• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Lord of the Clans (Classic SD)

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.
OutsiderXE Presents

v3.1 (SD)

  • Custom campaign with extensive Action-RPG gameplay and a highly customizable main character
  • 8 single-player missions, 67 quests, 7-9 hours of playtime
  • High quality terrain and cinematics, supported by many custom assets, optimized for Classic SD
  • Fully voice-overed, powered by AI voices created from Warcraft franchise games
  • Based on the novel Lord of the Clans by Christie Golden
Thrall's Origin
Action RPG
Extensive customization
Follow the story of Thrall, Son of Durotan. Learn about his humble beginnings as slave to warchief of the Horde.
Play an action RPG where you can master unique survival skills and master powerful combat mechanics.
Choose from over 15 custom abilities, 14 unique upgrades, and 9 powerful companions to fit your playstyle.

  • Install the latest version of Warcraft 3: Reforged
  • Move LLLotC_SD_310.w3n to Documents\Warcraft III\Campaigns\
  • In WarCraft 3, press Single Player, press Custom Campaign, select Lord of the Clans, press Play
Your backpack doesn't just store items. It has its own abilities that allow you to create fire pits, cook animals, research upgrades, call companions, and switch abilities.
Hunt rabbits, raccoons and boars, cook them at a Fire Pit, and gain increase to Agility, Intelligence and Strength.
Learn to craft items that boost your healing, increase your armor, or create a variety of traps to surprise your enemy.
Unlock companions to help you on your journey. From a simple dog, to powerful shaman and catapults.

Grom Hellscream
Orgrim Doomhammer
Meet Grom Hellscream, the legendary chieftain of the Warsong clan, and the first orc who drank the blood of Mannoroth the Destructor.
Meet Drek'Thar, the elder shaman, seer and protector of the Frostwolf clan.
Meet Orgrim Doomhammer, the warchief of the Old Horde and Chieftain of the Blackrock clan.

Q: What is Lore & Legends?
A: Lore & Legends is a rebranding for all existing and future Warcraft 3 projects created by OutsiderXE. It implies all of these projects share the same detailed continuity.
Q: What future plans do you have regarding Lore & Legends?
A: The SD versions of Lord of the Clans, Day of the Dragon and The Last Guardians are in maintenance mode. Future updates will focus on minor bugfixes.
Completely new campaigns and HD versions for existing campaigns are currently in development.
Q: May I update your campaigns? May I add a new language?
A: All of my campaigns are open source. You can change and upload them freely provided you don't change the original credits (you may add to them). If you want to add a different language, please contact me via Discord.
Q: What order should I play the campaigns in?
A: Each campaign can be enjoyed independently. The order by lore is: The Last Guardian -> Day of the Dragon -> Lord of the Clans.
Q: I don't have/can't play Reforged. Do you provide older versions or different languages for a campaign?
A: Please visit the following links:
Lord of the Clans: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dEOBBOYzLploULFKzys-nQhrLpmBsghs
Day of the Dragon: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OFX8LOqkuyp4XV7jQ6l5ps-Rv_ignUxb
The Last Guardian: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_QSnhzmv2fp-Tl3ywmUlrWIKpT8np461[/B]

3.1.0 (2023-05-29)

3.0.0 (2021-05-28)

2.2 (2017-12-25)

2.1 (2016-05-07)

2.0 (2015-01-24)

1.2 (2013-09-18)

1.1.1 (2011-01-13)

1.1 (2010-02-22)

223 changes
  • Renamed filename to "LLLotC_SD_310.w3n"
  • New campaign preview image
  • New animated campaign background image
  • New loading screens
  • Replaced difficulty dialog with campaign difficulty selection
  • Removed golden text for hotkeys in custom tooltips
  • Increased all map bounds by 32x32
  • Added auto-save checkpoints
  • Changed supported mode to SD only
  • Disabled all debug triggers
  • Added cheats
    • howhard = display mission difficulty
    • notimetowaste = unlock all campaign missions
    • ggwp = instant mission victory
    • allyourbasearebelongtous = instant mission victory
    • tts = toggle text-to-speech
  • Enabled item stacking
  • Fixed Pillage for Hellscream
  • Bandage can now also be used on neutral units
  • Clarity Potion can now also be used on neutral units
  • Increased crafted Land Mine charges from 1 to 2
  • Increased crafted Fire Bomb charges from 1 to 2
  • Decreased Fire Bomb cooldown from 12 to 0 seconds
User Interface
  • Removed and changed some dialogue
  • Fixed typos
  • Added sound effect for wrong usage of Ability Menu/Fire Pit
  • Replaced some transmissions with floating texts
  • Changed unit name of Aedelas Blackmoore to Blackmoore
  • Changed description of Craft Clarity Potion and Craft Net
  • Replaced minimap pings with minimap icons
  • Changed all defeat conditions to quest requirements
  • Floating texts are now centered above the speaker
  • Changed interface text for missing food
  • Fixed defeat messages
  • Added voiceover
  • Whirlwind model is now attached directly to Thrall
  • Removed Grizzly Bear Pelts
  • Fixed item drop/pickup sound effects for cinematics
  • New sound set for Doomhammer
  • New sound set for Durotan
  • Decreased Durotan shadow size
  • Decreased Durotan selection circle size from 2.0 to 1.3
  • Decreased Draka shadow size
  • Decreased Draka selection circle size from 1.5 to 1.0
  • Repeating sounds are no longer destroyed
  • Reduced volume of some soundtracks
  • new interface sound effects
  • Changed Snowsong's eye color to green
Combat Abilities
  • Decreased spell damage increase from 30/40/50/60/70% to 25/30/35/40/45%
  • Decreased speed reduction from 40/50/60/70/80% to 20%
  • Decreased duration from 24 to 6/7/8/9/10 seconds
  • Decreased mana cost from 30 to 25
  • Increased damage per second from 12/20/28/36/44 to 16/26/36/46/56
  • Decreased duration from 8 to 6 seconds
  • Decreased damage from 20/25/30 to 15/20/25
  • Increased cooldown from 70 to 75 seconds
Will of the Wilds
  • Increased duration from 10/13/16 to 12/16/20 seconds
  • Increased cooldown from 55 to 60 seconds
Hero Abilities
  • Decreased chance from 8/10/12/14% auf 6/8/10/12%
  • Is now displayed as a status buff
    Power Slash:
  • Decreased damage from 18/22/26/30 to 10/14/18/22
  • Increased chance from 10/12/14/16% to 15%
  • Is now displayed as a status buff
Combat Aura
  • Decreased attack speed increase from 8/12/16/20% to 7/10/13/16%
  • Decreased amount from 1-2/2-4/3-6/4-8 to 1-2/1-3/1-4/1-5
  • Decreased attribute bonus from 2/3/4/5 to 1
  • Decreased duration from 90/120/150/180 to 60/90/120/150 seconds
  • Decreased gold cost from 25 to 0
  • Now unlocks immediately for newly rescued Fire Pits

  • Decreased disabled range from 1024 to 768
  • Decreased all attributes to 5
  • Backpack no longer improves attributes with level up
  • Removed gold cost for all items
  • Fixed lumber cost for Lure and Net
  • Decreased disabled range from 1024 to 768
  • Decreased gold cost and increased lumber cost
  • Dog
    • Replaced Rush with Rush Aura
    • Increased hit points from 100 to 125
  • Other
    • Ability cooldowns are now reset for boss fights
    • Fixed optional quests being written as main quests
    • Decreased gold and lumber bounty gained from enemies
    • Spears: Decreased initial damage from 75 to 60
    • Fixed some typos
    • Changed icon position of Pillage
    • Snowsong: Decreased food cost of Snowsong from 5 to 4
  • Cut Down Trees: Bundles of Lumber are now automatically given to Thrall
Chapter 1
  • Moved a Mortar Team
  • Increased range for Hoarding quest discover
User Interface
  • Removed cave hint
  • Changed sound effect of Bookshelf to AltarOfDepths
Champion of the Arena
  • Added a hint that explains telegraphed spells
  • Increased hit points of wizards
  • Removed a Rune of Greater Healing at the Bandits fight
  • The quest requirement is now properly marked as completed
  • Replaced Giant Lizard with Vicious Bear
  • Added a cameo appearance during the Bandits fight
  • Decreased cast delay of Wizard Flame Strike from 4.0 to 3.5 seconds
Remember Jaramin
  • Runes now always drop at the first dead unit of an enemy group
  • Added a Rune of Restoration
  • Swapped quests and gameplay for Jaramin and the Skeletal Orc Grunt
  • Renamed Zombie to Jaramin
  • Increased level of Jaramin from 1 to 3
  • Increased scale of Jaramin
  • Inscreased scale of shadow of Jaramin
Remember the Orc
  • Decreased base damage of Giant Skeleton Warrior
  • Swapped quests and gameplay for Jaramin and the Skeletal Orc Grunt
  • Decreased level of Skeletal Orc Grunt from 5 to 3
Chapter 2
  • Taking Advantage: Units near the farm are now invisible until the fight starts
  • Hoarding: Fleeing villagerys and bandits are now hidden until the tripline is triggered
  • Hoarding: quest discovery can nowalso be triggered by a pulled enemy unit
  • One Last Push: Added shared vision for Catapults
  • Can't Build There: Moved some trees and a crate
  • Can't Build There: Northern Barrel of Explosives is now invulnerable until quest is discovered
  • Can't Build There: Keys will not appear until Barracks is found
Chapter 3
  • Decreased life of Bear from 600 to 400
  • Increased damage base of Bear from 18 to 24
  • Decreased life of Raging Bear from 900 to 600
  • Increased damage base of Raging Bear from 27 to 36
  • Removed quest requirement "Escape from the Internment Camp"
  • Increased Kelgar's starting mana to 100%
Volbir and Bolvir
  • Fixed Ratso Steamwheedle's name in Tank form
  • Added destructible rocks at the bridge, which must be destroyed to win the map
  • "Find the Warsong Clan" is now displayed at quest discovery
  • The last gate is now invulnerable
  • Fixed sound effect playing in the wrong area
Itsy Bitsy
  • Increased hit points of Orgus from 700 to 800
  • Increased hit points regeneration of Orgus from 0.25 to 0.50
  • Increased Reincarnation time of Orgus from 20 to 30 seconds
  • Replaced nets with various other items
  • Orgus's crate is no longer invulnerable
  • Decreased frequency of spawned Moss Creeper Hatchling from 5 to 7 eggs
  • Decreased frequency of spawned Footman from 8 to 10 eggs
  • Decreased frequency of spawned Bundle of Lumber from 11 to 13 eggs
  • Circles of Power are now removed after usage
  • Increased hit points of Shredders to 450 on Easy difficulty
  • Removed cooldown group from Tree Seed
The Dark Wizard
  • Removed collision from Ethereal Skeletons
  • Slightly redesigned first farm
The Blind Family
  • Quest is now triggerd only via Thrall
  • Intro cinematic: The murlocs are now hidden
Chapter 4
  • Tril By Combat: Added more delays between Grima's attacks
  • Sheepstakes: Sheep now die when leaving the area
User Interface
  • Orcish: Renamed Grunt to Tragg
  • Orcish: Renamed Warlock to Rekshak
  • Renamed all Orc Warlocks to Warsong Mage
  • Increased mana of Rekshak to 100%
  • Trial of Will: Removed second child
Chapter 5
  • Cold and Alone: Blizzard is no longer cast when a summoned Fire Pit exists
  • Twilight Lord: Moved Barrels of Explosives closer to Barracks
  • Twilight Lord: Moved enemies closer to one another in the boss area
  • Special Clothes: Shared vision with Leatherworker after obtaining all quest items
  • These Pigs: Added spell immunity to Pigs and Spirit Pigs
  • These Pigs: Decreased time from 120 to 105 econds
  • These Pigs: Changed pigs spawning from every 20/17/13 seconds to every 17/15/13 seconds per lane
  • These Pigs: Removed Spirit Pigs hint
  • These Pigs: Spirit Pigs now appear more frequently
  • These Pigs: Spirit Pigs now drop Runes of Minor Speed
  • A Novel Adventure: Relocated the shaman and his wolf
  • A Novel Adventure: The shaman and his wolf now hold position
  • A Novel Adventure: Shared vision with Shaman after obtaining all quest items
  • Pride: Increased duration of Feral Spirit from 20 to 30 seconds
  • Pride: Invisible companions will no longer attack enemies
  • Lumberman: Travel disabled while quest is active
  • Snowblind: Trees no longer respawn
  • Disabled Repair for Frostwolf Clan
User Interface
  • The Frostwolves: Added transmission about talking to the clan members
  • A Novel Adventure: Renamed quest "Lord of the Alliance" to "A Novel Adventure"
  • A Novel Adventure: Changed name and description of book
  • Special Clothes: Replaced Grunt with a Peon and renamed him to Leatherworker
Chapter 6
  • Spirit of Air: Moved a Rune of the Spearthrower to the Spirit of Air area
  • Spirit of Earth: Swapped positions of some golems
  • Spirit of Earth: Removed some kobolds
  • Spirit of Earth: Decreased starting strength of boss from 25 to 20
  • Spirit of Fire: Moved a Rune of the Spearthrower to the Spirit of Earth area
  • Spirit of Fire: Decreased gold and lumber bounty from Revenants
  • Spirit of Fire: Moved patrolling fires to the Spirit of Fire boss area
  • Reset life and mana of boses to 100% after fight
  • The Stranger: Disabled experience gain for Drek'Thar
  • Frostwolf Defiance: Decreased shelter difficulty
  • Gift of Earth: The Gemstone on the ground is now invulnerable
  • Snowsong: Other combatants are now invulnerable during cinematics
User Interface
  • Renamed player "Azeroth Spirits" to "Spirits of Azeroth"
  • Renamed player "Alterac" to "Alterac Forces"
  • Changed color of Blackrock Clan to red
  • Gift of the Wilds: Hint now runs only if no player unit is nearby
  • Frostwolf Exile/Defiance: Remove minimap pings
  • Gift of Earth: Renamed "Gem Stone" to "Gemstone"
  • Gift of Air: Added quest requirement "Avoid the gras"
  • Removed quest failed message when dying to a boss
  • Intro cinematic: Map no longer visible after cinematic ends
Interlude 2
  • Added sky
Chapter 7
  • Imprisoned units now start with 100% mana
  • Need More: Must now destroy weapon caches instead of collecting resources
  • Units outside the central village now remain invulnerable until the gates are destroyed
User Interface
  • Defeat Langston is now its own quest
  • Getting Gladiators: Circles of Power are now removed after rescuing the shaman
  • Outro cinematic: Some Grunts now use the Spell animation
Chapter 8
  • Reward from Chapter 7 now unlocks army upgrades
  • Added a Flawless Periapt of Vitality to Sergeant
  • Increased spawn interval from 38 to 55 seconds
  • Allies will now train one additional peon at start
  • Allies will now replace dead peons
  • Allies will now repair damaged structures
  • Allies who have reached the end of their lane will now attack nearby lanes every 90 seconds
  • Allies will now give resources after obtaining 300 gold or 300 lumber
  • Increased hit points of Watch Towers from 800 to 1800
  • Decreased hit points regeneration rate of Watch Towers from 50 to 0 per second
  • Increased damage base of Watch Towers from 60 to 30
  • The War Mill now sells 100 Lumber for 150 Gold
  • Can now sell items to the War Mill
  • Added a Periapt of Vitality to Blackmoore on Easy difficulty
  • Civilians: Removed all civilians from inside Durnholde
  • Durnholde: Slightly moved first enemies and orc buildings further away from each other
  • Durnholde: Decreased acquisition range of first enemies
User Interface
  • Civilians: Changed quest requirement to "Rescue 20 Civilians"
  • Civilians: Added minimap icons
  • Hints for the War Mill and the Altar of Storms now appear a few seconds later
  • Fixed upgrade descriptions
  • Split The Horde into players into Blackrock Clan, Frostwolf Clan and Warsong Clan
  • Outro cinematic
    • Building animations no longer play multiple times
    • Some Grunts now use the Spell animation
    • Changed initial time of day to 18:30
  • The credits music and normal music no longer overlap
  • Restructured credits

590 changes
  • Replaced Prologue
  • Changed Chapter 2 to Chapter 1
  • Changed Chapter 3 to Chapter 2
  • Merged Chapters 4 and 5 into Chapter 3
  • New Chapter 4
  • Replaced Interlude
  • Changed Chapter 6 to Chapter 5
  • Merged Prologue, Chapter 1 and Chapter 7 into Chapter 6
  • New Interlude
  • Changed Chapter 8 to Chapter 7
  • Merged Chapter 9 and Epilogue into Chapter 8
  • Removed Chapter 10
Multiple maps

