Bob27: A good campaign. One thing that I think could be improved is the terrain, but still a very good campaign.
- Custom campaign with extensive Action-RPG gameplay and a highly customizable main character
- 8 single-player missions, 67 quests, 7-9 hours of playtime
- High quality terrain and cinematics, supported by many custom assets, optimized for Classic SD
- Fully voice-overed, powered by AI voices created from Warcraft franchise games
- Based on the novel Lord of the Clans by Christie Golden
Thrall's Origin Action RPG Extensive customization Follow the story of Thrall, Son of Durotan. Learn about his humble beginnings as slave to warchief of the Horde. Play an action RPG where you can master unique survival skills and master powerful combat mechanics. Choose from over 15 custom abilities, 14 unique upgrades, and 9 powerful companions to fit your playstyle.
- Install the latest version of Warcraft 3: Reforged
- Move LLLotC_SD_310.w3n to Documents\Warcraft III\Campaigns\
- In WarCraft 3, press Single Player, press Custom Campaign, select Lord of the Clans, press Play
Backpack Cooking Crafting Companions Your backpack doesn't just store items. It has its own abilities that allow you to create fire pits, cook animals, research upgrades, call companions, and switch abilities. Hunt rabbits, raccoons and boars, cook them at a Fire Pit, and gain increase to Agility, Intelligence and Strength. Learn to craft items that boost your healing, increase your armor, or create a variety of traps to surprise your enemy. Unlock companions to help you on your journey. From a simple dog, to powerful shaman and catapults.
Grom Hellscream Drek'Thar Orgrim Doomhammer Meet Grom Hellscream, the legendary chieftain of the Warsong clan, and the first orc who drank the blood of Mannoroth the Destructor. Meet Drek'Thar, the elder shaman, seer and protector of the Frostwolf clan. Meet Orgrim Doomhammer, the warchief of the Old Horde and Chieftain of the Blackrock clan.
Name | Use | Author |
Ability User Interface | Ability, Upgrades and Companions | OutsiderXE |
Target Indicator System | Target Indicators | OutsiderXE |
Bonebreaker | Knockback | Marcelo Hossomi |
Cutting Edge | Raging Strike | -Berz- |
Feral Impact | Leap | Marcelo Hossomi |
Filename (.mdx/.blp/.tga) | Use | Author |
AedelasBlackmoore | Blackmoore | Sxar |
AshenLogStraight | Tree Log | Blizzard Entertainment |
BasStrStake | Orc Stake | reinless |
Berserker | Council Member #1 | supertoinkz |
BlackShaman_ByEpsilon | Council Member #2 | epsilon |
Doomhammer | Doomhammer | Tauer |
Draka | Draka | PROXY |
blondeTC | Taretha (Child) | Alethos |
Durotan | Durotan | Tauer |
Hero_Arthas | Langston | Direfury |
FarmDoor | House Door | Nasrudin |
FelGuardGreen_ByEpsilon | Council Member #4 | epsilon |
FireElemental | Fire Elemental | alfredx_sotn |
Fishie | Sagefish | Kitabatake |
Fireplace | House Fireplace | reinless |
GrizzlyBearPelt | Grizzly Bear Pelt | Nasrudin |
Grunt Captain | Gargok | Stefan.K |
HeavyUnitTeamColor | Lieutenant Drake | JesusHipster |
HeroGlow | Hero Glow | Blizzard Entertainment |
Hero_Zuluhed | Gar'dal | Stefan.K |
HobbitonCarpetBlue | Carpet Blue | Olofmoleman |
HobbitonCarpetPurple | Carpet Purple | Olofmoleman |
HobbitonFloor | House Floor | Olofmoleman |
KopfAufSpeer | Head on Spear | Blizzard Entertainment |
Megaton Hammer by Sunchips | Thrall's Hammer | Sunchips |
NakedGrunt | Naked Grunt | Sin'dorei300 |
OrcAssassin | Grima | frostwolf |
Orc Hero | Council Member #2 | -Grendel |
OrcChild_v3 | Orc Child/Baby Thrall | ChevronSeven |
OrcSpearThrower | Spearthrower | General Frank |
OrcTent | Orc Tent | reinless |
Painting | House Painting | Nasrudin |
Paladinportrait | House Painting | Nasrudin |
Railroad | Railroad | xXm0rpH3usXx |
RPGOrc | Thrall (Gladiator) (Naked) | Tenebrae |
Scroll Unrolled | Scroll | Blizzard Entertainment |
