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[lore] Who (or what) is Elune?

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Level 14
Mar 11, 2017
This is a plea to all you lore hermits, lore philosophers, gods and demigods, and also lore peasants, peons wisps and acolytes, who pass this thread by.

I used to think Elune was a subject of faith and belief more than facts. She was the moon goddess sure but there were really no active interventions by her part, she might have existed physically or not. The theoretical goddess sat well with me.

At this point the divine interventions that qualify Elune as a factual deity and a significant physical power can be listed in dozens. Elune is there, whatever she is.

I have until now failed, however, to determine clearly what Elune is then. Swimming in the sea of theories and opinions, I'm frustratingly tempted to dub the following description as the most true:
Elune is a mass of inconsistent retcons worshipped by the night trolls. Err, night elves. Gotta have hotties in bikini for the sales.

Please you lore lord that reads this. Help this case out and shed some light on what can be concluded by the offizial sources on the nature and origin of Elune to date.
A brief TL;DR resumee of the thread is that nothing definite has been officially published about the nature of Elune. Most crazy theories are allowed at this point. There exist however some facts presented by the authors during the story. Some theories are more compatible with these facts than others.

A brief collection of some proven facts:
  • Elune is there from the beginning. She was present during the ordering of Azeroth.
  • Elune is not listed as a member of the pantheon. Nothing says explicitly that she is one of the titans and pantheon members lists are well known by this date.
  • Elune is not listed along the old elemental lords Ragnaros&co, (nor among the old gods).
  • Keeper Freya the titan-forged created life, the "wild gods" and the emerald dream during the ordering, not Elune. This seems explicitly stated.
  • Elune is not listed among the wild gods.
  • The pantheon created the pillars of creation and bestowed them on the chiefs of the titan-forged. Curiously the artifact that is named after her is introduced before any other mention has ever been made of her.
  • Elune is not made up, and is powerful beyond your average titan-forged keeper (archaedas is crouched, crying in a corner). She bubbles Tyrande from orbit when she's in distress during the wota: not even the supposedly OP demons can make something about it. She picks up the colossal mass of dead/dying Ysera and creates a constellation with the shape of the dragon in space without even giving sign of breaking a sweat.
  • Elune's powers, even though presented as linked to the night, moon and stars as opposed to the sun and the day, seem to be working during the day no problems in the few instances when she actually intervenes.
Some theories with pros and cons:
Elune is close to the Naaru. A Naaru herself, mom of the naaru, big sis of the naaru... What have you.
  • Morally speaking there is a loose proximity between the entities, as both are good-aligned divine things, that have something to do with light and can heal stuff.
  • Khadgar's and Velen's opinion support this theory.

  • Some of the powers of Elune are more linked to the shadow of the night than light of some sort.
  • Elune has moral sides that don't suit Naaru. She is presented as warlike at times and responsible of pretty aggressive magics that are supposedly based on moon- and starlight. Naaru are generally more Gandhi. / She has a clear sexual identity as female, and also displays dubious sexual tastes (at least from the point of view of a western culture), whereas the Naaru are portrayed as asexuate and seem not interested in sex at all.
Elune is a titan, specifically the spirit inside of the moon, similar to the way blizzard-narrator describes planets to have collective souls that are in truth titan eggs.
  • Consistent with most of what is known of her.

  • Her not having a form similar to the other titans, and not appearing among the pantheon members seems a little off.
  • A slight explanation is missing as to why she is conscious at the time of Azeroth's discovery (while other titan eggs/planets, most notably azeroth, don't seem to have that kind of consciousness), and how she takes part into the ordering of Azeroth (the pillar "Tears of Elune" bears her name). Furthermore, if she's the moon and a titan-in-an-egg, and even cooperated with the Pantheon to order the planet she is orbiting, it is indeed strange that the pantheon didn't bother terraforming her too not even a little bit.
  • If she is the moon it's not immediately clear how she displays her power over stars and constellations.
  • If elune is the moon, the other smaller moon needs further explanation. (let's be honest here it's clear as day that it's a cnp from prototypical fantasy worlds.)
Elune is a constellar, a cosmic starry subtitan thing similar to the character briefly appearing into the WoW lore, Algalon.
  • Consistent with most of what is known of her. Especially:
  • she being present during the ordering of azeroth, having clear connections to the Pantheon (the Tears of Elune being one of the pillars of creation), while at the same time not being listed as one of the titans nor as one of the titan-forged they created.
  • Plausible explanation for her powers being connected to stars and constellations and not to the moon exclusively.