  • Added more enemies on Normal and Hard difficulty
  • Added neutral buildings to buy abilities and upgrades
  • The Tattered Cloth is now a hero ability that restores 100/150/200 mana at the expense of 50 life
  • Added dynamic skillshot abilities to many enemy units
  • Stasis Traps are now also targeted as ground units
  • Gold, lumber and food now carry over between maps
  • Thrall gains some gold and lumber when not restored from game cache
  • Wand of Lightning Shield can no longer be cast on self
  • Removed creep experience reduction
  • Removed food cost for all non-companion units
  • Events are no longer triggered by spell effects
  • Clarity Potion is now combat-consumable
  • Clarity Potion now requires a target
  • Increased range of Clarity Potion from 0 to 500
  • Increased damage of Spears from 50 to 80
  • Most items now drop when the carrier dies
  • Immolation no longer damages neutral units
User Interface

    • Removed unused objects in editor
    • Updated campaign preview image
    • Updated score screen image
    • Updated loading screens texts
    • Transmissions and cinematics are now played in queues
    • Changed text in some transmissions
    • Updated duration of some transmissions
    • Changed color and text of leaderboards
    • Updated many quest descriptions
    • Removed many players from score screen
    • Gold Mines are no longer displayed on the minimap
    • Changed player color of Durnholde/Guards from Grey to Blue
    • No longer overwrites player name
    • Renamed Blackmoore's Keep to Durnholde Keep
    • Renamed Frost Wolf to Frostwolf
    • Renamed Shimmergalze Roast to Pig Roast

    • Removed unnecessary duplicated custom objects
    • Updated camera movement for all cinematics
    • Updated music during cinematics
    • Stone Walls are now visible in the Fog of War
    • Removed The Prophet from most scenes
    • Changed unit type of Uthul to Grunt
    • Increased scale of Snowsong from 1.0 to 1.1
    • Changed RGB color of Snowsong to 255/200/200
    • Fixed 3D sounds
    • Redesigned frostwolf camp

    • Increased maximum level from 10 to 20
    • Increased hero ability level skip from 2 to 3
    • Decreased acquisition range from 600 to 200
    • Increased food production from 0 to 5
    • Decreased agility per level from 1 to 0.5
    • Decreased intelligence per level from 3 to 1.5
    • Decreased strength per level from 2 to 1
    • Removed all traits
    • Decreased repair gold cost from 425 to 100
    • Decreased revive lumber cost from 100 to 0
    • Decreased revive time from 55 to 10 seconds
    • Thrall can now learn upgrades to improve himself or his companions
    • New hero ability Tattered Cloth: Restores mana at the expense of life
    • New hero ability Power Slash: Gain chance to deal area damage
    • New hero ability Haste: Increases movement speed for some time
    • New hero ability Dodge: Gain chance to dodge an attack
    • New hero ability Combat Aura: Increases attack speed of all nearby friendly units
    • Combat abilities can now be bought and upgraded in neutral buildings
    • Normal combat abilities now have 5 levels
    • Ultimate combat abilities now have 3 levels
    • New ability Knockback: Damages, knocks back and stuns an enemy unit
    • New ability Raging Strike: Move to target area and deal damage to all units in a line
    • New ability Whirlwind: Deal area damage over time
    • New ability Duel: Slow an enemy unit and increase ability damage to it
    • New ability Ravage: Deal damage to target units over time
    • New ability Earthshock: Now damages and slows enemies in a line
    • New ability Ice Shard: Deal damage and slow enemies in a small area
    • New ability Challenge: Deal area damage over time
    • New ability Will of the Wilds: Transform enemy units in target area into critters
    • Indestructible
      • Decreased cooldown from 90 to 50 seconds
      • Decreased mana cost from 100 to 90
    • Rage: Removed
    • Storm Bolt: Removed
    • Earthshatter: Removed
    • Raging Strike: Is now stopped when hero when hero is ensnared or stunned
    • Changed unit name in black armor from Far Seer to Warchief
    • Changed revive hotkey to W

    • New hero unit that helps Thrall with non-combat abilities
    • Abilities, Upgrades and Companions: Allows improving combat abilities, researching upgrades and hiring companions
    • Build Fire Pit: Allows activating combat abilities, heals all nearby units, allows Cooking, burns lumber per second
    • Crafting: Consumes gold and lumber to create various perishable items
    • Cooking: Cooks small animals to gain temporary additional attribute points
    • Looting: Increases amount of gold and lumber gained from slain enemies
    • Inventory: Increases the inventory size of the Backpack

    • Decreases acquisition range from 1700 to 600
    • Decreased death time from 20 to 2.1 seconds
    • Decreased repair gold cost from 425 to 100
    • Decreased revive lumber cost from 100 to 0
    • Decreased revive time from 55 to 10 seconds
    • Replaced Far Sight with Lightning Shield
    • Decreased agility per level from 1.0 to 0.5
    • Decreased intelligence per level from 3.0 to 1.5
    • Decreased strength per level from 2.0 to 1.0
    • Decreased damage of Chain Lightning from 85/125/180 to 80/120/160

    • Decreased agility per level from 1.75 to 0.87
    • Decreased intelligence per level from 2.25 to 1.13
    • Decreased strength per level from 2.0 to 1.0

    • New model by Tauer
    • Replaced Thorns Aura with Shockwave
    • Changed hotkey of Thunder Clap from Q to W
    • Increased movement speed from 250 to 300
    • Resurrection no longer works on allied units
    • Decreased damage of Thunder Clap from 60/100/140 to 50/80/110
    • Decreased damage of Shockwave from 75/130/200 to 70/110/150
    • Decreased damage increased of Battle Roar from 5/10/15 to 5/8/11
    • Increased attack cooldown from 1.77 to 2.05
    • Decreased agility per level from 1.75 to 0.87
    • Decreased intelligence per level from 1.5 to 0.75
    • Decreased strength per level from 2.25 to 1.13
    • Decreased amount of resurrectable units from 6 to 5

    • Slain enemies now always give gold bounty, sometimes lumber bounty
    • Changed armor type of neutral buildings from Fortified to Large
    • Changed life of neutral buildings to 75
    • Increased inventory item capacity for veteran units from 2 to 6
    • Enemy air units can now be hit by ground attacks
    • Decreased attack range of enemy air units
    • Veteran units can now use items
    • Veteran Shaman
      • Changed hotkey of Purge from G to Q
      • Changed hotkey of Lightning Shield from L to W
      • Changed hotkey of Bloodlust from B to E
    • Veteran Raider
      • Changed hotkey of Ensnare from E to Q
      • Increased armor from 0 to 2
    • Dog
      • Increased hit points to 100
      • Decreased speed of Dog from 400 to 270
      • New ability Rush: Increases movement speed for a short duration
      • New ability Howl: Decreases atack damage of nearby enemies by 20%
    • Gnoll: Increased hit points from 100 to 240
    • Gnoll Poacher
      • Increased hit points from 100 to 240
      • Increased damage base from 10 to 12
    • Gnoll Assassin
      • Increased hit points from 150 ro 320
      • Increased damage base from 15 to 20
    • Gnoll Warden
      • Increased hit points from 170 ro 330
      • Increased damage base from 17 to 20
    • Gnoll Brute
      • Increased hit points from 180 ro 400
      • Increased damage base from 12 to 13
    • Gnoll Overseer
      • Increased hit points from 230 to 750
      • Increased damage base from 20 to 23
    • Murloc Hut/Gnoll Hut
      • Changed armor type from Fortified to Large
      • Decreeased hit points from 125 to 75
    • Golems are no longer immune to magic
    • Removed Shadow Meld from Spearthrower
    • Elite Knights now benefit from upgrades
    • Increased hit points and damage of most types of enemies
    • Catapults can no longer attack walls
    • Changed hit visuals for Moving Fire
    • Priests can no longer heal themselves
    • Decreased hit points of Frostwolf from 1000 to 700
    • Changed hotkey of Roar from R to Q

    • Replaced Prologue with scenes from old Chapter 1
    • Renamed to "Among the Dead"
    • Death sounds are now played during cinematic
Chapter 1

    • Increased map size from 96x64 to 128x96
    • Decreased experience rate from 120%/75%/70% to 40%
    • Increased maximum level to 4
    • The glaive can no longer be selected
    • Changed damage radius of glaive from 144 to 96
    • Turned day/night cycle on
    • Removed quest "Good, Bad and Orc"
    • Added new quest "Remember the Foxtons"
    • Added new quest "Remember Jaramin"
    • Added new quest "Remember Sergeant"
    • Added new quest "Remember the Orc"
    • Added new areas for optional quests
    • Removed most Question Mark items for optional quests
    • Time of day will no longer change until meeting Taretha
    • Taretha's Letter now increases intelligence when used
User Interface

    • New player "Vermin"
    • Renamed item "Remember Jaramin Skisson" to "Remember Jaramin"
    • Renamed player "Citizens" to "Durnholde"
    • Renamed player "Guards" to "Alliance of Lordaeron"
    • Increased level of Sergeant from 1 to 5

    • Redesigned Durnholde
    • Removed various visibility modifiers
    • Reduced amount of texture flickering
    • Removed some water sound regions
    • Foxtons cinematic: Replaced The Prophet with additional scene
    • Sergeant cinematic: Replaced War Stomp with Earthshock
    • Orc cinematic: The orc now fights back
Champion of the Arena

    • Increased number of enemies that drop runes
    • Can no longer exit a fight
    • The map is now lost if Thrall dies outside the arena
    • No longer creates a Tome of Experience after an optional cinematic
    • Some footmen will now change positions after beating opponents
    • Quest requirement is now properly marked as completed
    • Soldiers
      • Changed dialog button to "Soldiers"
      • Replaced a footman with a Knight
      • Decreased base damage of footmen from 15 to 13
      • Decreased life of footmen from from 500 to 475
      • Removed Flame Strike
      • Moved Net closer to Thrall
    • Troll
      • Removed Sentry Ward, Stasis Trap Wards, Bloodlust and Trueshot Aura
      • Decrease hit points of Healing Ward from 40 to 30
      • Replaced most Trolls with Spiders
      • Added spikes that can damage any unit
      • Decreased number of charges for Spears from 4 to 3
    • Bandits
      • Redesigned area
      • Giant Lizard is now vulnerable
      • Increased collision size of Giant Lizard from 0 to 60
      • Decreased hit points of Giant Lizard from 3000 to 1200
      • Replaced scripted with normal attack behaviour for Gianz Lizard
      • Removed automatic trample damage by Giant Lizard
      • Increased acquisition range of Giant Lizard from 500 to 1200
      • Increased damage base of Enforcers from 10 to 12
      • Increased hit points of Enforcers from 550 to 600
      • Must now also slay the Giant Lizard to win
      • Added an Assassin on Hard difficulty
      • Wizards
      • Redesigned area
      • Added an Elevator to reach the lower enemy
      • Replaced Dwarves with Wizards
    • Ogre
      • Fixed timing of Glaive damage
      • Added Hero Glow to the Ogre Gladiator
      • Increased hit points of Ogre Gladiator from 1200/1200/1300 to 1500/1500/1700
      • Increased movement speed of Ogre Gladiator from 170 to 220
      • Increased damage base of Ogre Gladiator from 15/15/17 to 17/17/20
      • The Glaive now only drops a Rune of Lesser Healing every third time
      • Increased Glaive damage to Ogre from 0 to 30
Chapter 2

    • Increased map size from 96x96 to 128x128
    • Added some areas from Chapter 4
    • Moved the dog northeast
    • Finding the dog now unlocks a new spell for Thrall
    • Moved a child southeast
    • Increased maximum level from 3 to 7
    • Added new quest "Scouting"
    • Added new quest "Self-improvement"
    • Added new quest "Smith Will Suffice"
    • Added new quest "Chuck Wood"
    • Decreased experience rate from 120/80/75% to 40%
User Interface

    • New player "Footer's Gang"
    • New player "Murlocs"
    • New player "Wildlife"
    • Renamed player "Guards" to "Alliance of Lordaeron"
    • Only the current active main quest is now marked as failed when the map is lost
    • Renamed Woman to Villager
    • Player "Civilians" is now hidden in the post-game score screen

    • Increased time of day speed from 0% to 50%
    • Added visibility modifiers around waterfalls
    • Outro cinematic
      • Changed names of human soldiers
      • Changed player color of soldiers from Teal to Grey
      • Renamed Expedition Knight to Captain

    • Merged quests "The Gate" and "Escape"
    • Thrall will no longer start with reduced health
    • Moved starting area to north
    • Replaced Switches with Captains
    • Decreased Gold Bounty of Mortar Team
    • Removed Storm Bolt hint
    • Removed Cloak of Shadows
    • Removed Murlocs visibility modifier
    • Added Rock Chunks at Murlocs
    • Scared villagers are now removed when entering a house
    • Added visibility modifier to the camp exit
Letters for a Friend

    • Changed quest requirement to "Collect Taretha's Letters"
    • Replaced reward Manual of Health with Research Ultravision
    • Quest now starts with 1 of 3 Collected
    • Replaced experience gain of Letters with temporary movement speed bonus
Good Boy

    • Created optional quest for the Dog
    • Moved the dog north
    • Finding the dog now unlocks a new companion
    • Dog can now leave Durnholde
Into the Wild

    • Renamed quest "Silence Before the Storm" to "Into the Wild"
    • Removed quest requirement "Find a place to rest"
Chapter 3

    • Decreased map size from 128x128 to 96x160
    • Merged areas from Chapter 4
    • Increased maximum level from 4 to 10
    • Changed experience rate from 100%/100%/70% to 40%
    • Removed quest "Silence Before the Storm"
    • Removed all Line of Sight Blockers
    • Added new player Civilians
    • Added Spell Immunity to all peons, Kelgar, Tom and Jerry
User Interface

    • Changed player Guards to Southshore Guards
    • Added player Tarren Mill Protectors
    • Added player Prisoners
    • Added player Clanless Orc
    • Kelgar now has a unique unit name
    • Removed Goblin Shipyard minimap icon
    • Decreased life of Romeo and Juliet from 100 to 50

    • Added a global rain effect
    • Redesigned distraction event
    • Added an excklamation mark to the Backpack
    • Increased life, hit point regeneration and attack cooldown for Tom and Jerry
    • Intro cinematic
      • Removed original Intro cinematic
      • Merged Rest, Mocking and Kelgar cinematics to new Intro cinematic
    • Goblins cinematic: Removed Trolls sequence
    • Removed cinematic mode and cameras for Blind, BlindRescue and GoblinsReturn dialogues

    • Renamed quest "Brother, Where To?" to "Honorless"
    • Renamed item "Thrall's Belongings" to "Backpack"
    • Removed Magical Runes
    • Redesigned internment camp
    • Redesigned distraction sequence
    • Removed initial Health Stone
    • Added more minimap pings for quest requirements
    • Set time of all minimap pings to 5 seconds
    • Aspect of alliance to Guards now changes when Thrall enters/exits the internment camp
    • Removed Backtrack item
    • Knight in camp no longer patrols

    • Merged quests "Food" and "The Exit"
    • Replaced leaderboard for Food items with quest updates
    • Removed all Magical/Glowing Runes
    • Renamed "Water" to "Vegetables"
    • Food items no longer grant experience
    • Food items now restore 50 hit points, 25 mana and increase movement speed
    • Removed minimap pings for food items
Volbir and Bolvir

    • Replaced Trolls and Murlocs with Gnolls
    • Added enemy heroes
Revenge of the Wolves

    • Added quest update message
    • Replaced Cages with Beast Cages
    • Quest is now discovered when nearing a Beast Cage
    • Replaced trolls with humans and gnolls
The Blind Family

    • Can now control the Blind Woman
    • Must now use the Blind Woman to rescue the children
    • Decreased number of children from 4 to 3
    • Decreased sight range of Jimmy, Timmy, Little Daniel and the Blind Woman from 600 to 64
    • Blind children now have shared vision towards the player
The Dark Wizard

    • Renamed quest "The Bandit Leader" to "The Dark Wizard"
    • Changed quest requirement to "Slay the Dark Wizard"
    • Replaced bandits with undead
Chapter 4

    • The interlude is now a fully playable map
    • The Blood Elf becomes vunerable if he enters the Flame Strike area

    • Changed terrain fog from Pink to Light Blue
    • Outro cinematic: Hellscream will no longer drop the Tattered Cloth
Chapter 5

    • Decreased map size from 192x160 to 192x128
    • Redesigned map layout
    • Increased maximum hero level from 6 to 14
    • Increased hero level of Drek'Thar from 10 to 14
    • Decreased experience gain to 75%
User Interface

