Lore-writing contest?

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Level 7
Aug 28, 2010
Hey there, whomever decided to click this here thread.
I placed it under off-topic cuz yolo.

I made this thread due to the fact I haven't seen a Lore-writing contest since last year! >_> (Or there was one in my recent absence... if so, click back and have a nice day ^^)

It'd be great to see another contest where I can compete with my fellow writers to compose a lore of note :)

Thanks for taking time reading this and if you feel as strongly as I do about Another Lore-writing contest, feel free to express your thoughts in the comments.



Level 7
Aug 28, 2010
Well my fellow writers; Let us take to the polls in my opinion!

We get a very broad scope of the amount of people who'd participate and we get this show on the road! ^_^ I mean for that we'd probably need some willing admin/moderator to initiate such a poll, set the theme etc. etc. ...

so I suggest we put the ball on the roll :D

How many people would we need to initiate such a contest? I mean In my opinion around 12 should suffice (if not more than suffice D:)
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Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
- And whatever girls there is.

The idea of making the discussion thread was
that you should go there and discuss.

Please don't fear the link I provided, it's not
a virus, it's not a porn-site, it's not a scary
image, and it certainly isn't Gary Glitter.
- just... Ducking click it already!

And for all you upward-motion-eye-impaired handicaps out there:
- http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...-lore-mini-contest-2-theme-discussion-250500/
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