  • However, Algalon and Elune are clearly and vastly different in aim, scope and extent of their powers. It's not immediately understandable why they can be considered similar.
Elune is a loa/wild god.
  • Based on the WoW item: Crumbling Ceremonial Vestments - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft that says that the pattern on the vestments can be similar to both Loa/Wild Gods and Elune cult design.
  • Elune supposedly mates with sacred divine animals.

  • However, Elune is mentioned before the creation of the wild gods. And she does't appear in the available lists of wild gods. This makes unlikely that she is one.
Elune is an old god. Maybe another reference to Y'Shaarj (or however that's written)
  • Cause yeah why not she could be deceiving everyone and be the evilest baddest evil ever. We're waiting on that fifth old god to be revealed anyway.

  • Theories like this fit almost any powerful character indistinctly.
  • Inconsistent with the named pillar of creation, with her reported moral alignment, and with what is known of her powers.
A relevant internal post that unfortunately doesn't answer my question but might be useful to read: Theory: Elune, Ysera and Tyrande.
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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Well the mainstream theory is that Elune is actually a Naaru as Velen stated as much, I've also theorized that Elune has a romantic relationship with the dragon Ysera. The phrase "Elune is a mass of inconsistent retcons" is a bit unfair, if you want inconsistency in the WarCraft universe I can give you plenty, the Old Gods and Lireesa Windrunner for example. The problem with Elune however is not that she doesn't stay consistent but rather that we know very little about her for sure.

So what do we know for sure, we know that Elune was present during the ordering of Azeroth as she is the creator of one of the Pillars of Creation, The Tears of Elune. This knocks out a few possibilities, she could for instance not have been a Night Elf as they came into existence later. But could she have been a mortal of another race? Yes and if she is one I think it most likely she'd be a tauren, as I've made a theory on the topic where I speculate whether or not the Tauren predate the Old Gods: The Tauren predates the Old Gods. Her personality would also align with her being a tauren as they revere mother Earth and it seems as if Elune is fighting to protect the Titan spirit inside Azeroth from being corrupted by the Old Gods and if "the Earth Mother" is any person it makes sense that it would actually be this Titan spirit. (It could obviously also be Therazane the Earth-Mother)

A second race she could have belonged to is the Trolls which is certainly possible as their origin is unknown, this however seems less likely as Trolls have been known to turn into god-like creatures although those are called Loas. While it isn't impossible for Elune to be a Loa it does feel a bit strange as that would make her far more powerful than any Loa we've ever experienced previously.

Those are really the only two main contenders for Elune if she previously used to be a mortal, however, she could also be something we've already encountered such as a Naaru, it seems that Elune being a Naaru is what Blizzard has been hinting the most towards, but are they hinting towards this to give us a clue or to mislead and shock us in the future? If Elune is a Naaru she would be one of the most powerful Naarus in existence and have had either no or next to no relations with the other Naarus which seems odd.

The final possibility I'd like to bring up is that she could be a Titan, which makes sense, the other four pillars were all created by Pantheons of the Titan and it would make sense that Elune was part of the Pantheon if not for one fact. The leadership of the Titans are very well documented so for lizzard to have entirely glossed over Elune, if she is one of them seems strange.

So what is Elune, I don't know and neither does anyone and the fact that she is poorly known is why anyone can project any view upon her. The Draenei see her as a Naaru, Trolls as a Loa, Taurens as the left eye of the Earth-Mother and the night elves see her as one of their own made goddess. And who knows maybe Elune is even the light that the humans praise. So really you can see Elune as whatever you want as we know so little about her.

But what do I think. I think Velen is partly wrong, I don't think Elune is a Naaru, but I think she is something greatly resembling a Naaru, in Legion Xal'Atath, an Old God, or rather a part of an Old God says, "I know the Naaru consider us horrors to be resisted, we do not share this view, they are merely beloved brethren that lost the true bath."

