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[Trigger] Lightning...

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Level 6
Jul 25, 2005
Don't know if this is the right place to ask this question, but here I go.

How can I place a lightning in the z axel?

So far I can only place them in the x and y axels but not in the z axel. When I move the y axel up to simulate height it looks horrific...

Help appreciated >.<
Level 6
Jul 25, 2005
A lightning created through triggers
Lightning - Create a Drain Mana effect from source to target
Otherwise that was a good advise :p

The only way I've managed to solve this is making two dummy units with Fly Height where one has the ability Drain Life and the other one is the target of it. This will make the lightning appear in the z axel, even if you spin your camera around.

It seems as if though this is the only way.

  • Zaxeleffect
  • Events
  • Map initialization
  • Conditions
  • Actions
  • Unit - Create 1 Ability Dummy for Player 1 at (Center of Playable map area)
  • Set uniDummy[1] = (Last created unit)
  • Animation - Change (Triggering unit) flying height to [Real] at [Real]
  • Unit - Create 1 Target Dummy for Neutral Hostile at ((Center of Playable map area) offset by 256 towards 0.00 degrees) facing Default facing degrees
  • Set uniDummy[2] = (Last created unit)
  • Unit - Order uniDummy[1] to Neutral Dark Ranger - Life Drain uniDummy[2]
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