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Need Feedback on an Idea

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Level 10
Sep 29, 2006
Okay so i was looking to make a map based largely on the campaign map "The Culling." The idea behind the map would be that there are two teams of 5 (or 3 or whatever) and they would rampage a city killing villagers and demolishing buildings for points. Whichever team has the most points at the end of the time limit would win of course. Perhaps there could an option to play up to a certain amount of points as well. The town would have some defenses of course and they villagers would fight back against your onslaught. In addition to killing villagers for points, the players would battle and kill each other for even more points. the distribution could be something like:

Villagers = 1 point
Players = 20 points

or something like that. What I need from you guys is your thoughts on this idea (is it good, is it bad?) and some suggestions for features, heroes, and items. I was going to make all of the heroes burning legion/undead themed, but you can absolutely suggest any other ideas you have.

Level 6
Jun 8, 2008
I'm a big fan of that map in RoC, it's really fun to play.
But I'm not sure if it would be fun to play in multiplayer.

Maybe if you made it so that one side is defenders it would be better.
Level 9
Oct 7, 2007
There are two ways to go about this. Have one side as Humans, and other side as the forces of the Scourge and have them replay "The Culling" mission, except as multiplayer. The other way would be your way, and have both sides play as burning legion/scourge. The thing is, it is rather hard to have a competent force defending the humans that are being culled unless there is a large enough incentive for the two sides to kill each other.

However, it does sound oddly fun killing other demons while humans get caught between the struggle.
Level 5
Aug 24, 2008
First of all I like this concept.

I don't see why 2 demon forces wont work on it has he has written a player is 20 times more worth then a building. If you turn this into a defense/attack map it will loose a lot of uniqueness.
Level 3
Mar 12, 2007
I agree with Zinive,

Items ^^
Hammer of Destruction
+Atk, %5 Flamestrike on Hit
Im too tired right now so i cant really be of much assistance now..
Level 5
Aug 24, 2008
I would not add much defense maybe even non so its up to the players to harass enough to win. Maybe you could use some kind of debuff when a hero attacks a building that he will take 50% more damage or something like this.
Level 10
Sep 29, 2006
i planned on having no bases for the player teams, just a spawn point and a waygate so that you can get back into the city or something like that. so if you die, you go to your "base" then take a warp into the city and resume the onslaught. the only ones that would have a base are the human defenders, and that base wouldnt be accessible to the players.
Level 5
Aug 24, 2008
I would like to see the theme of the 2 armies to be random like it is done in EotA Twilight. I suggest for the themes Lich Kings army, Forsaken, Slave Hunters (Orcs).
Level 5
Aug 24, 2008
EotA is an AoS 1 team against the other. However their are 3 Factions. So when the game startes the map chooses randomly on of the factions for team 1 and from the remaining 2 it chooses again for team 2. So this map (eota) can be Undead vs creep, Undead vs Elves or creep vs Elves.

You could do the same for your hero selection. So the tavern (or what ever selection system you want to use) is randomly Lich Kings army, Forsaken or Slave Drivers (or any other races you want to create).

However you should not use this idea before you finished creating the map with 2 races and balanced it. Consider this as a further expansion of your map.
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