Consider those words, an Old God refers to the Naaru as "lost brethren", the writing is on the wall here, a Naaru is an Old God purified in light. But I just said that I do not believe Elune to be a Naaru, no, it is obvious that Elune posses power beyond that of a Naaru. So Elune would have to be more powerful than an Old God as we know she did protect the Titan spirit inside Azeroth from four Old Gods and she did so probably long before the Titans showed up. So if Elune is that powerful it makes little sense that she would be just a regular Naaru. What I propose instead is that Elune is not a Old God, changed into an entity of light but something far more, a Void Lord, cleansed in light. This would not violate what Velen said as he said that Elune resembled a powerful Naaru.
Level 14
Mar 11, 2017
Thanks a lot for your large answer man! I consider the case closed with this:
we know very little about her for sure

To me this rings like: "Blizzard says nothing definite cause they want to be free of feeding us whatever they come up with for Elune in the future, and as for now everyone is free to imagine what they want for the most part." (this translates into: "within the limits of what is officially known about her" which is, as you said, definitely very little)

I'll go ahead and comment on your thing of Elune&Ysera. I think the connection between the two has been made manifest in a pretty obvious way. A feeling of love is strongly implied but it really comes down to how much so: kisses and hugs are to be taken for granted, but remember our girl likes to bang stags.
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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Thanks a lot for your large answer man! I consider the case closed with this:

No problem I love speaking about WarCraft lore, even if you ask me a simple yes or no question it will turn into a 600 word history lesson. ^^

To me this rings like: "Blizzard says nothing definite cause they want to be free of feeding us whatever they come up with for Elune in the future, and as for now everyone is free to imagine what they want for the most part."

True, I presume they're saving her for an Old Gods expansion, at least if my theory is correct.

I'll go ahead and comment on your thing of Elune&Ysera. I think the connection between the two has been made manifest in a pretty obvious way. A feeling of love is strongly implied but it really comes down to how much so: kisses and hugs are to be taken for granted, but remember our girl likes to bang stags.

Well, Ysera has horns that makes even Apa'ros (Malornes) look tiny, it's not always about size but it sure helps to be storing some extra mass. ;) Besides if you read Dawn of the Aspects you'll find that Ysera is by far the most caring of the aspects a fact that would make her seem most attractive to Elune if the Night Elven depiction of her is correct.
Level 14
Mar 11, 2017
Asking for confirmation of the following:
  • Elune is not listed as a member of the pantheon. Nothing says explicitly that she is one of the titans and pantheon members lists are well known by this date.
  • Elune is not listed along the oldie elemental lords Ragnaros&co.
  • Keeper Freya the titan-forged created life, the "wild gods" and the emerald dream during the ordering, not Elune. This seems explicitly stated.
  • Elune is not listed among the wild gods.
  • The pantheon created the pillars of creation and bestowed them on the chiefs of the titan-forged. Curiously the artifact that is named after her is introduced before any other mention has ever been made of her.
  • Elune is not made up, and is powerful beyond your average titan-forged keeper. She bubbles Tyrande from orbit when she's in distress during the wota: not even the supposedly OP demons can make something about it. She picks up the colossal mass of dead/dying Ysera and creates a constellation with the shape of the dragon in space without even giving sign of breaking a sweat.
My conclusion is that:
  • Elune bears similarities to the titans as well as clear connections to the pantheon (the Tears seem solid enough proof) but at the same time she is not listed as one.
  • Elune has loose similarities with the Naaru in terms of moral alignment, but she doesn't appear as one (she doesn't appear entirely, to be fair) nor has an equally unequivocal connection to "the light" as the classic naaru. Elune's influence is very strongly depicted as being dependent on the time-of-day, with clear night-time preference, a conceptual connection to the moon and stars while not to the sun, and many bits of info that link her to powers close to the shadow of the night too.
At this point, the only other thing that I see in a similar position as Elune is Algalon from the wow lore. Same connection to stars and consellations. Both semi-titan gods and allies of the pantheon, while not really being titans themselves. Equally obscure background (seemingly intentionally left so). If I have to pick one alternative, it makes the most sense to me to think about Elune as a constellar, a cosmic starry subtitan thing.
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Level 14
Mar 11, 2017
Seen plenty of theories about it. Could be something like a titan spirit potentially? like the one inside Azeroth
Yeah why not. Just, pretty mean move by the pantheon to terraform big bro Azeroth and leave lil Elune-moon barren and lifeless for eternity. Also this "moon soul" idea needs to be stretched to accomodate elune's power over stars and constellations (demonstrated by her transforming living beings into actual constellations in the latest official wow) (unless you imagine a ptolemaic world with crystal spheres orbiting around azeroth and relative close proximity of moon and stars which isn't the case with blizzard's account of their cosmos, seems to me)