    • New player Crushridge Tribe for all ogres
    • New player Wildpaw Tribe for all gnolls
    • Removed Tattered Cloth hint
    • Renamed Baby Orc to Orc Child

    • Replaced Grom cinematic with simple dialogue
    • Replaced Taretha cinematic with simple dialogue
    • Replaced all cinematics for optional quests with simple dialogues
    • Restructured some cinematics
Cold and Alone

    • Increased Thrall's sight radius from 400 to 1800/1200
    • Removed Glowing Runes
    • Replaced cold weather mechanic areas that damage all units
    • Removed most runes dropped by enemies
Alterac Cubs

    • Changed quest giver from Raider to Palkar
    • Changed quest requirement to "Rescue all Frostwolf Cubs (x of 9 Rescued)"
    • Removed quest requirement "Meet with the Raiders"
    • Removed quest requirement "Enter the Gnoll Camp"
    • Removed quest requirement "Two Raiders must survive"
    • Removed destructible rocks
    • Replaced Frostwolf Cubs with Beast Cages
    • Decreased collision size of Frostwofl Cub from 32 to 8

    • Renamed from "The Ogres" to "Smash"
    • Replaced all quest requirements with "Destroy the Barracks/Blacksmith/Town Hall"
    • Replaced Death Towers with Guard Towers
    • Added barrels of explosives
The Warlock

    • New main quest
Lord of the Alliance

    • Renamed from "The Book" to "Lord of the Alliance"
    • Is now an optional quest
    • Changed quest requirements to "Obtain/Return the Book"
    • The Book can now be dropped
    • Removed minimap ping
    • Replaced Grunt with Shaman
    • Changed visuals for static flame traps
These Pigs

    • Renamed from "These pigs!" to "These Pigs"
    • Is now an optional quest
    • Changed owner of pigs to player Neutral Passive

    • New optional quest

    • Bundles of Lumber can no longer be selected or picked up manually
    • Runes of Speed no longer count towards collected Bundles of Lumber
    • Increased hit points of Ogre Pinky from 400 to 800
    • Increased scale of Ogre Pinky from 0.8 to 1.0
    • Decreased selection scale of Ogre Pinky from 1.2 to 1.0
These Pigs

    • Renamed from "These Pigs!" to "These Pigs"
    • Is now an optional quest
    • Removed quest requirement "Go to the pigs' breeding place..."
    • Changed quest requirement to "Obtain the Pig Catcher"
    • Changed quest requirement to "Don't let 5 pigs escape"
    • Removed vision of playfield
    • Pigs now share vision with the player
    • Removed minimap ping
    • Renamed Net to Pig Catcher
    • Changed Pig Catcher description and tooltip
    • The Pigs Escape music now only plays once
    • A sound effect is now played whenever a pig is approaching
    • Pigs now stop spawning 10 seconds before the end of the timer
    • Can now be restarted when lost
    • The Pig Catcher can now be dropped
Lord of the Alliance

    • Renamed from "The Book" to "Lord of the Alliance"
    • Is now an optional quest
Chapter 6

    • Increased map size from 128x160 to 192x160
    • Added new quest "The Spirits"
    • Added new quest "Spirit of Fire"
    • Added new quest "Spirit of Earth"
    • Added new quest "Spirit of Air"
    • Added new quest "Spirit of Water"
    • Added new quest "Spirit of the Wilds"
    • Added new quest "Frostwolf Exile"
    • Added new quest "Frostwolf Defiance"
    • Replaced all cinematics for Spirit quests with simple dialogues
    • The game is no longer paused when completing a quest
    • User selection is no longer cleared when completing a quest
    • Increased maximum level from 7 to 16

    • Removed dialog to select a Spirit quest
    • Renamed "Wandering stranger" to "Stranger"
    • Renamed Rune of Lesser Resurrection to Rune of Spearthrower

    • New model for Spirit of Air by Himperion
    • New model for Spirit of Earth by Amdor
    • Removed shadow from patrolling fire
    • MeetFrostwolves cinematic: Durotan and Draka are no longer present outside the cinematic
    • DefianceEnd cinematic: Doomhammer's Guard will no longer move
The Stranger

    • Renamed from "The Wandering Stranger" to "The Stranger"
    • Removed items
    • Stranger
      • Replaced Unholy Aura with Shockwave
      • Replaced Reincarnation with Leap
      • Decreased movement speed from 320 to 200
      • Increased attack cooldown from 2.1 to 3.2
      • Changed team color to match owning player
      • Increased level from 10 to 20
Gift of Fire

    • Renamed from "Spirit of Fire" to "Gift of Fire"
    • Changed to optional quest
    • Redesigned area
    • Quest no longer restarts if Thrall dies
    • Removed all friendly and enemy units
    • Changed quest requirement to "Obtain the Gift of Fire"
    • Thrall no longer gains Immolation
    • Removed area visibility
    • Removed leaderboard
    • Increased fire trap damage from 20/30/40 to 60/90/120
    • Decreased rate of fire trap damage
Gift of Earth

    • Renamed from "Spirit of Earth" to "Gift of Earth"
    • Changed to optional quest
    • Redesigned area
    • Changed quest requirement to "Obtain all Gem Stones"
    • Changed quest icon
    • Quest no longer restarts if Thrall dies
    • Replaced area visibility with shared enemy visibility
    • Decreased maximum elevator height to 2
    • Elevator movement is no longer random
    • Decreased number of keys from 8 to 7
Gift of Air

    • Renamed from "Spirit of Air" to "Gift of Air"
    • Changed to optional quest
    • Redesigned area
    • Changed quest requirement to "Obtain the Gift of Air"
    • Changed quest icon
    • Thrall no longer gains Far Sight
    • The camera will no longer pan when hit
    • Removed hint
    • Tornado movement is now less random
    • Tornados can no longer be selected
    • Decreased area visibility
    • Tornados are now knocking back
    • No longer resetting player units when touching a Tornado
    • Torandos now deal damage
    • Decreased hit box of Tornado from 144 to 96
    • Decreased wait time for tornados from 3.5/5.0/6.0 seconds to 3.5/3.5/5.5 seconds
    • Removed some tornados on Normal and Easy difficulty
Gift of Water

    • Renamed from "Spirit of Water" to "Gift of Water"
    • Changed to optional quest
    • Changed quest requirement to "Slay all enemies"
    • Changed quest icon
    • Removed Fountain of Health
    • Removed all items dropped by enemies
    • Redesigned area
    • Quest no longer restarts if Thrall dies
    • Thrall no longer gains Chain Lightning
    • Fixed movement of tree logs
    • Decreased tree log damage from 100/150/200 to 70/110/150
    • Decreased speed of tree log from 500 to 500/400/300
    • Increased acquisition range of all enemies from 150 to 200
    • Increased life of all enemies
    • Increased damage of all enemies
    • Increased time interval for tree log damage
    • Replaced area visibility with shared tree log visibility
    • Tree log no longer damages invulnerable units
Gift of the Wilds

    • Renamed from "Spirit of the Wilds" to "Gift of the Wilds"
    • Changed to optional quest
    • Redesigned area
    • Changed quest icon
    • Can no longer go to the same cliff level as the stag
    • Decreased scale of Stag from 2.0 to 1.5
    • Stag now moves automatically when a player unit is nearby
    • Quest no longer restarts if Thrall dies
    • Replaced Ogre Warriors with Ogre Maulers
    • Replaced area visibility with shared stag visibility
    • Remove some Runes of Mana/Healing
    • Changed hint text
Frostwolf Exile/Frostwolf Defiance

    • Changed to optional quests
    • Changed quest requirement to "Follow the path to Doomhammer"
    • Redesigned areas
    • Replaced ogres and trolls with gnolls and humans
    • Replaced Electric Conduit with Howl of the Frostwolf
    • Slain heroes are now resurrected automatically after some time
    • Removed defeat condition
    • Difficulty level now influences enemy unit spawn type at sheltered areas
    • Changed quest icon
    • Improved AI of Doomhammer's Guard
    • Removed two sheltered areas
    • Decreased time for sheltered areas by 10 seconds
    • Increased scale of Gul'dan from 1.0 to 1.5
    • Removed Tomes of Experience
    • Changed hotkey of Breath of Frost to Q
    • Changed hotkey of Mend to W
    • Changed hotkey of Summon Sharptooth to E
    • Decreased food cost of Sharptooth from 2 to 0
    • Changed damage type of Sharptooth from Normal to Siege
    • Changed Sharptooth description
    • Increased damage of all trolls
    • Added reincarnation to Durotan and Draka
    • Collected items can now be used by Thrall
    • Changed player name for trolls to Winterax Tribe
    • Renamed Player 2 to Alterac
    • Changed player color of Alterac to orange
    • Increased starting level of Durotan and Draka from 5 to 6
    • Changed levels of Exploding Trap from 0 to 1/2/3
    • Increased Mend area of effect from 600 to 800
    • New icon for Confuse
    • Decreased stand duration of Stasis Trap from 150 to 30 seconds
    • Decreased stun duration of Stasis Trap from 12 to 8 seconds
    • Enemies no longer speak when dead
    • Changed hotkey of Exploding Trap from W to Q
    • Changed hotkey of Raging Strike from Q to W
    • Removed hint to defeat all remaining units
Chapter 7

    • Redesigned entire map
    • New quest "Need More"
    • New quest "Helping Hands"
    • Increased maximum level from 8 to 18
    • Decreased experience gain to 60%
User Interface

    • Renamed enemy players to "Alliance of Lordaeron"

    • Outro cinematic: Removed Doomhammer burial scene
    • Outro cinematic: Replaced foorman with Elite Knight

    • Changed quest title from "The Orcs' Rescue" to "Rebellion"
    • Changed first quest requirement to "Destroy all Town Halls"
    • Changed second quest requirement to "Rescue 100 Orcs"
    • Changed third quest requirement to "Defeat Langston"
    • Changed quest description and icon
    • Hellscream is no longer present in the final fight
Chapter 8

    • Added new quest "Blacmoore"
    • Increased experience gain to 100%
    • Removed quest "Old but Gold"
    • Increased maximum level from 9 to 20
    • Hellscream is no longer loaded from game cache
    • Set hero level of Hellscream to 18
    • Drek'Thar can now be controlled directly
    • Set hero level of Drek'Thar to 18
    • Increased hit points of Barracks from 1500 to 2500
    • Increased hit points of Arcane Sanctum from 1050 to 2500
    • Increased gold cost of all army upgrades
    • Decreased lumber cost of all army upgrades
    • Changed revive cost of all heroes to 100 gold
    • Decreased revive time of all heroes
    • Watch Tower
      • Increased hit points from 500 to 800
      • Increased hit points regeneration rate from 0 to 50
    • Guard Tower
      • Increased hit points from 500 to 800
      • Increased base damage from 22 to 24
User Interface

    • Changed hotkey of Research Steel/Thorium/Arcanite Melee Weapons from M to Q
    • Changed hotkey of Research Steel/Thorium/Arcanite Ranged Weapons from R to W
    • Changed hotkey of Research Steel/Thorium/Arcanite Armor from A to E
    • Changed hotkey of Shaman Adept/Master Training from H to A
    • Changed hotkey of Research Berserker Strength from B to S
    • New icon for Blackmoore by Sxar
    • Updated credits
    • Added credits message

    • Removed some wait time during credits
    • Updated units appearing for credits
    • New model for Langston by Direfury
    • Changed attack sound of Langston to Heavy Metal Bash
    • Decreased movement speed of Taretha from 190 to 150

    • Changed quest requirement to "Find Taretha"
    • Removed quest requirement "Don't attack Durnholde"
    • Removed time limit

    • Added quest requirement "Defeat Langston"
    • Added quest requirement "Defeat Sergeant"
    • Added quest requirement "Destroy all Siege Towers"
    • Added upgrade research system
    • Removed Pillage upgrade for allied player
    • Added Ranged Weapons upgrade for allied player
    • No longer gains income from allied player
    • Increased time between mimimap pings from 5 to 10 seconds
    • Added more variations of towers
    • Decreased food production of War Mill from 50 to 0

    • Removed a Ring of Protection from Blackmoore
    • Added a Periapt of Vitality to Blackmoore

359 changes
New map

    • New chapter 2: "Gladiator"
    • Play as Thrall during his time as a gladiator
    • Relive Thrall's memories of his youth
Multiple maps

    • Heroes will now retain attribute bonuses and abilities when changing unit type
    • Increased initial amount of mana for Veteran Shamans to 100%
User Interface

    • Difficulty selection is now done with dialogs
    • "Thrall must survive" is now displayed for main quests
    • New text for some loading screens
    • Renamed Lord Karramyn Langston to Langston
    • Renamed Baby Thralls to Baby Orcs
    • New icon for War Stomp by Blizzard Entertainment
    • Renamed War Stomp to Earthshatter
    • New icon for Draka by Alex Horley
    • New icon for Doomhammer by Svetli
    • Fixed scorescreen icons
    • Renamed Elite Raider to Veteran Raider
    • Renamed Elite Shaman to Veteran Shaman
    • Renamed Elite Grunt to Veteran Grunt
    • Changed hotkey of Spearthrower to P
    • Added more information to the Sturdy War Axe

    • Removed unused imports
    • Decreased scaling factor of Rage from 10/25/40% to 10/15/20%
    • Changed player color of Frostwolf clan from red to light blue
    • Changed weapon sound for Blackmoore from Bash to Slice
    • Removed wait time for some cinematics
    • Improved unit and camera movements for some cinematics
    • Added some wait time before a cinematic can be skipped
    • Changed duration of some transmissions
    • Generated terrain shadows
    • Improved terraining in some areas
    • Removed blight in some areas
    • Removed boundary in some areas
    • Fixed water sound regions
    • Changed model of Tattered Cloth to Treasure Chest
    • New railroad models by xXm0rpH3usXx
    • New model for Blackmoore by Sxar
    • New model for Draka by PROXY
    • New sound set for Draka
    • New sounds for Thrall
    • New model for Langston by Direfury
    • New model for Elite Raider by Mister_Haudrauf
    • New model for Elite Shaman by Cavman
    • New model for Elite Grunt by Tauer
    • Removed pupils in Thrall's portrait model
    • Changed attack sound Elite Raider to Metal Medium Chop
    • Changed sound set of Elite Shaman to Demoness
    • ItemReceived sound effect is now played more often
    • Shadow Meld is now properly disabled for cinematics
    • Level up graphics are no longer visible when heroes are created

    • New ultimate ability Indestructible which increases damage and life regeneration
    • New passive abilities (traits)
      • Warsong Fury: Increased movement speed and attack rate by 10% for every 10% life missing
      • Frostwolf Resilience: Heals 5% life every third time an ability is used
      • Blackrock Might: Spells cast restore up to 50% of their mana cost, based on maximum missing

    • Decreased stats bonuses given by Tomes
    • Increased hit points of all Ogres by around 20%
    • Decreased damage bonus of Sturdy War Axe from 5 to 3
    • Food
      • Now restores hit points and mana over time
      • Can now be used on allied units
Chapter 1

    • Improved AI of Doomhammer's Guard
    • Decreased number of enemies spawning at the sheltered areas
    • Decreased experience gain from Tomes of Greater Experience from 500 to 400
    • Removed a group of trolls
    • Moved last helpful orc further to the north
    • Now hides the dummy Slippers of Agility when loading the map
User Interface

    • Upkeep message is no longer displayed when the Intro cinematic is skipped
    • Removed difficuly hint
    • Quest requirement "Defend..." is now properly marked as completed
    • Added transmissions when the allied orcs are attacking
    • Changed name of unit-type for Draka from Warrior Mate to Warrior
    • Added transmission by Doomhammer's Guard when the assassins attack
    • Renamed Grunt to Doomhammer's Guard in the Outro cinematic
    • Changed quest requirement to "Defend sheltered areas"

    • Changed player color of Blackrock clan from purple to red
    • Decreased walk animation speed for Durotan
    • Changed player color of Tammis Foxton from Blue to Brown
    • Removed all Horse sound effects in the Outro cinematic
    • Added DuskWolf sound effect in the Outro cinematic
    • Moved some corpses a bit closer to the center in the Outro cinematic
    • The last Spearthrower is now removed for the Outro cinematic
    • Confuse is now disabled for the Outro cinematic
Chapter 3

