right, 3 completely new heroes for each race. The limit on only 3 heroes available is the same, but now u have a total of 7 to choose from! Each hero will be as balanced as possible by the time this project is officially rleeased to B.net. You can create your very own strategy and choose the hero that best fits your strategy, discover their strengths and weaknesses, there cunning poison, stealth and speed, there brute melee skills that will plow down anything in their way, or their crazy abilities that will practically disable the enemies with the right strategy.
With the release of this next generation of warcraft comes an all new battleset. The game is now more balanced, but the main key to winning is matching your method and strategy through your whole army. However, there are a few ways that might help you overcome our enemies easier, for instance, killing a level boss (see below) will reward you with some extra strength, or maybe completing one of the many unique quests throughout each of the levels could reward you with something special.
Quests are now introduced into melee maps (undecided), in each map, depending on the size, there will be a number of quests to do, some of them are crazy and nearly impossible, but the reward is as good as the quest is hard, and on the other hand ther are quests that you could easily finish in a flash, but obviosly the reward is not as great.
Bosses are now in each map. Each map has a different boss, and the number of players the map supports will determine how hard the boss is. 12 players means the boss will take a few attemps to defeat, 2 players means you could beat it with a moderate army. Bosses give u crazy rewards when defeated. Items, attack bonuses, hit point bonuses, resourcesm sometimes all of the above.
Ranking System (undecided)
I'm not so sure im capable of this, but im at least going to try to create a ranking system using a game cache to detect how many times a certain player has won. Since the normal melee map games on B.net have a ranking system, i thought id give this a try.
A site is currently being developed by modafoka, when its finished, a link will be placed right below this paragraph. At the site, you can learn all about Wc3g, you can learn some special strategies, hints and tips, you can learn about each unit, both new and old, each upgrade, backstories on heroes both new and old, backstories on bosses, strategies for bosses, rewards from bosses, information, credits, and a forum for suggestions, bug reports, general wc3g chat, requests, ect.
Link unavailable (site under development)
I am hoping that Warcraft III Gold will revolutionize melee maps and become very popular very quick, and maybe even have a few clans made or so. only time will tell.
A Demo Version that will include the only the human race updated a boss, and a few quests will be released here and at thehelper.net by the end of this month. It will be in the Emerald Gardens map. It will include all the new units of the human race, all the new upgrades of the human race, 2/3 heroes of the human race, roughly 3/4 of the new items, some of the new passive buildings, a boss, and hopfully some quests.
The actual project of wc3g, is as u guessed, a pretty sizeable project, and I have no idea when the whole thing will be released.
Please share your opinions with me here, and give ideas, advice ect. all help will be appriciated. thank you.