Edit: let's stress the essential concept here: Yeah why not.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Asking for confirmation of the following:
  • Elune is not listed as a member of the pantheon. Nothing says explicitly that she is one of the titans and pantheon members lists are well known by this date.
  • Elune is not listed along the oldie elemental lords Ragnaros&co.
  • Keeper Freya the titan-forged created life, the "wild gods" and the emerald dream during the ordering, not Elune. This seems explicitly stated.
  • Elune is not listed among the wild gods.
  • The pantheon created the pillars of creation and bestowed them on the chiefs of the titan-forged. Curiously the artifact that is named after her is introduced before any other mention has ever been made of her.
  • Elune is not made up, and is powerful beyond your average titan-forged keeper. She bubbles Tyrande from orbit when she's in distress during the wota: not even the supposedly OP demons can make something about it. She picks up the colossal mass of dead/dying Ysera and creates a constellation with the shape of the dragon in space without even giving sign of breaking a sweat.

That all seems accurate.
My conclusion is that:
  • Elune bears similarities to the titans as well as clear connections to the pantheon (the Tears seem solid enough proof) but at the same time she is not listed as one.
Actually the only thing proven is that she was in the local vicinity of Azeroth when the Titans appeared. While her being a Titan is an absolute possibility to our knowledge it is equally as possible that she was there prior to the Titans, fighting the Old Gods. Sargeras encounters a Titan spirit a bit after the other pantheon encounter Azeroth. This means that they would probably have been under Old God influence for quite a while and about the same period of time, yet Azeroth does not appear corrupted to the same extent as the planet Sargeras encountered. This could hint towards some friendly presence being there to protect Azeroth prior to the Titans and if that's the case only Elune makes sense. This is however just speculation and our arguments are locked in what you'd call a Schrödinger's cat situation, we need to presume that both are false and true at the same time.
  • Elune has loose similarities with the Naaru in terms of moral alignment, but she doesn't appear as one (she doesn't appear entirely, to be fair) nor has an equally unequivocal connection to "the light" as the classic naaru.

*cough* Priesthood of Elune *cough* I'd say that Elune's love child Tyrande is quite well acquainted with the light actually, and they have taken teachings directly from Elune.
  • Elune's influence is very strongly depicted as being dependent on the time-of-day, with clear night-time preference, a conceptual connection to the moon and stars while not to the sun, and many bits of info that link her to powers close to the shadow of the night too.
That's not necessary true, because Elune lives on the moon, she is believed to be the White Lady (aka. the largest of Azeroths two moons.) The moon is also more likely to be on the sky during night time which means her presence would be stronger. In fact while Elune is not always as powerful she is no pushover, her shields protected Tyrande from all harm against the entire might of the Legion and Azshara during both day and night.

At this point, the only other thing that I see in a similar position as Elune is Algalon from the wow lore. Same connection to stars and consellations. Both semi-titan gods and allies of the pantheon, while not really being titans themselves. Equally obscure background (seemingly intentionally left so). If I have to pick one alternative, it makes the most sense to me to think about Elune as a constellar, a cosmic starry subtitan thing.