    • Thrall
      • Can now be restored from game cache
      • Now starts at level 2 if not restored from game cache
      • Experience gain now stops at level 3
    • New optional quest "Letters for a Friend"
    • Swapped positions of a Tome of Intelligence with a Tome of Lesser Experience
    • Replaced all Tomes of Lesser Experience with Thrall's Letters
    • NPCs will now start patrolling at map start
    • A villager will now move away from Thrall before finishing her transmission
    • Replaced Sturdy War Axe with Shimmerglaze Roast
User Interface

    • Added more information to the loading screen
    • The Cloak hint can no longer be displayed multiple times
    • Changed image of quest "The Escape" to High Elf Female
    • The StormBolt hint will now only appear if Thrall is attacked
    • Removed "here" from a transmission in the Outro cinematic

    • Modified Intro cinematic
Chapter 4

    • Thrall
      • Now starts at level 3 if not restored from game cache
      • Increased experience gain at level 2 from 50% to 100%
      • Decreased experience gain at level 3 from 33% to 25%
      • Replaced temporarily dropped items with a single item
      • Fixed movement speed after entering the camp
    • Removed The Prophet from map
    • Removed a Tome of Strength
    • Moved troll base to the west
    • Moved pathing blockers to the west
    • Replaced a Tome of Knowledge with a Tome of Agility
    • The Goblin Shipyard can no longer sell ships
    • Humans and trolls in the north will no longer be invulnerable
    • Replaced Potion of Strength with Sturdy War Axe
    • Replaced Tome of Agility with Food
    • Can no longer kill the Blind Woman
    • Fixed acquisition range of trolls
User Interface

    • Changed quest description of "Second Escape"
    • Added quest requirement "Talk to the orcs" to quest "Second Escape"
    • Renamed quest "Second Escape" to "Brother, Where To?"
    • Changed quest requirement from "Find your belongings" to "Get Thrall's belongings"
    • Removed hints about talking to orcs
    • Added transmission about not leaving without items
    • Added minimap pings
    • Added more quest requirements to The Blind Family quest

    • The Goblin cinematic will no longer play if a player skips directly to the Outro cinematic
    • Added dialogues between imprisoned orcs and distracted guards
    • The Mocking cinematic can no longer be skipped while its stopping
    • Set Thrall's life to 100% for the Goblins cinematic
    • The Blind children are now recreated for the BlindRescue cinematic
    • Fixed music no longer playing after cinematics
    • Changed music of some cinematics
    • Thrall's buffs are now removed for the Blind cinematics
    • Blackmoore will no longer move away in the Outro cinematic
    • Added more sound effects in the Outro cinematic
Chapter 5

    • Replaced a Tome of Intelligence+2 with a Tome of Agility
    • Added aditional Rock Chunks
    • Moved a Knight slightly to the north
User Interface

    • Added more information to the loading screen
    • Changed vilage hints from "...another..." to "...different..."
    • Quest requirement "Kill the Bandit Leader" is now properly marked as completed

    • Moved Magical Rune behind Rock Chunks
    • Removed Sleep effect from Thrall in Outro cinematic
    • Tom and Jerry will stop fighting in the Outro cinematic

    • The Tattered Cloth is now removed before the last scene
Chapter 6

    • Frostwolves and Ogres will no longer attack each other at map start
    • Thrall will no longer move if the Intro cinematic is skipped
    • Moved starting position of Thrall to the north
    • Moved position of Thrall after the Grom cinematic
    • Moved position of Thrall after the Taretha cinematic
    • Replaced Tome of Knowledge with a Manual of Health
    • Thrall can no longer gain experience after gaining level 6
    • Replaced Wands of Far Sight with Runes of the Watcher
    • Removed Rejuvenation from Wendigo Shaman
    • Replaced Mud Golems with Young Wendigos
    • Replaced Mountain Giant with Wendigo Shaman on Normal and Easy difficulties
    • Replaced Mountain Giant with Ancient Wendigo on Hard difficulty
    • Pigs quest can no longer fail if already won
    • Replaced Tomes of Knowledge with Tomes of Intelligence/Agility/Strength
    • Replaced Tomes with Runes of Lesser Speed at Pigs quest
    • Thrall will no longer take damage directly after being resurrected at the Book area
    • Items left behind for the Book quest are now moved to Thrall when returning to the orc
    • Added a Rune of Restoration at the Book area
    • Replaced Belt of Giant Strength with Frostguard
    • Replaced Healing Salve with Gauntlets of Ogre Strength
    • Replaced Tome of Intelligence+2 with Food
    • Replaced Potion of Lesser Invulnerability with Mantle of Intelligence
    • Added Slippers of Agility
    • Will no longer see the Pacman area when dying somewhere else
    • Thrall's life and mana are now restored after the Pacman quest
    • Thrall's life and mana are now restored when dying at the Book quest
User Interface

    • Increased level of Hellscream from 2 to 5
    • The item "Lord of the Alliance" is now unsellable and unuseable
    • Decreased time between minimap pings for some quests from 10 to 5 seconds
    • Decreased level of Frostwolf Cubs from 2 to 1
    • Changes to description of The Ogres quest
    • Renamed Ogre Maulers to ogre Pinkys for the Pacman quest
    • Added defeat condition "Thrall must survive" to The Frostwolves quest

    • Will no longer hear a death sound at map start
    • New music for the Drek'Thar cinematic
    • Added more variation to music in cinematics
    • Removed duplicate Frostwolf camp
    • Added small delay before teleporting ensnared pigs
    • Captured pigs will now longer be ensnared after being moved
    • Decreased time until rescued Frostwolf Cubs are removed from 20 to 5 seconds
    • Removed all buffs from Thrall in the Drek'Thar cinematic
    • Raiders are now at th Rock Chunks before the RaidersMeet cinematic starts
    • The Raider will no longer attack Thrall or Uthul in the Outro cinematic
    • Removed all buffs from Thrall in the Outro cinematic
    • Summoned units are now removed for the CubsWin cinematic
    • Thrall will now always do Earthshatter in the Outro cinematic
Chapter 7

    • Decreased map size from 192x160 to 128x160
    • Increased experience gain at level 5 from 75% to 100%
    • Fire
      • Moved position of a Spearthrower corpse
      • Added a Tome of Intelligence
      • Replaced Fire Beetles with Lava Spawns
      • Removed a Scroll of Mana
      • Removed a Wand of Chain Lightning
    • Earth
      • Moved the Circle of Power to the west
      • Moved some Kobolds
      • Changed quest requirements
      • Will no longer create more enemies when going to the Circle of Power
      • Moved starting position of Thrall to the east
      • Added permanent visibility of the Iron Gate
      • Added a Tome of Strength
      • Earth Keys can now be picked up with a full inventory
      • Added 3 Kobolds
      • Increased damage and hit points of all Kobolds
      • Can no longer destroy the Earth Keys
    • Air
      • Decreased speed of Hippogryphs from 400 to 150/200/250
      • Thrall will keep his abilities
      • Replaced Hippogryphs with invisible Tornados
      • Added Far Sight to Thrall
      • Removed time limit quest requirement
    • Water
      • The tree logs will now move before the quest has started
      • Removed 12 Tree Logs
      • Tree Logs now move along the x-axis of the entire area
      • Increased speed of tree logs from 100 to 500
      • Position of tree logs will no longer be reset if Thrall dies
      • Slightly decreased damage area of tree logs
      • Fixed triggering of damage of tree logs
      • Added a Tome of Agility
      • Decreased number of Wands of Lightning Shield
      • Decreased number of Runes of Lesser Healing
    • Wilds
    • Will no longer create Tomes of Knowledge
      • The stag now moves automatically
      • Added 2 Boulder Towers
      • Added 3 Ogre Magi
      • Replaced of Runes of Restoration with Runes of Healing and Runes of Mana
      • Decreased acquisition rangeo g all Ogres to 150
      • Thrall is now invulnerable when the quest is won
    • Doomhammer
      • Fixed bug preventing restart
      • Will no longer create more items at restart
      • Life and mana are now at 100% at (re)start
      • Items picked up will no longer affect the Frostwolves
      • Drek'Thar wil no longer create Healing Wards
      • Added 2 Claws of Attack+15 for Doomhammer on Hard difficulty
      • Added Ring of Protection+5 for Doomhammer on Hard difficulty
User Interface

    • Changed hotkey for quest abilities (e.g. Blink) from D to F
    • "Thrall must survive" is now a proper defeat condition
    • Fixed description for all Spirit quests
    • Fire
      • Changed quest requirement to "Prevent the Great Hall from being destroyed"
      • Removed Envenomed Weapons and Shadow Meld from Spearthrowers
      • Added a leaderboard that shows the life of the Great Hall
      • Added hint about Immolation
    • Earth
    • Changed some dialogue
      • Removed hints about killing enemies and going to the Circle of Power
      • Added hint about Blink
      • Changed quest icon
    • Air: Added hint about Far Sgiht and invisible Tornados
    • Water
      • Renamed Log to Tree Log
      • Added hint about Chain Lightning
      • Can no longer select the Tree Logs
    • Wilds
      • Removed the hint about hitting the stag
      • Changed quest requirement from "Use Feral Spirits..." to "Escort the Stag"
    • Doomhammer
      • Will no longer fade out for the Doomhammer cinematic
      • Changed quest requirement to "Defeat the stranger"
      • The quest requirement will no longer be marked as completed

    • New music for the Intro cinematic
    • Snowsong and Thrall will now look at each other in the Intro cinematic
    • Will no longer hide areas with visibility modifiers
    • Fire
      • Fixed Spearthrower animations
      • Traps can no longer be heard during the Intro cinematic
    • Earth
      • New model for Spirit of Earth by -Grendel
      • Decreased scale of some archways
      • Removed Circle of Power
      • QuestCompleted sound will no longer play twice
    • Air
      • Removed special effects on Thrall in the Air cinematic
      • Thrall will no longer turn into a Tornado
    • Doomhammer: Will no longer create more spectators at restart
Chapter 8

    • Orcs can now be rescued by casting abilities
    • Removed a Potion of Healing
    • Added alternative way to discover the Elite quest
    • Added multiple items as reward for completing the Elite quest
    • Decreased level of Langston from 6/10/10 to 5/8/8
    • New abilities for Langston
    • Added some Riflemen and a Mortar Team to Thrall's Escape route
    • No longer able to control Grunts after the Langston cinematic
    • Reset ability cooldowns for Thrall and Hellscream after the Langston cinematic
User Interface

    • Renamed player 1 to The Horde
    • Renamed player 4 to Warsong Clan
    • Renamed quest "The Orcs' Rescue" to "The Green Storm"
    • Changed quest descriptions for "Taretha" and "Durnholde"
    • Changed owner of Drek'Thar to player 10 (Frostwolf Clan)
    • Removed Barracks leaderboard
    • Added more info to quest requirement "Destroy the Barracks"
    • The Elite quest will now be marked as discovered properly
    • Renamed quest "The Elite" to "Old but Gold"
    • Changed quest requirement "Free the Elite Orcs" to "Free the Veteran orcs"

    • Now waits 2 seconds before the first transmission in the Intro cinematic
    • The Barracks is now healed after the Intro cinematic
    • Langston will no longer play his death animation twice
    • Removed hallucinations in the Outro cinematic
    • Thrall will no longer be blocked in the Outro cinematic
    • Drek'Thar will no longer cast Healing Ward in the Outro cinematic
    • Decreased volume of some sound effects to 80% in the Outro cinematic
    • Added some variation to the victory animations in the Outro cinematic
Chapter 9

    • Drek'Thar will no longer drop the Staff of Teleportation
    • Removed a Rune of Lesser Healing
    • Removed a Scroll of Healing
    • Gates are now invulnerable
    • Added Langston to the enemy attack wave
    • Added an Altar of Kings for Durnholde
    • Moved the Blacksmith to the west
    • Cages are now destroyed automatically in the "Getting Gladiators" quest
    • Added Runes Bracers, Periapt of Vitality and Talisman of Evasion
    • Removed The Prophet from the map
User Interface

    • Changed owner of Blackmoore to player 12
    • Changed name of player 12 to "Lord of Durnholde"
    • Renamed east Keep to Blackmoore's Keep
    • Renamed optional quest "Elite Orcs" to "Getting Gladiators"
    • Changed quest requirement and description for "Getting Gladiators"

    • Changed color of player 10 (Expedition) to Dark Green
    • Changed color of south Town Hall to player 9 for the Taretha cinematic
    • Moved positions of Blackmoore and Langston to the south in the Intro cinematic
    • Replaced Pig Farms with Farms
    • Thrall is now hidden when he enters Durnholde Keep
Chapter 10

    • Moved a foot switch to be unreachable by Thrall
    • Increased damage base of Spiders from 9 to 12
    • Decreased number of Runes dropped in the Spider area on Normal and Hard difficulties
    • A gate will now close when approaching the Dark Wizard
    • The Blood Mage will now become vulnerable when a sheep gets close
    • Water Way Gate is no longer active until the Way Gate Control is destroyed
    • Removed most Tomes of Experience
    • Replaced two Tomes of Experience with Tomes of Greater Experience
    • Replaced Tome of Agility with Tome of Strength
    • Removed Tome of Strength
    • Removed Potion of Healing
    • Replaced Healing Salve with Rune of Mana
    • Removed Rune of Greater Healing
    • Replaced all Earth-Fury Tower items with Runes of Water Elemental
    • Will no longer create multiple vision modifiers at the Sheep area
    • Replaced Scroll of Protection with Rune of Restoration
    • Added 4 Brigands at the Bandits area
    • Moved first Sentry Wards item to the south
    • First Sentry Wards item is now invulnerable
    • Removed almost all Sentry Wards
    • Items dropped for the Sentry Wards are now moved to the end of the Bandits area
    • Sentry Wards item now has an infinite number of charges
    • Increased cooldown of Sentry Wards from 0 to 10 seconds
    • Increased mana cost of Sentry Wards from 0 to 25 mana
    • Thrall will no longer lose his items for the end fight
    • Reset ability cooldowns after the Endfight cinematic
    • Thrall can no longer be damaged by fire after beating Blackmoore
    • Increased spell damage blocked by Blackmoore from 33% to 50%
    • Increased all attributes of Blackmoore by 2 on Normal difficulty
    • Increased all attributes of Blackmoore by 5 on Hard difficulty
User Interface

    • Removed hint about using classic warrior skills
    • Renamed Power Generator to Way Gate Control
    • Removed the hint about Sky-Fury Towers
    • Added tranmission about a deactivated Way Gate
    • Removed life bars from Fires

    • Thrall will no longer be moved at the Rock Chunks/Support Column
    • Changed color of Water runes to light blue
    • Changed color of Glaives runes to green

    • Will no longer destroy trees when razing Durnholde
    • Moved all fire effects to manmande structures
    • Hellscream will now move slightly when picking up the item
    • Changed player color of some orcs to light blue
    • Added some variation to the victory animations
    • Restructured types of credits
    • Updated all credits
    • Added time to some cinematic fade outs
    • Increased far clipping of some cameras

250 changes
New maps

    • New prologue "The Shadow Council"
    • Old prologue "Live and Let Die" is now a playable map (see Chapter 1)
Multiple maps

    • Added variable difficulty levels
    • Heroes now become invulnerable when a victory cinematic starts
    • Increased hit points of Frost Wolves from 750 to 1000
    • Removed defeat condition "Do not kill innocent people"
    • Decreased stock start delay of Tome of Retraining, Scroll of Protection, and Scroll of Healing from 440 to 10 seconds
User Interface

    • New loading screens
    • Removed loading screen titles (Prologue, Interlude, Epilogue) from cinematic maps
    • Changed hotkey layout for hero abilities to QWER
    • Will no longer fade out when mission fails
    • Decreased time between some minimap pings
    • Fixed various typos

    • Music volume is no longer overriden via trigger
    • Added more water sound effects
    • New model for Durotan by Tauer
    • New unit model for Thrall by Tenebrae
    • New weapon model for Thrall by Sunchips
    • Changed model of Tattered Cloth
    • Fixed minor terrain issues
    • New tracks from World of Warcraft for some cinematics
    • Improved terrain and cameras for Frostwolf camp
    • Improved various cinematics

    • Decreased stun time of Storm Bolt on normal units from 5 to 4 seconds
    • Decreased stun time of Storm Bolt on heroes from 3 to 2 seconds
    • Decreased stun time of War Stomp on heroes from 2/3/4 to 1/2/3 seconds
    • Added Tattered Cloth item
    • No longer gains 100% experience from kills on every map
    • Can now learn Evasion before Chapter 9
    • Changed main attribute to Intelligence
    • Changed unit name from "Grunt" to "Gladiator"
    • Fixed description of Rage
    • Removed all buffs in some cinematics

    • Drek'Thar: Removed inventory
Chapter 1

    • Added playable content
    • Play as Durotan and Draka
    • New custom abilities
User Interface

