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Looking for good classical music!

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Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
I'm looking for some good classical music that would fit an RPG I am making. I want to give the RPG a sort of dark, melancholy feel to it, but also somewhat aggressive, sort of like Diablo. Also, some lightheartedness, to give some contrast. I want to achieve this mood through music, so I was wondering if anyone can give me or direct me to some good places for such music.

I've looked through pages upon pages of songs on Newgrounds, and came up with quite a few good finds, but I'm still looking for more. Anyone have any suggestions?

I've uploaded a few of the songs that I got from Newgrounds to give an example of what I'm looking for.

If anyone gets me some good tracks, I'll award them with reputation.

Here's a link to my RPG thread: The Culling: Hordes of Hell.


  • Omnious.mp3
    4.7 MB · Views: 115
  • Prologue - Storm.mp3
    3.8 MB · Views: 78
Last edited:
Level 5
Sep 19, 2006

You might consider Mozart's "Requiem"; its different parts offer a full range of the dark melancholy for which you seem to be searching.
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
Why don't you consider one of Chopin's Twelve Etudes, I've played them before and I don't think it sounds so horrible.
I'm so sorry, operator... But I think he might be wanting some Classical Music from famous (Dead) Composers:)

Well I don't know too much classical music, but whether or not the composer is dead or famous doesn't matter here, he just wants aggressive music.

You try Tocatta? It's pretty aggressive and it's definitely a classic

Also there's tons of interpreations - lol, you could always go with the Trans Siberian rock/metal interpretation while still being in the classical genre
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