Definitely possible though Algalon held a very minute amount of actual powers, he was essentially just a switch designed to pull the plug on Azeroth would the need ever arise, Elune however does. There's just not enough information to base any concrete fact, first there's also this item Crumbling Ceremonial Vestments - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft which suggest she's a Loa. Second we have Khadgar who thinks that Elune create the Naaru or at least the leaders of the Naaru which would support my theory that I posted earlier today. It is also said that at day she sleeps within the Well of Eternity which would make her an Old God, as the Well is the remnants of Y'Shaarj and how confucing would that be if Elune turned out to be a fifth Old God or the remnants of Y'Shaarj.
Level 14
Mar 11, 2017
Man tyrande doesn't heal shit. I wish she could save an archer sometimes but instead she summons a freaking owl scout. Only good things are that aura and starfall, which is the most elunish thing she got, and is the opposite of healing.

That elune lives on the moon and sleeps in the well of eternity is just a belief of the worshippers. It's like concluding that Santa lives at the pole because kids believe so. Those are not facts presented by ours truly blizznarrators, so for me they can very well be false as Judas.

She being an old god is inconsistent with the named pillar of creation, with her reported moral alignment, and with what is known of her powers.

She being a wild god/loa is inconsistent with the known facts because it is clear that mention of elune predates that of the loa and even their creator freya. The flavor text is nice but it's flavor and not a fact presented by the narrators.

Even the link to the Naaru, which is completely plausible, is not presented as a fact but they specifically choose to put it in the mouth of Khadgar, who is an individual character and expresses only beliefs and opinions, not story facts.

Finally, I think you're completely right when you point out that Algalon and Elune are on vastly different levels of power and can't be considered really "the same thing".

I concur with you that any speculation is completely acceptable at this point, yours included. I just prefer to adopt the opinion that is most consistent than the others with the published facts.
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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Man tyrande doesn't heal shit. I wish she could save an archer sometimes but instead she summons a freaking owl scout. Only good things are that aura and starfall, which is the most elunish thing she got, and is the opposite of healing.

Are you high, in War of the Ancients she is one of the youngest sisters in the order yet takes place as its head because of her unprecedented ability to heal wounds and save people that all other thought impossible which makes the others speculate that she was choosen by Elune, much to the dissaproval of Maiev Shadowsong. But if we're only allowed to invoke game mechanics look no further than the fact that her base ability in HotS is a heal or the fact that in Hearthstone she's a priest whose main ability is heal.

She being an old god is inconsistent with the named pillar of creation, with her reported moral alignment, and with what is known of her powers.

I never intended to make the case I'm simply trying to say that we know so little about her that I could spin any reality upon her that I want.

She being a wild god/loa is inconsistent with the known facts because it is clear that mention of elune predates that of the loa and even their creator freya. The flavor text is nice but it's flavor and not a fact presented by the narrators.

I know that Freya created the Emerald Dreams from where the Wild Gods would later emerge but I've never heard that she would have created the Loa. While I know Wild Gods are sometimes revered as if they were Loa's by Trolls they revere other entities such as Elune as a Loa too. In fact the WarCraft Chronicle even states that "Loa is the name given by trolls to the beings they worship, including some Wild Gods, spirits who have been a part of Azeroth since the ordering of the world." If you have anything that quarrels with this I'd love to see your source.

Even the link to the Naaru, which is completely plausible, is not presented as a fact but they specifically choose to put it in the mouth of Khadgar, who is an individual character and expresses only beliefs and opinions, not story facts.

Actually it was also Velen who made the statement that she was a Naaru. I wouldn't argue that it seems more likely that Elune is a Titan as you are basing that purely on the notion that a pillar of creation could only be created by a Titan, in truth they have most likely aligned themselves with Naaru on several occasions prior to the foundations of Azeroth, as the Naaru are a force of good and they are an older race than the Titans.

Finally, I think you're completely right when you point out that Algalon and Elune are on vastly different levels of power and can't be considered really "the same thing".

I concur with you that any speculation is completely acceptable at this point, yours included. I just prefer to adopt the opinion that is most consistent than the others with the published facts.

I know and that's why I'm utilizing this thread, you're making your case of what you see as the flaws in my logic when I say "A seems more likely than B" and I make the same arguments when you say "B is more likely than A" and maybe one, both or neither will change our mind, regardless if we do or don't that's absolutely fine.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
There's one thing I'd like to say about "a brief collection of known facts" when you say "OP demons" you are not wrong, but if anyone is OP it's Queen Azshara, even back then Mannoroth stated that only Archimonde may stand a chance against Azshara and that was before she got empowered by the Old Gods, if she was to fight any Legion member aside from Sargeras today her opponent would get absolutely demolished. How enormously powerful she is today one can only speculate, could she take on both Kil'Jaeden and Archimonde alone? Possibly, we have no clue. All we know is that even back then her powers were sufficient for Archimonde to be terrified of her and now she'd be exponentially more powerful.