ShamanFemale | Veteran Shaman | Cavman |
SpinFX2 | Whirlwind | Waldbaer, Donut 3.5 |
ThrallOnFootDoomhammer | Thrall (Warchief) (Black) | General Frank |
ThrallWolfBlueArmor | Thrall (Mounted) (White) | General Frank |
ThrallWolfDoomhammer | Thrall (Mounted) (Black) | OutsiderXE |
ThunderlordRaider | Veteran Raider | Mister_Haudrauf |
GreatAirElemental | Spirit of Air | Himperion |
RuinGolem | Spirit of Earth | Amdor |
UmgefallenerBaum | Fallen Tree | Blizzard Entertainment |
VillagerMale2 | Tammis Foxton | 67chrome |
Villager_v2 | Jaramin Skisson | Kitabatake |
WarsongGrunt | Elite Grunt | Tauer |
WhiteWolfhead | White Wolfhead | Nasrudin |
WineBottle | Wine Bottle | Blood Raven |
chair2 | House Chair | Nasrudin |
church_chalice | Wine Glas | xXm0rpH3usXx |
dummy | Invisible Dummy | Cookie |
necrolyte | Council Member #5 | Xaran Alamas, Rommel |
armchair0 | Arm Chair | Ket |
roundtable | Round Table | Nasrudin |
wall1 | House Wall | Nasrudin |
wallforwindows | House Window | Nasrudin |
Filename (.blp) | Use | Author |
BTNANA_InnerHeal | Mend | Anachron |
BTN/ATCSpell_Shadow_CurseOfMannoroth | Confuse | Blizzard Entertainment |
BTNAbility_Warrior_Challange | Duel | Blizzard Entertainment |
BTNAbility_Warrior_WarCry | Battle Roar | BLazeKraze |
BTNAedelas | Aedelas Blackmoore | Sxar |
BTNBash | Earthshock | The Panda |
BTNChickenCritter | Will of the Wilds | Marcos DAB |
BTN/PASCourage | Knockback | Mr.Goblin |
BTNDraka | Draka/Grima | Alex Horley |
BTNDurotan164 | Durotan | PeeKay |
BTNFirePit | Fire Pit | maxor_gan |
BTNFireSpawn | Fire Elemental | Blizzard Entertainment |
BTNFrostwolfInsignia | Tattered Cloth | Zach Fischer |
BTNHot Whirlwind | Whirlwind | zbc |
BTNINV_Misc_Bandage_15 | Bandage | Blizzard Entertainment |
BTN/PASINV_Misc_Coin_01 | Looting | Blizzard Entertainment |
BTNINV_Misc_Fish_04 | Sagefish | Blizzard Entertainment |
BTN/PASINV_Misc_Food_15 | Cooking | Blizzard Entertainment |
BTNINV_Misc_Shovel_01 | Shovel | Blizzard Entertainment |
BTNIceBolt | Ice Shard | The Panda |
BTNMuscleCharge | Indestructible | UgoUgo |
BTNNatureSeed | Tree Seed | BLazeKraze |
BTNOrgrim | Doomhammer | Svetli |
BTN/PASPowerSlash | Power Slash | The Panda |
BTNRagingstrike | Raging Strike | Hemske |
BTNRavage | Ravage | PeeKay |
BTNSpeed buff | Haste | Wildfire |
BTN/PASTheDoomhammer | Combat Aura | TheKaldorei |
BTNThrallNew | Dodge | dansaDisco |
BTNTuskarrBanner | Challenge | Mr.Goblin |
BTNWaterskin_11 | Waterskin | Blizzard Entertainment |
BTN_cr_GOBgogles | Visi-Goggles Mark V | CRAZYRUSSIAN |
BTN/PASicywolf | Howl of the Frostwolf | |
BTNinv_fishingpole_02 | Fishing Pole | Blizzard Entertainment |
SSHBTNRockGolem | Spirit of Earth | Blizzard Entertainment |
SSHBTNSeaElemental | Spirit of Water | Blizzard Entertainment |
SSHBTNSheep | Spirit of the Wilds | Blizzard Entertainment |
SSHBTNTornado | Spirit of Air | Blizzard Entertainment |
Filename (.tga) | Use | Author |
Composition | All | Dagren |
Durotan | Prologue | Alex Horley |
Ogre | Chapter 1 | Blizzard Entertainment |
Orc (Keep) | Chapter 2 | Blizzard Entertainment |
Orc (Pit) | Chapter 3 | Blizzard Entertainment |
Hellscream | Chapter 4 | Blizzard Entertainment |
Thrall and Wolf | Interlude | HeeWonLee |
Drek'Thar | Chapter 5 | sandara |
Shaman | Chapter 6 | Blizzard Entertainment |
Thrall | Interlude | Blizzard Entertainment |
Frostwolf Rider | Chapter 7 | Blizzard Entertainment |
Lord of the Clans | Chapter 8 | Blizzard Entertainment |
Filename (.wav/.mp3) | Use | Author |
Additional Audio | Additional Audio | ElevenLabs, Replica Studios |
HeroDoomhammerChieftainDeath | Sound | Blizzard Entertainment |
HeroWarden | Sound Set | Blizzard Entertainment |