    • Renamed Orc baby to Son of Durotan

    • Different terrain and camera movement
Chapter 2

    • Thrall
      • Changed starting hit points from 400 to 450/350/250
      • Will no longer stop at the Murlocs
    • Added more enemies on Normal and Hard difficulty
    • Removed an enemy on Easy difficulty
    • The Prophet is now removed after the intro cinematic
    • Increased night sight radius of Dog from 800 to 1800
    • Increased movement speed of Dog from 260 to 400
    • Removed most barrels and crates that do not contain items
    • Vision with the dog is now shared when it tries to exit the village
    • Added two Runes of Restoration
    • Replaced a Tome of Experience with a Tome of Intelligence
    • Replaced all Guard Towers with Scout Towers
User Interface

    • Added more info to the loading screen text
    • Player 12 is now hidden in the score screen
    • Renamed quest "The Escape" to "Escape"
    • Removed transmission about Murlocs

    • Replaced some trees with rocks
    • Moved rain area
    • Turned off day/night cycle
Chapter 3

    • Added a hidden item at the start of the map
    • Orcs and humans will no longer fight each other after the Kelgar cinematic
    • Thrall will be moved to the secret exit after the Kelgar cinematic
    • Two footmen will be ordered to attack-move into the internment camp after the Kelgar cinematic
    • Thrall will now start with a Food item
    • Removed some Runes
    • Repositioned some enemy units and the Fountain of Health
    • Removed a Forest Troll Hut
    • Decreased target acquisition range of Murlocs from 500 to 200
    • Replaced a Tome of Intelligence with a Tome of Agility
    • Increased hit points of Timber Wolves from 300 to 400
    • Bundles of Lumber are now invulnerable
User Interface

    • Thrall: Is now selected after the intro cinematic
    • The final Forest Troll Warlord will no longer speak if he is dead
    • Removed Thrall's transmission about an escape route
    • Improved the hint after getting the objective to flee

    • Thrall can no longer be moved at the start of cinematics
    • Timber Wolves are now hidden for all cinematics
    • Will no longer create a rain weather effect during the Rest cinematic
    • Will now always set the time of day to 12 am when the Rest cinematic is skipped
    • Time of day speed is now set to 50% and the map time starts at 8pm
    • Removed untargetable Cages
Chapter 4

    • Thrall: Will now start at level 4 if not restored from game cache
    • Decreased experience gain from Food items from 40 to 30
    • Removed True Sight from Shades
    • Replaced Potions of Speed with Runes of Speed
    • Replaced a Tome of Agility wih a Tome of Intelligence +2
    • Riflemen and Assassins will no longer practice with the Archery Target
    • Changed patrol route of a Rifleman
    • Changed locations of some bandits
    • Villagers no longer turn into Guards. Instead they flee from Thrall
    • Armor upgrades are set to 1 for Player 9 (Guards) on Hard difficulty
    • Added a Tome of Strength +2
    • Replaced a Scroll of Protection with a Wand of Chain Lightning
    • Trolls and humans will no longer fight each other before Thrall arrives
    • Changed locations of some pathing blockers
User Interface

    • Fixed a bug that displayed the Swordsman Net tip too soon
    • Added a transmission when trying to exit the village too soon
    • Thrall is now selected after the cave sequence
    • Renamed Bandit Leader to Rogue (transmission only)
    • Player 3 (Citizens) is now hidden in the score screen
    • Changed quest requirement to "Gather 10 food items"
    • Added defeat condition "Thrall must survive"

    • Changed sound effect to "failed" when Thrall dies
    • Added initial fade out for Intro cinematic
    • The Gate is now closed after the Rest cinematic

    • The Grunts fighting Thrall will no longer walk away
    • The Grunts fighting Thrall will face random angles when knocked out
    • A Grunt will face Thrall after destroying the cage
    • The Orc Warlock will no longer move to confront Thrall
    • Will play a sound effect when Hellscream first appears
Chapter 5

    • Thrall: Now starts at level 5 if not restored from game cache
    • Changed damage to Thrall in starting area from 1 per 0.15 seconds to 6/8/10 per 1 second
    • Disabled sleeping for all creeps
    • Replaced Pigs in "Raiders vs Gnolls" quest with Frostwolf Cubs
    • The map now ends in defeat when more than 2 Raiders die
    • Replaced all Rock Golems with Elder Wendigos
    • Added some Tomes to the starting area
    • Decreased time for Pigs quest from 150 to 120 seconds
    • Decreased number of pigs required to lose Pigs quest from 8 to 6
    • Replaced the High Elven Barracks with an Orc Barracks
    • When all catapults have been destroyed a new one is instantly created
    • The Mountain Giant will now also drop a Rune of Restoration
    • Replaced Wand of Mana Stealing with a Mana Stone
    • Can no longer drop the item Lord of the Alliance
    • The pigs in the breeding place are now invulnerable
    • Removed a Healing Salve
    • Replaced a Potion of Speed with a Rune of Speed
    • Will now only remove Runes of Speed and Bundles of Lumber in the Pacman area
    • Bundles of Lumber and Runes of Speed are now invulnerable
    • Replaced a Scroll of Regeneration with a Tome of Intelligence +2
    • Pigs' guard position is now ignored
    • Decreased collision size of Spirit Pig from 16 to 1.5
    • Increased life of Spirit Pig from 120 to 999
    • Pigs entering hay area are now removed after 2 seconds
User Interface

    • Is now accessible by completing Chapter 4 as well as the Interlude
    • New backstory for "Raiders vs Gnolls" quest
    • Renamed quest "Raiders vs Gnolls" to "Alterac Cubs"
    • Removed duplicate minimap pings
    • Cubs Leaderboard now starts at 14 and counts down for each rescued cub
    • Pillage is now disabled
    • Removed the hint about repairing catapults
    • Changed Pigs timer window title from "Help" to "Time Remaining"
    • The item Lord of the Alliance is no longer marked as usable or sellable
    • Renamed Pacman Ogre Maulers to Ogre Bashers
    • Added a hint for the Pacman quest: There is no need to right-click each item
    • Decreased selection scale of Spirit Pig from 2 to 1
    • Pigs now belong to Player 3 (Pigs)
    • Fixed bug mixing some names in cinematic transmissions

    • Removed way to the Ogre camp
    • Removed some blocking elements from the Ogre quest area
    • Removed some Rock Chunks
    • Replaced a Forest Troll Hut with an Ice Troll Hut
    • Renamed Pacman Ogre Maulers to Ogre Bashers
    • Added a hint for the Pacman quest: There is no need to right-click each item
    • Will no longer show an Exclamation Mark on Uthul
    • Blackmoore will now be removed when the intro cinematic is skipped
    • Fixed bug when Thrall lost an item during the Frostwolf cinematic
    • Thrall will no longer remain invulnerable during the Frostwolves cinematic
    • Fixed a bug preventing the map from ending when skipping the Outro cinematic
    • The fake Thrall in the MeetFrostwolves cinematic will now be properly removed
    • Will now play normal game music when skipping the MeetFrostwolves cinematic
    • Fixed Raiders ensnaring Cubs in CubsWin cinematic
    • Fixed a bug ordering Ogres to run away in OgreTowers cinematic
    • Will no longer reveal an area of the map after the Frostwolves cinematic
    • Can no longer play the Outro cinematic twice
    • Fixed sound regions
    • Decreased height of Frost Traps
Chapter 6

    • Thrall: Now starts with Evasion if not restored from game cache
    • Replaced Grunts with Spearthrowers in Fire quest
    • Removed some wait times when winning a Spirit quest
    • Treelogs will now move immediately when the Water quest starts
    • Removed wait time when Thrall dies during the Wilds quest
    • Increased fire trap damage from 25 to 20/30/40
    • Added some items for Doomhammer on Normal and Hard difficulties
    • Removed Player 3 (Teal)
    • Fixed a bug that caused the Elevator in the Fire quest to always cause damage
    • Fixed a bug that prevented Thrall from being resurrected
    • Changed locations of some enemies in the Fire quest
    • Replaced all items in the Doomhammer fight with Runes of Healing/Mana
    • Doomhammer will now try to pick items up instead of destroying them
    • Increased time between item spawns in Doomhammer fight from 4 to 7 seconds
    • Decreased time until Doomhammer tries to interact with an item from 4 to 2 seconds
    • Removed damage effect from Fire elevator
    • Can no longer fail the Air quest once Thrall has reached the target
    • Moved starting positions of Thrall and Doomhammer in the fight
    • Added some blocking elements to the Water quest
User Interface

    • Changed map title from "The Path of the Shaman" to "Path of the Shaman"
    • Thrall (Tornado): Renamed Tornado to Thrall
    • Quest Failed message will no longer appear multiple times when Thrall dies
    • Changed hint to "The treelogs can damage Thrall when he gets too close."
    • Changed hotkey for all unique Spirit abilities to "D"
    • Removed level information from Chain Lightning and Feral Spirit
    • Removed number of enemies in the Spirit of Water quest requirement
    • The Earth Key Leaderboard will now appear 2 seconds earlier
    • Changed Earth Hint to "...Go to the Circle of Power in the east to open the gate."
    • Changed Water Leaderboard Value from "Left" to "Alive"

    • Changed some snow cliffs to grass cliffs
    • Replaced Summoner in Water cinematic with an Sea Elemental
    • Removed all remaining Summoners
    • All items on the ground will be removed when the Outro cinematic starts
    • Removed Mission Failed sound effect
    • Fire Elevator sound effect will no longer play after the Fire area is completed
Chapter 7

    • Thrall
      • Now starts at level 6 if not restored from game cache
      • Attack is now ranged
    • Orcs are now rescued by attacking their guards
    • Removed some enemies on the way to the elite orcs
    • Changed owner of the Town Hall to Neutral Passive
    • Added defeat condition "Thrall must survive"
User Interface

    • Changed map title from "The End of a Legend" to "The Horde Awakens"
    • Thrall: Decreased revive cost from 425 to 100 gold
    • Thrall: Decreased revive time from 55 to 10 seconds
    • Doomhammer: Changed display order of abilities
    • Drek'Thar: Decreased target acquisition range to 200
    • Renamed player Camp Guards to Guards
    • The optional quest is now discovered 20 seconds after the Gate was destroyed
    • Added a hint that Thrall can be revived at the Altar of Storms after the Gate was destroyed

    • Replaced invulnerable trees with rocks
    • All summoned units are now removed for the outro cinematic
    • Removed a superfluous Drek'Thar in the outro cinematic
Chapter 8

    • Game will no longer wait for enemy buildings to dissipate to complete the quest requirement
    • Shared vision with Keep as soon as the quest requirement is active
User Interface

    • Changed map title from "The Green Storm" to "Siege of Durnholde"

    • All buffs are now removed from Thrall for the Taretha cinematic
    • Changed owner of the Keep to Neutral Passive
Chapter 9

    • Blackmoore
      • Replaced Shockwave with Endurance Aura
      • Replaced Devotion Aura with Unholy Aura
      • Removed ability Avatar
      • Increased mana regeneration
    • Replaced Satyrs with Mutants and Skeletons
    • Replaced a Scroll of Healing with a Rune of Restoration
    • Every fourth item in the Endfight will be a Rune of Mana
    • Reduced reaction time of Blackmoore to pick up an item from 1.5 to 1 second
    • Slightly changed cliff blocking in Endfight
    • Slightly moved items towards corners in Endfight
    • Added a Rune of Restoration
    • Decreased target acqusition range of Blood Mage from 600 to 200
    • Added more Sentry Wards
    • Replaced a Scroll of Mana with a Rune of Greater Mana
User Interface

    • Camera will now pan pan when entering the spider lair
    • Added a hint for the Tower items

    • Removed some Circles of Power
    • Removed all Support Columns in the Invisible Bandits area
    • Added walls to the Water area
    • Decreased scale of Obelisks in Endfight area
    • The spike traps will no longer be audible while the Intro cinematic is playing
    • Fire units are removed befor the fight cinematic
    • Fixed a bug that prevented the Fight cinematic from playing
    • The Water Spike and Flame Traps will no longer be activated during the Fight cinematic

    • Added JonayMartin, HeeWonLee, ANachron, PeeKay, WILL THE ALMIGHTY, INSEKT, Sin'dorei300, Hemske, Kitabatake, supertoinkz, Epsilon, tauer, Sunchips, jatter2, -Grende, Xaran Alamas, Tenebrae, -Berz-, and KILLCIDE to credits

412 changes
Multiple maps

    • Fixed abilities not being loaded properly form a previous chapter
    • Removed unnecessary custom objects
    • Removed some unnecessary duplicated trigger actions
    • Custom objects are now stored in the campaign file instead of each map
    • Added new unit Spearthrower
    • New items: Wand of Chain Lightning, Wand of Lightning Shield (self), Wand of Far Sight
    • Removed Slow, Abolish Magic and Bash from all Kobolds
    • Removed Flee from Shades
    • Removed custom Healing Salve
    • Decreased map size
    • Added more space in many areas
User Interface

    • Fixed quest descriptions
    • Fixed spelling mistakes
    • Changed icon of Catapult to classic Reign of Chaos icon

    • Removed unnecessary duplicated imports
    • Replaced all non-Blizzard music with Blizzard music
    • New model for Baby Thrall
    • New model for Draka
    • Changed Taretha's hair color to blonde
      • Increased detail in many areas
    • Mixed Lordaeron Winter and Northrend tilesets
    • Added fog
    • Removed Thrall's death sequence
    • Removed some wait times in cinematics
    • Modified cinematics for new terrain

    • Rage can no longer be cast on enemy units or catapults
    • Decreased duration of Rage from 40 to 30 seconds
    • Increased cast range of Rage from 0 to 300
    • Increased damage of War Stomp from 25/50/75 to 50/75/100
    • Decreased mana cost of War Stomp from 90 to 75
    • Increased selection scale from 1.1 to 1.2
    • Fixed score screen icon
    • Increases scale from 1.0 to 1.2
    • Improved spell animations

    • Removed some dialogue
    • Added and changed some cameras
    • Removed some unnecessary doodads
    • Replaced fel orcs with normal grunts
    • Renamed Baby Thrall to Orc baby
    • Fixed fight timings
Chapter 1

    • Changed locations of some switches
    • Changed some patrol routes and starting locations of guards
    • Changed types of some droppable items
    • Replaced some knights with footmen
    • Repositioned some guards
    • Fixed a bug that removed visibility from switches
    • Replaced the Mortal Team with two Bandits
    • Added 5 Tomes of Lesser Experience
    • Changed ownership of all units of Player 5 (Citizens) to Player 3 (Citizens)
    • Removed Player 5
User Interface

    • Changed map title from "The Adventure Begins" to "Unchained"
    • "Thrall must survive" is now a proper defeat condition

    • Fixed a bug that stopped the music
    • Removed a transmission from the Intro cinematic
    • Fixed a bug that prevented Thrall from fighting in the Intro cinematic
Chapter 2

    • Added more Trolls to starting area
    • Added an optional quest to rescue some wolves
    • Changed types of some droppable items
    • Thrall can now flee through the main gate
    • Removed a patrol guard
    • Changed patrol route of a guard
    • Second Escape quest is now completed when Thrall finds the Goblins
    • Removed Player 9 (Guards)
    • Imprisoned orcs are no longer invulnerable but periodically healed
User Interface

    • Split requirement for quest Second Escape into two
    • Find your belonging quest requirement will now be properly completed
    • Renamed player Camp to Guards

    • Fixed a quest sound bug
    • The Rest cinematic is now triggered after killing all trolls
    • Fixed duration of the Kelgar cinematic
    • The correct peon is now moving to Thrall in the Kelgar cinematic
Chapter 3

    • Thrall
      • Decreased experience gain at level 3 from 75% to 50%
      • Decreased experience gain at level 4 from 33% to 20%
    • Food quest items now grant experience
    • Removed the Paladin quest
    • Added a new optional quest "The Bandit Lord"
    • Completing the new optional quest will reveal all items for the main quest
    • Replaced and changed location of some guards
    • Decreased time for cave sequence
    • Decreased time until Towers are destroyed when Barrels of Explosives explode
    • Removed cheese/self-destroying barrel sequence
    • Added hiding spots for more stealthy gameplay
    • Added Ensnare to Swordsmen
    • Added a hint abouts Ensnare
    • Thrall will gain vision of Guards in an area when entering that area
    • Removed a dog
    • Removed a droppable item from a pack horse
    • Increased level of attack upgrades for Guards from 0 to 3
    • Added some bandits at the northeast exit
    • The Exit quest is now completed when the last group of bandits is dead
    • Fixed bug preventing Riflemen from shooting at practice targets
    • A Knight will now attack Thrall if he gets too close to the children
    • Fixed bug preventing Tom from fighting Jerry
User Interface