If elune is the moon, the other smaller moon needs further explanation.

Does it really? A lunar object would not have been unheard of, it's absolutly fine if it's just a big space rock like Luna, Europa, Io or Titan.

However, Elune is mentioned before the creation of the wild gods. And she does't appear in the available lists of wild gods. This makes unlikely that she is one.

Great and all but you gave no counter argument to her being a Loa, Loas could very likely have been present prior to the Emerald Dream.

Also thanks for putting in my theory for Elune, Tyrande and Ysera. ^^
Level 3
Jan 21, 2014
May I join in?

To me this rings like: "Blizzard says nothing definite cause they want to be free of feeding us whatever they come up with for Elune in the future, and as for now everyone is free to imagine what they want for the most part."

Yup. Especially if you consider the vast majority of the facts we're analysing in this thread have come out only last year or so.

Personally, I endorse the theory "Elune is Azeroth's titan-soul", as there are many many things pointing in that direction:

- Elune being directly related to one of the Pillars of Creation, which is explicitly described as a titan relic
- Elune being associated with the Dragon Aspect Ysera, herself a product of Titan manipulation
- Elune being associated with the White Lady, one of Azerth's moons, which is itself connected to the Titans, as during its alignment with the Blue Child (the celestial event called "The Embrace"), its light shown down on Kalecgos bestowing him with the power of an Aspect
- Elune was said to sleep in the Well of Eternity during the day, the Well itself being formed from the life-blood of Azeroth's world-soul when Y'Shaarj was ripped from the surface of the world
- Azeroth's titanic world-soul is female, as Magni Bronzebeard constantly refers to her as such

So Elune is the name the night elves have given to the titan forming within Azeroth. You could say that Elune is Azeroth's titan fetus, or, if you like fancy words, that Elune is a titan in potentia.

The thing clashing with this theory would be "why would Elune be so closely associated with Azeroth's moon (so much that her powers seem to physically manifest as coming from the moon down upon the world) instead of, y'know, the planet itself?"
Well, my personal theory is that Azeroth's moons, or at least, the White Lady, was formed by the energies spilling out from the world's wound and coalescing in orbit.

Of course, this could also go well with the other theory "Elune is a powerful titan-forged thingy which resides in the moon", but I think that would be kind of underwhelming, especially with how much attention Elune got over the years.

There's also the other main theory, "Elune is a Naaru or something related to them" which finds its main support in the fact that the Tears of Elune were able to reactivate a prime naaru's core, Xe'ra, which was said (by Velen, no less!) could only be activated by another Naaru born of Xe'ra. Seems rather weird, doesn't it?
Khadgar even says he found in "some ancient cosmology tomes" that Elune MAY have CREATED prime naaru such as Xe'ra (and that's the reason why he tried to use the Tears on the core in the first place). I find this rather absurd considering it clashes with what Velen said and why the hell would a being living in Azeroth's moon have created the naaru during the great ordering of Light and Shadow?

Still, the Tears worked on the naaru's core, that is a fact. How they're going to explain that is beyond me.
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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
True enough @Sheron , but we still also have another possibility, to quote Blizzard "The Naaru looked out across the immeasurable universe and they saw a realm of limitless possibilities. They vowed to use their mastery over holy magic to spread hope and nurture life wherever they could find it." This seems to be far more accurate of a description of Elune rather than any Titan comparison in my opinion. And while you raise some valid points you also have some arguments who aren't really arguments at all:

- Elune being associated with the Dragon Aspect Ysera, herself a product of Titan manipulation

This really proves nothing other than the fact that she possibly had/has a romantic relationship with Ysera and even that means nothing. A individual doesn't need to share your origin story for you to associate with them, Elune for instance associates with Night Elves and Tauren very heavily two races that does not originate from the Titans to any knowledge ever presented.