Battle for Azeroth - GoblinGreed D | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Battle for Azeroth - HordeVictory3 H | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Cataclysm - Burning Steppes 3 | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Cataclysm - Cold Mountain 3 | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Cataclysm - Cold Mountain 6 | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Cataclysm - Cold Mountain | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Cataclysm - Durotar 2 | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Cataclysm - Durotar A1 | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Catacylsm - Durotat C1 | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Cataclysm - Northern Barrens Tune | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Cataclysm - Twilights Hammer | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Legion - Anduin Pt1 A1 | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Legion - Anduin Pt1 H1 | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Legion - Anduin Pt1 H2 | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Legion - DemonHunterP1 H | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Legion - DemonHunterP2 A | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Legion - DemonHunterP3 B | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Legion - DemonHunterP3 C | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Legion - DemonHunterP3 D | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Mists of Pandaria - Garrosh Theme Small a | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Mists of Pandaria - ThunderIsle A Stinger 04 | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
The Burning Crusade - CT BrazensFlightIntroUni | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
The Burning Crusade - CT DurnholdeKeepExtWalk1Uni | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
The Burning Crusade - CT DurnholdeKeepExtWalk5Uni | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
The Burning Crusade - CT EscapeDurnIntroUni | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
The Burning Crusade - IllidariWalkUni06 | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Warlords Of Draenor - Horde Battle Music | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Warlords of Draenor - A Light in the Darkness V1 | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Warlords of Draenor - Army Stinger 1 | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Warlords of Draenor - Frostwolf Ridge 1 | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Warlords of Draenor - Grommash Hellscream V1 | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Warlords of Draenor - Mountains of Nagrand A2 | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Warlords of Draenor - Quiet Heart A | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Warlords of Draenor - Warsong V3A | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Warlords of Draenor - Warsong V3B | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
World of Warcraft - BO OrcGeneralWalk Night02 | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
World of Warcraft - Battle02 | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
World of Warcraft - Mountain | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
World of Warcraft - Orgrimmar | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
World of Warcraft - PVP E | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
World of Warcraft - PVP F | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
World of Warcraft - PVP1 | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
World of Warcraft - PVP2 | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
World of Warcraft - PVP7 01 | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
World of Warcraft - PVP7StingerInfo | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Wrath of the Lich King - Mirmiron E | Music | Blizzard Entertainment |
Name |
Blizzard Entertainment | |
Discord members |
Patreon supporters |