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[SD/Modeling] Living Variants of a Walking Dragon

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Level 3
Oct 25, 2014
I was wondering if if it was possible to get living variants of all the living WC3 dragons (Red, Green, etc...) of a walking dragon, ideally using this Frostwyrm remake model as a base: Skeletal Dragon / Frostwyrm Remake

I thought to contact the original authors (olofmoleman's animations with presumed edits by Mister_Haudrauf) for this edit, but they do not seem to be very active on Hive from what I can tell. Nevertheless, I figure it would only happen if their permissions are granted. Still, all the WC3 dragons using these animations would be perfect.

Thanks in advance.
Level 3
Oct 25, 2014
I tried once, it's a little complex since there's many vertexs also i left the model pending, give me some time ill work on it.
I might be necro-ing this thread a bit for selfish purposes but I was just curious how it went?
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