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Loading screen problem

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Level 3
Aug 20, 2009
Silly question, but I can't get my loading screen to go up correctly. I know it has to be converted from tga to blp and then you import. And that it also has to be a certain size, 512x512 I believe. When I did it at first it was Black only....and then I thought I had it, but it's upside down :( lol.

What's wrong here and how do I get it right side up? I could just attach my picture for someone to convert if they wanted.
Level 3
Aug 20, 2009

Yeah, that's where I got my info from and how I got to here lol.

In other words just make sure you import the loading screen model and texture and that you set the texture to the right path. I think you didn't set the path. You can see the path easily with http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/tools-560/mdx-pather-62978/ and even change it to (Texture).blp

This I did set the file pathing correctly. I even made the name of my BLP file the same as the example so I wouldn't confuse anything. But it's still not working. Is my file corrupt or something? Should I redo it from the start?
Level 3
Aug 20, 2009
Well good news and bad news! Good news is I figured out why it was upside down. I apparently had an old version of the WC3 Image Extractor, but the bad news is my loading screen is now just a black screen again :hohum:

lol what now?
Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
If it becomes upside down (which one of mine did once too), then just do as I did, rotate it 180 degrees in whatever image editing program you're using. It doesn't matter. Funny thing is, I used the same .blp for the loading screen and a fade filter. On the loading screen, it was upside down, and on the fade filter, it was normal, so I had to use two different .blp that looked the same but turned either way, boosting file size.
So I thought it had something to do with the model I was using for the loading screen.
Level 11
May 11, 2008
-Get latest patch
-Make sure it's a .BLP 512x512
-Make sure you have the right LoadingScreen.mdx (2 versions of it one for .TGA and the other for .BLP)
-Make sure you named the filepath to FullScreen.blp (capitals matter)
Level 3
Aug 20, 2009
Check out my Simple Loading Screen tutorial.

It includes links or downloads of the required tools AND it provides steps which you could probably take a look at to see if you're doing something wrong. There's also a handy troubleshoot section which you could most likely use.

Good luck. :thumbs_up:

Oh my gosh it works?!? I'm honestly unsure what's different from what I did before, it seems like the same proccess as the others, but it actually worked! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I must give you some reputation for this :infl_thumbs_up::grin:

And thank you to the rest of you who tried to help! I appreciate the time you took to help me. :wink:
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