    • Changed map title from "Hunger for your People" to "Hunger"
    • The Food quest is now discovered after the Intro cinematic
    • Added quest requirement "Find a village" to Food quest
    • Removed optional quest "More Food". Its requirements are now part of the main quest
    • Added quest requirement to all quests
    • Changed text "Find the northeast exit" to "Flee through the northeast exit"
    • Changed transmission "I don't need more food..." to "I have enough..."
    • Added a transmission when Thrall is too close to the children
    • Added minimap pings for each Food quest item
    • Player 4 (Warsong clan) is now hidden in the Score Screen

    • Removed the Lothar cinematic
    • Removed the Paladin cinematic
    • Remade Outro cinematic

    • Replaced fel orcs with normal grunts
    • Removed unnecessary objects in the scene
    • Fixed some unit locations
    • More cameras and improved camera movement
    • Added some water to the terrain
    • Changed the throne of Hellscream
    • Removed all rats
    • Changed color of fighting orcs to purple
Chapter 4

    • Thrall
      • Decreased vision range in starting area
      • Life and Mana are refilled when seeing Grom or Taretha
      • Life now set to 100% when entering the Pacman game
    • Thrall must now loot enemies for health to survive in the starting area
    • Increased periodic damage to Thrall in the starting area
    • Increased number of creeps in the starting area
    • Removed all Healing Torches from the starting area
    • Added numerous Runes of Healing and other helpful items to creeps
    • Hellscream and Taretha now turn into hostile enemies that drop items when killed
    • Added fast Spirit Pigs to the Pigs quest that will drop items when caught
    • Removed all visibility modifiers for the Pigs quest
    • Added a new visibility modifier that allows vision to the whole Pigs quest area
    • Pigs quest net is now invulnerable
    • Pigs quest will now stop when the timer runs out
    • Removed a sheep
    • All minigames (Book, Pigs and Pacman) will now restart when lost or Thrall dies
    • Added some rewards for completing each miniquest
    • Set life of all player units to 100% after the Ogre cinematic
    • Thrall will no longer take damage form traps if invulnerable
    • Added some Boulder Towers to the gnoll camp
    • Repositioned some units at the gnoll camp
    • Backpack upgrade is now disabled
    • Decreased damage and hit points of all gnolls
    • Added a Tome of Strength behind the Book quest area
    • The Pacman speed items will no longer be usable multiple times during a single try
    • Fixed a bug that prevented triggering the DrekTharAfterGnolls and Outro cinematics
    • Ogre quest can now be started when the Pigs quest is completed instead of the Raiders vs Gnolls quest
    • Increased terrain space in the starting area
User Interface

    • Changed text of first hint
    • Renamed leaderboard from "Hay - Pigs at Hay" to "Pigs - missed"
    • "Thrall must live" is now a proper defeat condition
    • Renamed quest "The Frostwolves" to "Alone and Cold"
    • Added quest "The Frostwolves" whick displays which quests need to be completed
    • Changed text "Free the base to..." to "Enter the gnoll camp"
    • Changed text "Rescue the pigs" to "Rescue all pigs"
    • Fixed a transmission that wouldn't play
    • Added a bonus item at the gnoll camp
    • Buildings wil no longer drop items
    • Removed some blocking doodads at the Pigs quest spawning areas
    • Redesigned the gnoll camp

    • Decreased volume of the scary sound during the Durotan vision
    • Changed model of item "Lord of the Alliance" to a book
    • Game is now playing War2IntroMusic during the Pacman game
    • Changed sky from Lordaeron Winter (Yellow) to Blizzard
    • Added Magical Runes to help guide Thrall
    • Added more space at the ogre camp
    • Increased ramp space to final gnoll camp
    • Removed a few cameras from the Intro cinematic
    • Removed a transmission from the Intro cinematic
    • Removed haze effects for all non-vision cinematics
    • Fixed some errors with the MeetFrostwolves cinematic
    • Removed the RaidersvsGnollsGate cinematic
    • Fixed some errors with the Raiders vs Gnolls cinematics
Chapter 5

    • Thrall
      • Increased experience gain at level 6 from 33% to 40%
      • Is now properly revived when killed
    • Air
      • Towers will no longer cast Taunt
      • Cinematic Tornado Thrall is no longer commandable
      • Decreased size of movement regions for the last group of hippogryphs
    • Earth
      • Replaced Golems with Kobolds
      • Bringing the keys to the Circle of Light will now spawn Kobolds
      • Replaced Potions with Runes
    • Fire
      • Decreased Mana Drained Per Second of Immolation from 2 to 1
      • Removed all Rock Chunks
      • Gate will no longer close
      • Removed a Rune of Greater Healing
      • Changed location of a Rune of Greater Mana
      • Changed locations of some obstacles
      • Replaced some Burning Archers with Skeletal Orcs
      • Replaced the Staff of Negation with a Wand of Chain Lightning
      • Decreased target acquisition range of all enemy units to 200
      • Removed a Flame Skeleton
      • Changed locations of some resurrectable Grunts
      • Added two Runes of Resurrection
      • Increased time between trap damage from 0.1 to 0.2 seconds
      • All player units can now suffer trap damage
      • Decreased hit points of Fire Beetles from 550 to 400
      • Decreased time for elevator under water by 1 second
      • Increased time for elevator above water by 1 second
      • Added more space to area
    • Water
      • Removed the last line of Logs
      • Replaced all Mur'gul Blood-Gills with Makrura Snappers
      • Summoners are now invulnerable
      • Mur'gul Tidewarriors will drop Runes of Mana when killed
      • Quest will now properly reset when Thrall is killed
      • Decreased target acquisition range of all enemy units to 150
    • Wilds
      • Decreased size of area
      • Feral Spirit is now properly removed when ending the quest
      • Removed unnecessary damaging regions
      • Removed Runes of Life from the Stag path
      • Added Boulder Towers that will force the Stag to move back
      • Stag can no longer escape the playground
    • Doomhammer
      • Removed Reincarnation from Doomhammer
      • Items will now appear every 8 seconds
      • Doomhammer will now attack each item after 4 seconds
      • Thrall's death will no longer trigger the Doomhamer cinematic
      • Replaced a Potion of Lesser Invulnerability with a Wand of Chain Lightning
    • Replaced a Shimmerglaze Roast with a Wand of Lightning Shield
    • Added a Potion of Mana and a Potion of Healing
User Interface

    • Floating texts will be removed properly
    • Renamed Strange Wanderer to Wanderer
    • Fire: Changed initial hint to "Beware of the flame traps..."
    • Earth: Changed initial hint to "Slay the enemies..."
    • Water: Changed quest requirement to "Kill all 20 enemies"
    • Wilds
      • Fixed initial hint
      • Changed the hotkey of Feral Spirit to F

    • Decreased scale of Spirit of Air
    • Will no longer play object sounds during Fire cinematic
    • Removed the Wind and Snow weather effects
    • Earth: Removed some rocks
    • Removed the Travel sequence from the Intro cinematic
    • Removed some minor parts from the Intro cinematic
    • Changed some camera angles in the Intro cinematic
    • Removed first camera movement from the Earth cinematic
    • Removed first camera movement from the Water cinematic
    • Removed some minor parts form the Air cinematic
    • Changed some camera angles in the Air cinematic
    • Removed some minor parts from the Wilds cinematic
    • Added pathing Blockers (Air) to the Wilds cinematic
    • Improved camera movement in Doomhammer cinematic
    • Improved text in Doomhammer cinematic
    • Removed some parts from the Outro cinematic
    • Game now removes all buffs at the start of a cinematic
Chapter 6

    • Thrall: Fixed a bug with starting abilities
    • Langston
      • Increased initial mana from 30% to 100%
      • Removed abilities Holy Light and Resurrection
      • Increased hero level for 8 to 10
    • Decreased experience gain for all heroes at level 7 from 50% to 20%
    • Doomhammer and Hellscream can now be revived at the new Altar of Storms
    • Removed all starting items from Doomhammer and Hellscream
    • Thrall can now be revived after his escape
    • Game can only be lost if Thrall dies while escaping
    • Redesigned Breakout area
    • Player will now start with a few units at the Breakout area
    • Removed time pressure from Breakout area
    • Replaced escaping grunts with normal grunts
    • Replaced camp guards with footmen
    • Removed escaping peons
    • Removed optional quest "The Items"
    • The Orc's Rescue is now part of the Main Quest
    • Changed The Orc's Rescue objective to destroy the gate
    • Changed locations of two Barracks
    • Changed locations of War Mill, Catapults and Neutral Buildings
    • Removed most creeps
    • Added golems to the northeast that drop a Helm of Valor
    • Decreased cost of Ankh of Reincarnation from 300 to 200 gold
    • Ankh of Reincarnation can now be dropped
    • Increased costs of all upgrades and mercenary units
    • Removed Staff of Teleportation from the Goblin Merchant
    • Added Wand of Chain Lightning and Wand of Lightning Shield to the Goblin Merchant
    • Replaced Dire Frost Wolf with Spearthrower in Drek'Thar's camp
    • The War Mill now produces 50 Food
    • Added more Guard Towers
    • Added an optional quest to rescue elite orcs
    • Removed player 3 (Citizens)
    • Set Stock Maximum for Catapults, Frost Wolves and Spearthrowers to 3 seconds
    • Set Stock Replenish Interval for Catapults, Frost Wolves and Spearthrowers to 30 seconds
    • Set Stock Start Delay for Catapults, Frost Wolves and Spearthrowers to 0 seconds
    • Frost Wolves and Spearthrowers to 3/30 seconds/0 seconds
    • Added Boots of Speed
    • Increased damage of Guard Towers from 23-28 to 33-38
    • Doomhammer's items will be transferred to Chapter 7
    • Added Elite Guard Towers
    • Increased base damage of Watch Towers from 15 to 60
User Interface

    • Langston
      • Changed name "Paladin" to "Chief Lieutenant"
      • Changed proper name "Lord Karramyn Langston" to "Karramyn Langston"
    • Doomhammer: New icon
    • Changed hotkey of Shaman Adept/Master Training to "H"
    • Removed the hint to kill creeps
    • Removed hint about custom Healing Salve
    • Renamed Bodyguard to Elite Knight
    • Barracks leaderboard will now be updated correctly

    • Langston: Level Up graphics are now hidden
    • Replaced Great Hall doodads with Orc Houses (Burrows)
    • Added a way to cross between the two Barracks expansions
    • Fixed skip bug in Intro cinematic
    • Removed some parts in the Intro cinematic
    • Removed Flame Strike effect that appeared at the center of the map
    • Watch Towers from the Intro cinematic are now preplaced
    • Cinematic mode will no longer be deactivated at the end of the outro cinematic
    • Moved Thrall's speech to the starting area in the Outro cinematic
    • Player 12 Grunts now belong to Player 1 in the Outro cinematic
    • Player 4 starting units are no longer hidden in Outro cinematic
    • All kinds of Spirit Wolves are removed for the cinematics
Chapter 7

    • Thrall: Increased starting level from 5 to 8 if not restored from game cache
    • Hellscream: Increased starting level from 5 to 8 if not restored from game cache
    • Doomhammer's items are now imported from Chapter 6
    • Complete gameplay redesign
    • Removed most of old Durnholde
    • Changed locations of all players' bases
    • Removed all optional quests
    • Removed many creeps
    • Refined enemy AI
    • Enemies will now research upgrades
    • Enemies will now attack in different tiers after some time
    • Now able to control player base while looking for Taretha
    • Reset speed and food cost of all enemy units
    • Can now research Burning Oil and Reinforced Defenses
    • Peons will stop harvesting while in a cinematic
    • Can now train Spearthrowers from the Barracks
    • Can now upgrade Envenomed Weapons from the War Mill
    • Removed player 3 (Citizens)
    • Player has to destroy all buildings of Durnholde (Grey) except Farms and Towers
    • Removed all tech tree requirements for enemy units
    • Player 9 (Durnholde) will no longer rebuild his base
    • Added a new optional quest to free captured elite orcs
    • Units surviving the Taretha quest will now be brought over to the main area
    • Game is now lost when all player structures are destroyed
    • Added runes, bundles of lumber and gold coins on the road to Taretha
    • Added elite knight to each enemy base
    • Removed defeat condition for Drek'Thar's death
    • When killed, Drek'Thar will come back to life after 30 seconds
    • Increased target acquisition range of Drek'Thar from 1250 to 1700
    • Drek'Thar will now only teleport to structures
User Interface

    • No longer required to press ESC twice to skip the TarethaAndBlackmoore cinematic
    • Changed quest requirement "Destroy the four..." to "Destroy the Grey Base"
    • Added quest requirement to not attack Durnholde while looking for Taretha
    • Fixed description for Spirit Lodge
    • Decreased time between minimap pings from 20 to 12 seconds
    • Removed Frost Wolf hint

    • Complete terrain redesign
    • Removed all cinematics associated with optional quests
Chapter 8

    • Cloak of Shadows will no longer be removed at map start
    • Removed player 12 (Vagabonds)
    • Removed player 4 (Neutral)
    • All enemy units (except Blackmoore) are now neutral hostile
    • Added Tomes of Experience to multiple enemies
    • Blackmoore will now appear from time to time
    • Changed general layout to be less linear
    • Many areas are now connected via Way Gates
    • Thrall
      • Decreased experience gain from 100% to 45%
      • Increased starting level from 8 to 9 when not restored from game cache
    • Spiders
      • Added numerous spider eggs
      • Now all spider eggs hatch when Thrall approaches them
      • Spiders no longer cast Ensnare
    • BlueFlames
      • Redesined area
      • Changed position and number of flame traps
      • Added more types of traps
      • Added more enemy units
      • Replaced Circlet of Nobility with Cloak of Flames
    • Sheep
      • Redesigned area
      • Player can now control sheep directly
      • Added ability Kaboom! to all sheep
      • Sheep will be replaced infinitely
      • Increased controllable number of sheep from 1 to 3
      • Removed teleporters, Iron Gates and Switches
      • Added a Blood Mage that casts Flame Strike
      • Player now has to guide sheep to destroy a Power Generator
      • Added vision to the area
    • Glaives
      • Redesined area
      • Increased damage region of glaives
      • Increased attack check rate of glaives
      • Set attack rate of glaives to 1.45 seonds
      • Increased damage of glaives from 100 to 150
      • Added new types of glaives with different movement
      • Added hostile Satyrs
      • Added vision to the area
      • Added a Rune and a Healing Potion
      • Added two switches which activate a Way Gate
    • Flood
      • Removed Rising Water doodads and gameplay mechanics
      • Redesigned area
      • Added a transport ship
      • Added gates
      • Added more types of Water Elementals and Earth-Fury Towers
      • Earth-Fury Towers now drop items
    • Bandits
      • Redesigned area
      • Removed the Charing Pan, Rock Chunks and Catapult
      • Replaced Shadow Meld of Brigands with Permanent Invisibility
      • Added Slow Poison to Brigands
      • Added Sentry Ward items
      • Removed all Land Mines
    • Endfight
      • Removed Flesh Golem and Switches
      • Runes will now be created before a fire
      • After a while two fires will be created
    • Blackmoore
      • Decreased reaction time to items from 2.0 to 1.5 seconds
      • No longer moves unless there is an item
      • Removed ability Shockwave
      • Added ability Drunken Haze
      • No longer takes damage from fire
User Interface

    • Renamed Teleporter to Circle of Power
    • Changed main quest requirement text to "Kill Aedelas Blackmoore"
    • The quest completed message is now displayed before the Outro cinematic
    • Sheep: Renamend Mechanical Sheep to Explosive Sheep

    • Added sound to Fire units
    • Increased scale of Brood Mother
    • Removed the Dalaran Shield weather effect
    • Moved Thrall further away from the Gate in the Fight cinematic
    • Removed a minor scene in the Outro cinematic
    • Endfight
      • Music theme will be repeated until victory
      • Music theme will no longer deactivate when minimizing the game

    • Merged the modified Chapter 1 and the new Chapter 7
    • Complete remake of camera and unit movement
    • Removed some minor scenes and dialogue
    • Removed rain effect
    • Combined credits of "Idea and Execution" and "Triggers" into "Design"
    • Removed "Music" credits
    • Added additional "Models, Skins and Art" credits and named them "Additional Art and Music"
    • Added ChevronSeven, Tauer, Frankster, Stanakin sniper_zero and darklord_avalon to the credits
    • Removed Blizzard, Gladiator and The Matrix Trilogy from the credits

