Yesterday I was playing some Warcraft III scenarios when it struck me to how I could finally pull together an older idea of mine from the grave I had shelved a year ago. I nicknamed it Lords of Outland and it was your basic village builder set in Outland. I went as far as getting halfway done with the terrain when I decided to scrap it. The ideas that struck me was how control points were used in other scenarios and maybe with a little diversity in what can be controlled I could put it into my older map idea and finish it.
The scenario will be based around the time of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. So far I have yet to put more thought into what races/factions you can choose to play as, but originaly I had the Sha'tar, Bladespire Clan, Burning Legion, and Illidan's Forces as playable factions and will likely keep them seeing as they are the four largest factions vying for control of Outland.
On the thought of control points I had invisioned three types. Monoliths, Portals, and Fortresses. Each offering your faction bonuses such as zonewide/worldwide buffs (Monoliths), additional units (Portals), and defensive positions (Fortresses).
- Auchindoun Spirit Towers (Terokkar Forest)
- Manaforges (Netherstorm)
- Twin Spire Beacons (Zangarmarsh)
- Death's Door (Blade's Edge Mountains)
- Portal Clearing (Zangarmarsh)
- Stairs of Destiny (Hellfire Peninsula)
- Twilight Ridge (Nagrand)
- Auchindoun (Terokkar Forest)
- Black Temple (Shadowmoon Valley)*
- Gruul's Lair (Blade's Edge Mountains)**
- Hellfire Citadel (Hellfire Peninsula)
- Oshu'gun (Nagrand)***
- Shattrath (Terokkar Forest)
- Tempest Keep (Netherstorm)
* My thoughts on Black Temple were to have the Ruins of Karabor as monoliths but then decided to have both sides of the ruins be fortresses before scrapping the idea for just having the whole of the Black Temple being one fortress instead.
** Originaly planned to have Bladespire Hold to be capturable but decided to change it to Gruul's Lair to leave the option open for Bladespire Hold being the starting location for the Bladespire Clan of ogres.
*** When thinking if I wanted to add another fortress I had decided with Halaa originaly, but after reading about Oshu'gun had decided to change it to something all factions may have a desire for.
Another feature I am thinking on is the use of special faction-oriented summons that you can spawn for a limited time before they despawn. Such as spawning A'dal to heal nearby units or Illidan Stormrage to join the fight.
So far this is all I have put thought into, but over the next several nights want to get the basic layout for the terrain over with. Tell me what you think of it and any thoughts you may have that you want to add.