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[JASS] Lock On Missles?

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Level 4
Dec 14, 2007
Ok Im making a spell that launchs a missle from a Helicopter(its flying about 800 in the air) and i want it to launch a missle from the helicopter down to the target,i dont know how to make the missle go diagnoly. Is this possible to do??

• i want the missle diagnoly like at an angle like this /
Level 2
Feb 24, 2007
Your problem is not clear, in what point of view should it be diagonal. Do you want your missile go from a height of 800 to a height of 0, or should it go from one point to an other without changing the angle the helicopter is facing?

And i wonder what it has to do with Jass. If you want a function to create missiles then you should use Caster System. If i remember correctly it has a system to simulate missiles going from one point to the other.
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