170 changes
Multiple maps

    • Thrall
      • Will no longer lose his items from previous chapters
      • Baby cloth no longer drops on death
      • Added ability Rage
      • Removed ability Evasion
    • Thrall (Grunt)
      • Increased initial mana from 50 to 100
      • Increased base intelligence from 14 to 17
      • Increased mana regeneration from 0.66 to 0.80 per second
    • Added map victory cheat "-winmap"
User Interface

    • Fixed player name
    • Floating texts will now be removed properly
    • Fixed typos and spelling mistakes

    • Improved terrain in the Raven flight area
    • Removed scene "travelling to fire camp"
    • Increased field of view for Doomhammer cameras
    • Removed a stone
Chapter 1

    • Thrall
      • Changed starting ability to from Evasion to Storm Bolt
      • Increased starting hit points from 250 to 400
    • Removed some enemy units
    • Decreased target acquisition range for a Footman
    • Added more Runes of Healing/Mana
    • Now all switches need to be pressed for the gate to open
    • Fixed defeat condition when killing civilians
    • Player will no longer lose control of the Dog when it tries to exit the city
    • Dog now moves back a bit when it tries to exit the city
    • Game will now longer pause when switches 1-4 are pressed
User Interface

    • Renamed player Durnholde to Guards
Chapter 2

    • Removed or replaced all Mud Golems
    • Added a Fountain of Mana to the Kobold camp
    • Food now heals life and mana
    • Removed some Humans
    • Changed location of some Trolls
    • Removed some Trolls for the quest "Volbir and Bolvir"
    • Decreased required lumber for the quest "Volbir and Bolvir" from 16 to 12
    • The Mock cinematic can no longer be played before the Kelgar cinematic
    • Removed and changed location of some Kobolds
    • Added a Rune of Healing to a Kobold
    • Disabled sleeping for all creeps
User Interface

    • Changed map title from "Wrong Time..." to "Lethargy of the Orcs"
    • Renamed player Camp-Soldiers to Guards
    • Removed the Lumber leaderboard
    • Added exclamation marks to the unfriendly orc and Kelgar

    • Smoothed terrain in the Capture cinematic
    • Increased time for some cameras in the Volbir and Bolvir cinematics
Chapter 3

    • Decreased hit points of Rock Chunks
    • Removed some enemy units
    • Changed location of a Food quest item
    • Added a blockade to the northern parts of the village
    • Added defeat condition "Don't kill innocent people"
    • Changed ownership of horses and dogs to Neutral Passive
User Interface

    • Transmission at the grain farm will only appear once
    • Removed transmission at the slums

    • Changed map title from "A Hell's Scream" to "Hellscream"
Chapter 4

    • Removed some enemy creeps
    • Changed starting location of Raiders at the quest "Raiders vs Gnolls"
    • Removed some towers at the Ogres area
    • Increased pathing space at the Ogreas area
    • Removed keyboard controls at the Pacman quest
    • Decreased base damage of Ogre Maulers in the Pacman quest from 200 to 100
    • Replaced all Runes of Healing with Runes of Speed in the Pacman quest
    • Item Lord of the Alliance is no longer marked as usable
    • Added blocking terrain at Pigs quest area
    • Camera will no longer change at the Pigs quest
    • Decreased time for Pigs quest from 180 to 150 seconds
    • Decreased random movement speed of pigs by 20
    • Increased time between pig spawns from 15/10/8 to 20/15/13
    • Decreased trap damage at Book quest area from 200 to 125
    • Decreased hit points of some Rock Chunks

    • Removed Pacman music
    • Changed hint for the Pigs quest to stay close to the hay
    • Created minimap pings for all switches
    • Fixed time for some transmissions
    • Raiders will now attack the proper Rock Chunks
Chapter 5

    • Thrall: Life and mana reset to 100% before each quest
    • Thrall (Wilds)
      • Added ability Feral Spirit
      • Removed ability Blink
      • Removed ranged attack
      • can now reach the Stag
    • Air
      • Removed timer
      • Removed some hippogryphs and towers
      • Increased time between hippogryph movement from 3/4/5 to 4/5/6 seconds
    • Fire
      • Thrall: Added ability Immolation
      • Removed two Firebeetles
      • Replaced Hellfires with Skeleton Archers
      • Added a Rune of Mana
      • Increased pathing space
    • Earth
      • Removed timer
      • Leaderboard is now properly destroyed
    • Water: Removed keyboard controls
    • Endfight: Thrall can now use all abilities

    • Cinematic mode is now deactivated when the Intro cinematic is skipped
Chapter 6

    • Thrall: Increased maximum level from 7 to 8
    • Hellscream
      • Increased maximum level from 7 to 8
      • Increased starting level from 4 to 7
    • Langston
      • Decreased level from 10 to 8
      • Removed ability Divine Shield
      • Increased level pf Holy Light from 1 to 2
    • Mana of heroes is now set to 100% when Langston appears
    • Ankhs of Reincarnation carried by heroes are now removed at map victory
    • Rescuing the fleeing orcs is now a separate optional quest
    • Can no longer fail the mission if a fleeing orc dies
    • Fleeing Grunts/Peons are now replaced with normal Grunts/Peons when rescued
    • Decreased range of initial attack location of Hellscream and Doomhammer
    • Changed location of a camp guard
User Interface

    • Renamed quest "The Orc's Rescue" to "The Internment camp"
    • Increased time between displaying starting quests and hints
Chapter 7

    • Thrall: Increases maximum level from 8 to 9
    • Hellscream: Increases maximum level from 8 to 9
    • Destroying one Rock Chunk now destroys all Rock Chunks
    • Zeppelin now shares vision with player
    • Added a Fountain of Health
    • Decreased numer of enemy Gryphons in attack wave from 3/6/9 to 2/4/6
    • Removed some Towers from enemy bases
    • Removed defeat condition from quest "Reinforcements"
    • Removed a Rifleman from Reinforcements area
    • Added Rock Chunks to Reinforcements area
    • Increased pathing space at Reinforcements ramp
    • Reinforcements ramp can now be reached on foot
User Interface

    • Added exclamation mark to Zeppelin
    • Added Leaderboard for towers built for the quest "Reinforcements"
    • Removed leader for destroyed enemy town halls
    • Can no longer trigger the Reinforcements dialogue multiple times

    • Added Dog to Taretha's cave
    • Removed a scene from the Zeppelin cinematic
Chapter 8

    • Thrall
      • Increased maximum level from 9 to 10
      • Set experience gain to 100%
      • Added ability Evasion
      • Life and mana set to 100% before Endfight
    • Blackmoore
      • Removed items
      • Decreased Damage Sides Per Die from 6 to 5
      • Increased Attack Cooldown from 2.2 to 2.6
      • Increased Intelligence Per Level from 0.8 to 1.6
      • Increased Life
      • Now tries to steal spawned items
    • Decreased hit points of Iron Gates to 50
    • Replaced Greater Rune of Healing with a Rune of Restoration
    • Added a Rune of Healing
    • Removed several Spiders and Bandits
    • Added an Enforcer
    • Increased spawn rate for Blue Flame Traps from 1.75 to 4/3/2 seconds
    • Mechanical sheep will now move towards an opened gate
    • Fixed a broken switch
    • Decreased size of fire regions in the endfight
    • Decreased spawn rate of items in the endfight from 5 to 3 seconds
    • Removed Orb of Lightning from the endfight
    • Added more Runes of Healing to endfight
    • Removed healing water
User Interface

    • Changed name of player Aedelas Blackmoore to Lord of Durnholde

    • Removed scene with Flesh Golem
    • Runes will now glow before activating in the endfight

    • Thrall now says what item he is giving to Hellscream
    • Merged all map creation credits
    • Replaced all non-orcs in credits with versions of Thrall
    • Added World of Warcraft to Music credits

7 changes
Multiple maps

    • Fixed typos and spelling mistakes
    • Smoothed terrain on some ramps
Chapter 2

    • Changed location of secret exit in internment camp
Chapter 4

    • Decreased time of the quest "These Pigs!"
Chapter 6

    • Changed location of Barracks
    • Changed initial target location for heroes
    • Langston: Decreased level of all abilities

58 changes
Multiple maps

    • Thrall: Replaced Bash with Storm Bolt
    • Turned Give Bounty on for player Neutral Hostile
User Interface

    • Thrall: Changed War Stomp Hotkey to W

    • Added sound effects to water
    • Changed time for some transmissions
    • Fixed typos and spelling mistakes

    • Improved some camera angles
Chapter 1

    • Thrall: Changed starting ability to Evasion
    • Game will no longer pause for transmissions

    • Added sound effects to switches
    • Changed sound effect when completing quest "The Gate"
    • Decreased volume of opening gate
    • Decreased playtime of Outro cinematic
Chapter 2

    • Removed some Trolls
    • Added a Rune of Mana
    • Triggering the Kelgar cinematic now deactives the Mock cinematic
    • Fixed plotstopper with the quest "Volbir and Bolvir"
User Interface

    • The Lumber Leaderboard is now properly updated
Chapter 3

    • Added Pathing Blockers to the village entrance
    • The Paladin's map is now properly removed

    • Changed owner of grunts to Player 4 after defeating them
Chapter 4

    • Thrall: Fixed bug loading stats from Chapter 2
    • Decreased time of the quest "These Pigs!" by 40 seconds
    • Decreased speed of pigs by 50
    • Decreased spawn rate of pigs by 2 seconds
    • Fixed plotstopper when completing the quests in a specific order
    • Raiders no longer attack Thrall if he attacks them
    • Raiders no longer surround Thrall
    • Improved difficulty curve for quest "Raiders vs Gnolls"
    • Increased lumber gather radius in quest "Pacman"
    • Increased width of road to the ogre towers

    • Increased terrain height under Gnoll Huts
Chapter 5

    • Thrall: Increased level to 6
    • Drek'Thar no longer gains a level if Thrall dies
    • Decreased spawn rate of Skeleton Archers
    • Increased spawn speed of Skeleton Archers
    • Granite Golem is now asleep until bringing all keys to him
    • Decreased rate of elevator height change from 5 to 4 seconds
User Interface

    • Floating texts are now properly removed
Chapter 6

    • Thrall
      • Added Cloak of Shadows to inventory at map start
      • Added Ankh of Reincarnation to inventory at map start
    • Replaced Cloak of Shadows at city centre with a Potion of Healing
    • Decreased spawn rate of enemies
    • Removed defeat condigion for civilians
    • Changed initial targets for Hellscream and Doomhammer from the expansion Barracks to the first Human Towers
    • Fleeing Orcs now changed ownership to Player 1 when rescued
    • Decreased hit points of Bodyguards from 1200 to 1000
    • Changed initial mana of Langston to 30%
Chapter 8

    • Thrall
      • Changed experience gain to 50%
      • Increased maximum level from 8 to 9
      • Unlocked War Stop level 3
    • Added hint for the Sheep puzzle
    • Removed many Runes of Healing at the Spiders area
    • Replaced some low-level spiders with higher-level spiders
    • Added a Rune of Restoration at the Fountain of Health
    • Removed a Potion of invulnerability
    • Changed position of endfight items to the corners

    • Decreased height of teleporters

    • Credits theme is now repeated until the end of the cinematic






Loading Screens


Special Thanks

Book: Christie Golden
Gameplay: OutsiderXE

Name Use Author
Ability User Interface Ability, Upgrades and Companions OutsiderXE
Target Indicator System Target Indicators OutsiderXE
Bonebreaker Knockback Marcelo Hossomi
Cutting Edge Raging Strike -Berz-
Feral Impact Leap Marcelo Hossomi

Filename (.mdx/.blp/.tga) Use Author
AedelasBlackmoore Blackmoore Sxar
AshenLogStraight Tree Log Blizzard Entertainment
BasStrStake Orc Stake reinless
Berserker Council Member #1 supertoinkz
BlackShaman_ByEpsilon Council Member #2 epsilon
Doomhammer Doomhammer Tauer
Draka Draka PROXY
blondeTC Taretha (Child) Alethos
Durotan Durotan Tauer
Hero_Arthas Langston Direfury
FarmDoor House Door Nasrudin
FelGuardGreen_ByEpsilon Council Member #4 epsilon
FireElemental Fire Elemental alfredx_sotn
Fishie Sagefish Kitabatake
Fireplace House Fireplace reinless
GrizzlyBearPelt Grizzly Bear Pelt Nasrudin
Grunt Captain Gargok Stefan.K
HeavyUnitTeamColor Lieutenant Drake JesusHipster
HeroGlow Hero Glow Blizzard Entertainment
Hero_Zuluhed Gar'dal Stefan.K
HobbitonCarpetBlue Carpet Blue Olofmoleman
HobbitonCarpetPurple Carpet Purple Olofmoleman
HobbitonFloor House Floor Olofmoleman
KopfAufSpeer Head on Spear Blizzard Entertainment
Megaton Hammer by Sunchips Thrall's Hammer Sunchips
NakedGrunt Naked Grunt Sin'dorei300
OrcAssassin Grima frostwolf
Orc Hero Council Member #2 -Grendel
OrcChild_v3 Orc Child/Baby Thrall ChevronSeven
OrcSpearThrower Spearthrower General Frank
OrcTent Orc Tent reinless
Painting House Painting Nasrudin
Paladinportrait House Painting Nasrudin
Railroad Railroad xXm0rpH3usXx
RPGOrc Thrall (Gladiator) (Naked) Tenebrae
Scroll Unrolled Scroll Blizzard Entertainment
ShamanFemale Veteran Shaman Cavman
SpinFX2 Whirlwind Waldbaer, Donut 3.5
ThrallOnFootDoomhammer Thrall (Warchief) (Black) General Frank
ThrallWolfBlueArmor Thrall (Mounted) (White) General Frank
ThrallWolfDoomhammer Thrall (Mounted) (Black) OutsiderXE
ThunderlordRaider Veteran Raider Mister_Haudrauf
GreatAirElemental Spirit of Air Himperion
RuinGolem Spirit of Earth Amdor
UmgefallenerBaum Fallen Tree Blizzard Entertainment
VillagerMale2 Tammis Foxton 67chrome
Villager_v2 Jaramin Skisson Kitabatake
WarsongGrunt Elite Grunt Tauer
WhiteWolfhead White Wolfhead Nasrudin
WineBottle Wine Bottle Blood Raven
chair2 House Chair Nasrudin
church_chalice Wine Glas xXm0rpH3usXx
dummy Invisible Dummy Cookie
necrolyte Council Member #5 Xaran Alamas, Rommel
armchair0 Arm Chair Ket
roundtable Round Table Nasrudin
wall1 House Wall Nasrudin
wallforwindows House Window Nasrudin

Filename (.blp) Use Author
BTNANA_InnerHeal Mend Anachron
BTN/ATCSpell_Shadow_CurseOfMannoroth Confuse Blizzard Entertainment
BTNAbility_Warrior_Challange Duel Blizzard Entertainment
BTNAbility_Warrior_WarCry Battle Roar BLazeKraze
BTNAedelas Aedelas Blackmoore Sxar
BTNBash Earthshock The Panda
BTNChickenCritter Will of the Wilds Marcos DAB
BTN/PASCourage Knockback Mr.Goblin
BTNDraka Draka/Grima Alex Horley
BTNDurotan164 Durotan PeeKay
BTNFirePit Fire Pit maxor_gan
BTNFireSpawn Fire Elemental Blizzard Entertainment
BTNFrostwolfInsignia Tattered Cloth Zach Fischer
BTNHot Whirlwind Whirlwind zbc
BTNINV_Misc_Bandage_15 Bandage Blizzard Entertainment
BTN/PASINV_Misc_Coin_01 Looting Blizzard Entertainment
BTNINV_Misc_Fish_04 Sagefish Blizzard Entertainment
BTN/PASINV_Misc_Food_15 Cooking Blizzard Entertainment
BTNINV_Misc_Shovel_01 Shovel Blizzard Entertainment
BTNIceBolt Ice Shard The Panda
BTNMuscleCharge Indestructible UgoUgo
BTNNatureSeed Tree Seed BLazeKraze
BTNOrgrim Doomhammer Svetli
BTN/PASPowerSlash Power Slash The Panda
BTNRagingstrike Raging Strike Hemske
BTNRavage Ravage PeeKay
BTNSpeed buff Haste Wildfire
BTN/PASTheDoomhammer Combat Aura TheKaldorei
BTNThrallNew Dodge dansaDisco
BTNTuskarrBanner Challenge Mr.Goblin
BTNWaterskin_11 Waterskin Blizzard Entertainment
BTN_cr_GOBgogles Visi-Goggles Mark V CRAZYRUSSIAN
BTN/PASicywolf Howl of the Frostwolf D.ee
BTNinv_fishingpole_02 Fishing Pole Blizzard Entertainment
SSHBTNRockGolem Spirit of Earth Blizzard Entertainment
SSHBTNSeaElemental Spirit of Water Blizzard Entertainment
SSHBTNSheep Spirit of the Wilds Blizzard Entertainment
SSHBTNTornado Spirit of Air Blizzard Entertainment