- Elune was said to sleep in the Well of Eternity during the day, the Well itself being formed from the life-blood of Azeroth's world-soul when Y'Shaarj was ripped from the surface of the world

This was both mentioned and debunked in War of the Ancients as we see Nozdormu dip his mind into the well and being assaulted by the Old Gods. So if you bring up this theory as an argument it actually doesn't endorse her being a Titan but rather an Old God.

- Azeroth's titanic world-soul is female, as Magni Bronzebeard constantly refers to her as such

True enough but to be fair that had a 50% chance of happening, it's not really a huge amount of evidence when you say that they had an equal chance of being the same gender and opposite gender. Most likely Elune and Azeroth are both women because Terra and Luna are both women.

Well, my personal theory is that Azeroth's moons, or at least, the White Lady, was formed by the energies spilling out from the world's wound and coalescing in orbit.

But what would that make of the Titan spirit if she is split up into either 2 or 3 different astral bodies, wouldn't she be dead, I mean if you split me in two I won't be doing much of anything. And what bloody wound, Elune was present prior to the Sundering so I have no idea which wound this would be.

"Elune is a powerful titan-forged thingy which resides in the moon", but I think that would be kind of underwhelming

Not to mention stupid, did they create Elune simply so that she could create a pillar of eternity, seems like something's lacking there. :D

I find this rather absurd considering it clashes with what Velen said

Does it? If Elune did create Xe'ra wouldn't Xe'ra be a naaru born of Elune, then why wouldn't Elune be able to raise Xe'ra just like a child could raise the parent shouldn't the parent logically be able to raise the child? As the lore states "Xe'ra, the naaru prime, is one of the first naaru to be forged during the great ordering of the cosmos. She has an astral presence in the Great Dark Beyond, but is currently disembodied with only her sentience core remaining." Velen has never encountered Elune so how would he know if Elune is the parent, it seems more natural to presume that Elune is the child as Xe'ra was "one of the first" meaning that statistically speaking her being the daughter seems far more likely than the mother. But the fact that "one of the first" is being said leaves room for the question who was the first and why is that individual not the Prime, and it would make perfect sense that Elune is the prime seeing as she is a bit busy with Azeroth and therefore can't lead the Naaru.

and why the hell would a being living in Azeroth's moon have created the naaru during the great ordering of Light and Shadow?

No one said that she'd been living there since the ordering of Light and Shadow only for long enough to have fended of the Old Gods from Azeroths Titan spirit. In the WarCraft chronicles we find out that when light and darkness collided massive explosions occurred which created the first mater, it is unknown how long into the universes life-cycle Azeroth was created and how long into Azeroths life-cycle that the Old Gods came to Azeroth. We know from the first Chronicle that the Void Lords spat out Old Gods to random planets so they quite clearly weren't there at the start, however if their appearance took hours, weeks or billions of years I cannot say. There are also signs in the WarCraft universe that the Elements were not always thralls of the Old Gods but rather more like the elementals we see on Draenor as I bring up over here: The Tauren predates the Old Gods.

All I'm presuming is that Elune came by the planet of Azeroth, saw the Titan spirit and the Old Gods and fought to defend the spirit, that would explain why Azeroth was not as corrupted as the planet Sargeras came by.

Still, the Tears worked on the naaru's core, that is a fact. How they're going to explain that is beyond me.

By saying that she is the first of the naaru, it's really not that complicated, there are plenty of flaws in the Legion lore they are so many one could claim they are LEGION. (badum-tss) I even go into great depth on this issue over here: Theory: Shattering Time But quite frankly I don't see Elune being a naaru as one of them.
Level 3
Jan 21, 2014
Just a few clarifications:

- Elune was said to sleep in the Well of Eternity during the day, the Well itself being formed from the life-blood of Azeroth's world-soul when Y'Shaarj was ripped from the surface of the world
This was both mentioned and debunked in War of the Ancients as we see Nozdormu dip his mind into the well and being assaulted by the Old Gods. So if you bring up this theory as an argument it actually doesn't endorse her being a Titan but rather an Old God.
I didn't know that thing about Nozdormu (I never red the War of the Ancients books). HOWEVER, I know this passage from the Chronicles Vol. 1, which beats the books is terms of lore validity, as the Chronicles are basically Blizzard retconning much of the lore and combining it with new lore to make everything coherent. The passage reads:

"The [dark troll] tribe's mystics began worshipping the moon goddess, Elune, who they believed was bound to the Well of Eternity itself. They claimed that the deity slumbered within the fount's depths during daylight hours."

