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looking to help detail a project

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Level 4
May 4, 2011
Hey i decided to post this topic to help people with the little details like terrain in better spots or wrecked caravans. I decided to help people like this cuz it could help me learn to be a good map maker if you want my help just pm me or send me map and asking what you need on your map. Thank you. i ask you do your requests in this style.

Changes: (terrain, landmarks, doodads, ect.)
Amount of Changes: ex. 10 broken caravns, 2 bandit camps
Specific locations: not required but if you do need this please mark the places with anything that will need to be removed.

Note: I Cannot make very good orc bases you will have to ask someone else who is good at it.

Here is a preview of my work.

Bandit terrain.png
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Level 4
May 4, 2011
slight problem no maps and my descriptions fail :goblin_cry:

But i shall work on a map so epic in terrain that the map Gods will worship them YOU HEAR ME HIVE I WILL!!!
Level 4
May 4, 2011
Deleted For un-needed-ness


  • WC3ScrnShot_051411_171322_01.tga
    4.5 MB · Views: 60
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Level 4
May 4, 2011
right ok it shall be done :goblin_yeah:

Tell me if i got it right now.

Oh i noticed your sig btw and i was wondering when you will finish the monster rancher it sounds fun
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Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
Are you new here?
Did you know how to attach something into a post?
edit your post -> go advanced -> manage attachment
People will not want to dl the screeny just to see your terrain, use jpg instead of tga
After you press print screen on your keyboar when testing your map ingame, open the paint and press ctrl + v to paste the screeny, then save as jpg
Level 4
May 4, 2011
oh thank you very much you are helping me big time ima give you rep sir.

Edit: paint will not support my screen shot.
Level 4
May 4, 2011
my paint failed to load the sreen shot

Edit: figured it out. now how do i make the image big.

Edit: nvm

Off-topic: i read your terrainers workshop and i was wondering if i could join although i actually have no rep yet.
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Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
You could make the other, like bandit vs paladins, in their hideout, in a abandoned gold mine
just remember to use the underground cave in doodad
Also the dust particle
Some support collum would be a great additon
And of course a gold cart is a vital

And to take screeny, set the view to game view (press v on we), look for the good view from different angle, then use cinematic black box (press x on we)
Level 4
May 4, 2011
eh i think its something to do with the hive now cause it says service unavailable and varnish cache server every time
Level 4
May 4, 2011
might be but then how could i of uploaded my raided farm?

btw i read your workshop again and tell blindman i congratulate him on becoming the advisor of your workshop :p
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Level 4
May 4, 2011
Sure i could use a bit of advice plus that wasnt really one of my best terrains but my others wouldnt upload for some reason :/
K, here are a few tips for easily creating wonderful terrain.
First tip: Use Raise terrain, put rock tiles on the raised terrain, and use pathing blockers. These cliffs look much better.
Second tip: When placing non-destructible doodads, ALWAYS make them an Environment type with a min scale of 0.1 and max scale of 10, and no collision.
Third tip: Double click an environment doodad to change the proportions of it. That means you can stretch it to be 10x as wide as it is tall. This is useful for making buildings, as you can stretch and place a wall doodad to customize the shape of your building.
Fourth tip: Use CTRL+Page Up to raise a doodad off of the ground. This is useful for making cielings, as well as making complicated walls. Ctrl+Page Down lowers them, of course. Remember, whenever you modify the height of a doodad, make sure you go to Advanced - Reset Fixed Object Heights and uncheck it. If it is checked, then your doodads will be reset back to the ground, and we don't want this.
Sixth tip: Always have height variation, it makes your terrain look more real if it is not flat. If you want your terrain to be close to flat, use a large brush to raise the terrain, and then use the smoothen tool to flatten it back out, leaving slight height variation.
Seventh tip: Use many terrain tiles. Mixing together two types of grass looks very nice.
Eighth Tip: Here's how you make nice looking doodad grass without importing models:
Step 1: Start out using the River Rushes doodad as a base. Copy it.
Step 2: Change the variations from 4, down to 3. This removes the cat tail variation, we don't want those.
Step 3: Change the Color Hue of Red to 200 for every variation. You can further change the colors if you want. I'm colorblind, so I'm just guessing that lowering red would make it more of a green grass color, as well as making it somewhat darker, to look more like fresh grass.
rysnt11, That is with use of imported content and lots of effort. I myself can make wonderful terrain, but orcwar2 is new to such. He isn't going to want to spend the time and effort, and may not have the talent required, to start out making screenshot-quality terrain. You have to start out with smaller steps.
In fact, I doubt anybody, not even XPQJ himself, started out making terrain of that quality. Everyone had to go through the steps of getting used to the editor and learning the tricks. Some people might take a few hours, others a few years, some never, but everyone has to learn the tricks first. If orcwar2 took a look at XPQJ's terrain, he would probably simply stop trying to terrain, because it takes effort and talent to make terrain like that, and orcwar2 isn't experienced yet.
Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
I know, i just reference to some good terrainer to ask help, such as you and XPQJ, i my self had to learn about 2 - 3 years to know what terrain, tileset and light source to make a decent terrain..
I didn't force orcwar2 to push himself, just use some good terrain as reference..
I actually was never really a good mapmaker for a very long time. For years I considered myself "pro". One day, I realized a few tricks and secrets, and ever since then suddenly I jumped up to making great terrain, as well as pretty good triggers. So yeah, I feel you on the waiting years part. There are always tricks to learn, and I still notice new tricks here and there.
Level 4
May 4, 2011
oh what sorry im still hatching ideas AND IM NOT A GOBLIN WITH A LAZA the goblins just keep it operational :p

I just had an idea for terrain im going to work on it as soon as i pop my neigbors dog with a bb gun :p
Level 4
May 4, 2011
once i figure out whats up with my screenshots not loading ill put it up oh also i tried something different with the grass i changed red to 150 and blue to 200 it made it look realistic
Level 4
May 4, 2011
i know that and i have fixed my editor so i can get terraining again

Off-topic: do you know how to make custom models too? i dont mean like importing into warcraft i mean like truly making one like an orc with footman armor for example.
Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
Use geoset merger, if i don't wrong, there's one here, on tool section, but remember, to also have a vertex modif, so you can make a right geoset merge, oh, and don't forget to dl one of the model editing progam, such as 3ds (cost $) or mdlvis (free), they are useful for see where is the bones
I do make custom models.
And, rysnt11, using geoset merging to give armor to an orc is a waste of file size.
All you have to do is import an armor model and then attach that armor to the unit's chest.

And you can actually merge geosets using free programs. I actually don't have an official modelling program; I use http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/tools-560/war3-model-editor-62876/ + http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/tools-560/w3-vertexmodify-62928/ + Notepad. Yes, notepad.

These three programs are all you need to make vertices, snap vertices, change textures and UV wrap, make bones, etc. As for animations, there are some other programs better for that which I may occasionally use.
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