Filename (.tga) Use Author
Composition All Dagren
Durotan Prologue Alex Horley
Ogre Chapter 1 Blizzard Entertainment
Orc (Keep) Chapter 2 Blizzard Entertainment
Orc (Pit) Chapter 3 Blizzard Entertainment
Hellscream Chapter 4 Blizzard Entertainment
Thrall and Wolf Interlude HeeWonLee
Drek'Thar Chapter 5 sandara
Shaman Chapter 6 Blizzard Entertainment
Thrall Interlude Blizzard Entertainment
Frostwolf Rider Chapter 7 Blizzard Entertainment
Lord of the Clans Chapter 8 Blizzard Entertainment

Filename (.wav/.mp3) Use Author
Additional Audio Additional Audio ElevenLabs, Replica Studios
HeroDoomhammerChieftainDeath Sound Blizzard Entertainment
HeroWarden Sound Set Blizzard Entertainment
Battle for Azeroth - GoblinGreed D Music Blizzard Entertainment
Battle for Azeroth - HordeVictory3 H Music Blizzard Entertainment
Cataclysm - Burning Steppes 3 Music Blizzard Entertainment
Cataclysm - Cold Mountain 3 Music Blizzard Entertainment
Cataclysm - Cold Mountain 6 Music Blizzard Entertainment
Cataclysm - Cold Mountain Music Blizzard Entertainment
Cataclysm - Durotar 2 Music Blizzard Entertainment
Cataclysm - Durotar A1 Music Blizzard Entertainment
Catacylsm - Durotat C1 Music Blizzard Entertainment
Cataclysm - Northern Barrens Tune Music Blizzard Entertainment
Cataclysm - Twilights Hammer Music Blizzard Entertainment
Legion - Anduin Pt1 A1 Music Blizzard Entertainment
Legion - Anduin Pt1 H1 Music Blizzard Entertainment
Legion - Anduin Pt1 H2 Music Blizzard Entertainment
Legion - DemonHunterP1 H Music Blizzard Entertainment
Legion - DemonHunterP2 A Music Blizzard Entertainment
Legion - DemonHunterP3 B Music Blizzard Entertainment
Legion - DemonHunterP3 C Music Blizzard Entertainment
Legion - DemonHunterP3 D Music Blizzard Entertainment
Mists of Pandaria - Garrosh Theme Small a Music Blizzard Entertainment
Mists of Pandaria - ThunderIsle A Stinger 04 Music Blizzard Entertainment
The Burning Crusade - CT BrazensFlightIntroUni Music Blizzard Entertainment
The Burning Crusade - CT DurnholdeKeepExtWalk1Uni Music Blizzard Entertainment
The Burning Crusade - CT DurnholdeKeepExtWalk5Uni Music Blizzard Entertainment
The Burning Crusade - CT EscapeDurnIntroUni Music Blizzard Entertainment
The Burning Crusade - IllidariWalkUni06 Music Blizzard Entertainment
Warlords Of Draenor - Horde Battle Music Music Blizzard Entertainment
Warlords of Draenor - A Light in the Darkness V1 Music Blizzard Entertainment
Warlords of Draenor - Army Stinger 1 Music Blizzard Entertainment
Warlords of Draenor - Frostwolf Ridge 1 Music Blizzard Entertainment
Warlords of Draenor - Grommash Hellscream V1 Music Blizzard Entertainment
Warlords of Draenor - Mountains of Nagrand A2 Music Blizzard Entertainment
Warlords of Draenor - Quiet Heart A Music Blizzard Entertainment
Warlords of Draenor - Warsong V3A Music Blizzard Entertainment
Warlords of Draenor - Warsong V3B Music Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft - BO OrcGeneralWalk Night02 Music Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft - Battle02 Music Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft - Mountain Music Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft - Orgrimmar Music Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft - PVP E Music Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft - PVP F Music Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft - PVP1 Music Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft - PVP2 Music Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft - PVP7 01 Music Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft - PVP7StingerInfo Music Blizzard Entertainment
Wrath of the Lich King - Mirmiron E Music Blizzard Entertainment

Blizzard Entertainment
Discord members
Patreon supporters


Original Release Notes
Phewww, made it :D After 2,5 years log and hard work I've finally managed to let a dream come true. Starting and finishing a project and giving people the chance to play it. Naturally, I didn't spend the whole time on this project, the truth is, I was leader of a clan, had to manage our Homepage and took a lot of time-outs to play other games. But all this I can do now without having to think that I still have work to do. I hope that you have at least as much fun playing this as I had creating it.
This campaign may only be distributed with this Readme-Document. send complaints, praise, hints and information to [removed]. As long as I am not on vacation or in jail (joking^^... I'm never on vacation ;-D) I will answer every E-Mail within a few days.
Projects & Links
The Last Guardian - Custom point & click adventure campaign for WarCraft III
Day of the Dragon - Custom campaign for WarCraft III
Lord of the Clans - Custom campaign for WarCraft III
Shadow of the Xel'Naga - Custom co-op campaign for StarCraft II
Social Links

Lord of the Clans (Campaign)

Bob27: A good campaign. One thing that I think could be improved is the terrain, but still a very good campaign. Approved.




Bob27: A good campaign. One thing that I think could be improved is the terrain, but still a very good campaign.

Level 2
Jul 13, 2007
I agree with Bob27, the terrain could make a huge difference, and the model of thrall could be other.
I really like this campaign but there are some pretty boring quests...
Level 2
Nov 1, 2007
I've only played about half of it, but so far I can say it's a very solid, good campaign. It's entertaining and it represents Thrall's story well.

A bit more variety and improvement of terrain (as many have already stated) could be used.

Level 1
Jan 2, 2008
I have played until the lone wolf (chapter 4) so far.
I think I found a bug, in the form is that Thrall status (max HP, level and inventory) from chapter 3 is not kept in chapter 4. Instead, I got the max HP, level and inventory from chapter 2.
This makes the bonus HP from finishing optional quest in chapter 3 dissapear. Anyway this is an excellent campaign, salute to the creator of this campaign.
Level 1
Jan 11, 2008
I was looking for this campaign to play for the fourth or fifth time, and I was so surprised to see a review of mine from 14 years ago, not recommending this campaign because of all the mini-games. My earlier self was very dumb. The mini-games are intrusive, but this is one of the best campaigns ever made. Play it all the way through, it's awesome. So is the developer. I am humbled by his response.

Post edited due to accumulated wisdom.
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Level 29
Sep 28, 2004
The reason for the mini-games being in there is that I saw a huge problem with letting the player control only a single unit for most of the time, I couldn't add more units out of nowhere and I just never liked the idea of simple "move-from-A-to-B-and-kill-everything-in-your-path"-Maps, so I wanted to add some variety.
I understand your argument, it's one of these hate-or-love-situations. You either like for the diversion or you hate it because it feels out of place.

Please check out my other campaign 'Day of the Dragon' if you haven't already. Thanks to the existence of multiple heroes I could eliminate every mini-game possibilty (No keyboard-controls, no dodge-games, (almost) no timelimited missions) and create something that feels more normal, without losing too much of the variety.
Level 1
Jan 26, 2008
Great campaign, though i am only about half way through (curse those pigs that want to escape grrrrr)bit challenging in some parts, but keep up the good work

Level 1
Jun 27, 2008
great camapgin but u havent described Grom Helscream too good,his personality in your map is like normal thrall.He kills everything that he likes to battle and things like that he wont spare a human child that is for certain ;)
Continue this campaign with orc story:D
Level 2
Jun 4, 2008
Amazing campain:) but im stuck on the last level in the underground bit when i use the teleporter i get stuck at that other side and the button does nothing and the gate and rocks there are invinsiable so is this a bug or im a doing it wrong :) plz help
Level 29
Sep 28, 2004
I don't know about invisible gates or rocks, but the idea was to:
1. destroy a crate
2. hit that sheep that comes out of the crate so it moves onto the switch.
3. repeat until you get to the two switches where you have to move thrall onto one the switches and the sheep to the other

careful with hitting the sheep too often. If it dies you'll be able to get a new one.
Level 8
Apr 26, 2008
Okay I'm in chapter 4 in that pig-minigame where you need to catch pigs, and I survived only 1 minute!! IT'S TOO HARD TO SURVIVE 3 MINUTES!!! Could that time reduce a LITTLE bit? I saved last time at the start of the "pacman" minigame, and now I need to do it again aaargh!! :thumbs_down:

Otherwise this campaign is great, great storyline and that! :thumbs_up:

4/5 (-1 cause of that pig-minigame, aaargh! :cry:)
Level 29
Sep 28, 2004
Yeah, lot of people compained about the pigs being too hard. I can only give gameplay hints, no way to circumvent:
1. play on slowest speed.
2. use hotkey for the net-item.
3. Not sure, but I think the left side is the one where they come often and slow, position yourself there (at the front of the screen, away from the pig-nests) and move only to the right when necessary.
4.save during that quest, whenever you feel save.
Level 8
Apr 26, 2008
Yaaay! Pig-bug!

Yeah, lot of people compained about the pigs being too hard. I can only give gameplay hints, no way to circumvent:
1. play on slowest speed.
2. use hotkey for the net-item.
3. Not sure, but I think the left side is the one where they come often and slow, position yourself there (at the front of the screen, away from the pig-nests) and move only to the right when necessary.
4.save during that quest, whenever you feel save.

I did all of that but guess what? I FOUND A BUG! You know that not more than 7 pigs must not get to grain? Well 9 of them passed and I still completed the quest! :grin:
Currently in chapter 7.
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Level 2
Aug 17, 2008
its fun to play it is great story of thrall and the pac man stuff is funny as hell but the pig thing I belive is to hard so I cant get past it
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Level 29
Sep 28, 2004
its fun to play it is great story of thrall and the pac man stuff is funny as hell but the pig thing I belive is to hard so I cant get past it

Stay on the side where most pigs come from, on the front of the screen. play it on slowest game speed. use hotkey to ensnare instead of the mouse. save the game whenever you feel save.
Level 1
Jun 10, 2008
in the quest thrall shall rescue the pigs whit the help of the raiders the rainders allways block me so i can't continue playing

ssrrry i writed this a little fast
Level 6
Dec 23, 2008
I beat the pigs easily. What you do is hover close to the grains and use hotkeys for net. The left side has the fastest pigs. This map does a good job in following the book, but DoD is better. That may be because of the more in depth story and longer book.
Level 29
Sep 28, 2004
...This map does a good job in following the book, but DoD is better. That may be because of the more in depth story and longer book.

Or maybe because I had more experience in creating campaigns :D

I took a good look at LotC and what could be improved in terms of storytelling. One big point for example was that I wanted to have a lot less narrative elements and let the story be told by the characters. Thus in DotD I only added a narrator at the very beginning and end of a mission. I also made sure that the cutscenes weren't too long, though that could probably've been improved.

but you also right, the book did make some stuff easier. For example, I could let the story be told from different perspectives, so I could add more heroes and skills that come with them, thus have more varied "normal" gameplay instead of mini-games.

Balancing book-story vs gameplay-ideas is one of the hardest parts in making these campaigns (though it is nothign compared to the work someone puts into a fresh and well-done story)


I am not sure, but you could try to kill a raider, usually you can still win the quest with one dead.
Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
i dint have any problems with the pig Q either. I did it in first try. But i think i was one or two pigs from loosing. Anyway i also think that DotD was better. but this is still a 5/5 2!! GJ.

I love ya campaigns and i wanna know when you think your done with ya next. cus they are rly GREAT!!!

And i killed a raider cus it blocked my path. And it just dies. then his friends made a few hits on me and i could continue.
Level 29
Sep 28, 2004
i dint have any problems with the pig Q either. I did it in first try. But i think i was one or two pigs from loosing. Anyway i also think that DotD was better. but this is still a 5/5 2!! GJ.

I love ya campaigns and i wanna know when you think your done with ya next. cus they are rly GREAT!!!

And i killed a raider cus it blocked my path. And it just dies. then his friends made a few hits on me and i could continue.

Yeah, the hitting is sort of a warning not to do that, even though I let you kill a raider on purpose because I used to have the blocking-raider-problem myself several times an I thought killing a raider was the simplest solution (instead of redoing lots of the trigger-work on this quest)

Despite my comment in the .txt that's supposed to come with my projects I really am working on a new project. It'll be smaller and easier, but very different from the other projects. And I hope to get it done before SCII comes. I'll probably create a thread in the forum with detailed information about it to gather some feedback, when I think the time is right.
Level 1
Jun 14, 2008
Oooh, I'll try this out and reflect my opinion soon. I just love the lore, so it's nice to see someone making a campaign out of a classic like LotC.
Level 3
Jun 10, 2009
Super awsome campaign. My fav (better than Med_Map_Guy's) And models are wicked. Please take them and put them on TheHiveWorkshop please.(Btw, Ogrim as the Furhur was desturbing) Also, for those people stuck on pig mini game , go to the grain and use the hot key and you'll do it easy. --Dont forget, Aedalas Blackmoore didnt die that way, If you watch the "Lord of the Clans" Vidio, thrall said "TONIGHT YOU DINE IN HELL" And killed aedalas.
(Uber Kampagne. Meine FAV (besser als med_map_guy's) und Modelle sind Wicked. Bitte nehmen sie und stellen Sie sie auf thehiveworkshop bitte.(übrigens, ogrim als furhur wurde desturbing) auch für diejenigen Leute Stuck über die Schweine Mini Spiel , gehen Sie auf das Getreide und benutzen Sie die Hot Key und sie machen es einfach.)
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Level 1
May 17, 2009
I'm playing It , I'm now in 4th charapter and I think its very good but, there are some parts not traduced, aswell as the Raiders vs Gnolls quest is very hard :p in the beggining I had to kill one of them because I was stuck xD, they are following us , and sometimes they block us >.> Well the terraining , ppl says that it would be better if improved, I think its not that bad :p It's simple, but enought ^^
I'm liking it :D
Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
no. they are from the book which is partly based on the game.

Lol you sure the book is based on the game, and not the other way around? XD

I'm playing It , I'm now in 4th charapter and I think its very good but, there are some parts not traduced, aswell as the Raiders vs Gnolls quest is very hard :p in the beggining I had to kill one of them because I was stuck xD, they are following us , and sometimes they block us >.> Well the terraining , ppl says that it would be better if improved, I think its not that bad :p It's simple, but enought ^^
I'm liking it :D

I still think it would be nice if it was improved. It looks very blizzardish. It IS some of the best "Blizzardish" Terrain ive seen, but trying to go further, you could for instance remove blizzard cliffs, and add some with the raise/lower tool. But im not sure if it would require another WE if it should look really good.
Level 29
Sep 28, 2004
Lol you sure the book is based on the game, and not the other way around? XD

From Wikipedia: "The game was originally slated for a Q4 1997 release; however it was pushed back until the end of 1998." and then it was cancelled.
The book was released in July 2003 (Amazon.com)

If the game weren't cancelled I don't think Blizzard would have it turned into one of the first books (what I really used to like about all the books is that they touched a unique plotline that was never before heard of... until the WoW-books came...)

Terrain-wise: well, LotC has my very first Warcraft-maps. For today's possibilities and ideas the terrain is lacking but back in 2005 when it was first released it was all right.
Level 3
Jun 27, 2009

i died in pacman then restart from the pig.... i hate the pig mini game D= can set autosave ? =] or a hint "save your game oftenly!"
Level 6
May 1, 2009
It's great I don't have to read Lord of the Clans, lol (just don't have time to wade through it) – really I've always wondered why Thrall left Durnholde and went back, this campaign pretty much gave me a better appreciation for Thrall's character.

Although the terrain is lacking as others have said, it's not bad considering its release date and although there were numerous typos the dialogue went smoothly. Great work.
Level 29
Sep 28, 2004
I reckon it takes as much time to play through this campaign as it does reading the book. The book will give you exact information on the lore while the campaign may change some things in order to go along more smoothly with the invented gameplay. Although, if I hadn't been able to translate Thrall's background from this book to my liking I would probably not have done it at all.
I think the process of mixing new gameplay elementes with a preexisting story went better in Day of the Dragon because I left out a neutral narrator. Let the characters tell the story.