Now, this line isn't really important in itself, but the fact that it was restated once more, and the fact that the line RIGHT AFTER it states:

"the former trolls also discovered the name "Kalimdor" and other titan-forged words from communing with Elune and investigating strange artifacts scattered around the Well's periphery."

seems much of a hint to me.

I agree with the rest of what you said

All I'm presuming is that Elune came by the planet of Azeroth, saw the Titan spirit and the Old Gods and fought to defend the spirit, that would explain why Azeroth was not as corrupted as the planet Sargeras came by.

this sound very plausible, I like it!

there are plenty of flaws in the Legion lore they are so many one could claim they are LEGION. (badum-tss)

HAHAHAHA xD well, it's Blizzard, they make and re-make the lore as they like it. While I LOVE your Shattering Time theory (great work on that!), I think all that lore mess is there simply because Blizzard hasn't cared much for lore until Legion, and now they have this giant mess of retcons, contradicting facts and so on.

Still, I hope Elune doesn't turn out to be a naaru. Anything, anything but a naaru xD
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Just a few clarifications:

I didn't know that thing about Nozdormu (I never red the War of the Ancients books). HOWEVER, I know this passage from the Chronicles Vol. 1, which beats the books is terms of lore validity, as the Chronicles are basically Blizzard retconning much of the lore and combining it with new lore to make everything coherent. The passage reads:

"The [dark troll] tribe's mystics began worshipping the moon goddess, Elune, who they believed was bound to the Well of Eternity itself. They claimed that the deity slumbered within the fount's depths during daylight hours."

Now, this line isn't really important in itself, but the fact that it was restated once more, and the fact that the line RIGHT AFTER it states:

"the former trolls also discovered the name "Kalimdor" and other titan-forged words from communing with Elune and investigating strange artifacts scattered around the Well's periphery."

seems much of a hint to me.

I agree with the rest of what you said

I'll say something I get to say rather rarely, I actually didn't know that about WarCraft lore, but basically that only proves what we already knew, that Elune has interacted with the TItans, that could certainly mean that she herself is one but it can also mean that they worked toghether on the founding of Azeroth.

As for whether or not she slumbered in the Well of Eternity it is also stated that the Well of Eternity is what remains Y'Shaarj in the first WarCraft Chronicle which makes it seem far more likely, as far as I'm concerned that she's actually working actively to suppress the powers of Y'Shaarj and that would explain why she apears present near the well. She's evidently involving herself with the Well in some form of way, that's undeniable. But that the trolls would have stumbled upon the literal truth seems unlikely as it leaves massive plot holes. If she truly was to rest with Y'Shaarj then she herself would have to be one of the Old Gods or their servant. Both of which seems rather unlikely.

HAHAHAHA xD well, it's Blizzard, they make and re-make the lore as they like it. While I LOVE your Shattering Time theory (great work on that!), I think all that lore mess is there simply because Blizzard hasn't cared much for lore until Legion, and now they have this giant mess of retcons, contradicting facts and so on.

Yeah there have been pleanty of minor plot-holes before, for instance in the WarCraft II book, Day of the Dragon it is stated that Alexstrasza is younger than Tyranastrasz by quite a noticeable margin. So when reading Dawn of the Aspects I was the only idiot thinking, "where the hell is the proto-drake version of Tyranastrasz." But at the end of that book it was revealed that unlike previously stated lore said, Alexstrasza was older than her prime consort.

But that said, those examples are nothing next to Legion, there are so many plot holes in the lore from Lireesa Windrunner to well the entire f-ing War of the Ancients., it's depressing.

Still, I hope Elune doesn't turn out to be a naaru. Anything, anything but a naaru xD

Yeah I gathered that, it's sad when one of the two most likely outcomes is one you don't like.
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