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Lightning Storm(new)

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Reactions: Darkyvm
This is a storm system useful for some maps as an added "bonus" if you would say. Every X seconds a storm has a 50% chance of being created. If created the location is pinged and a storm starts in the area. The current area used is small to give a greater feel for it. The area will become a stormy weather system also that is destroyed when the storm ends which is decided by the user with some changes. The bolts themselves deal around 200 damage to buildings and 30% of their max hp in an area of 400 around the bolt. The bolt angle and location is random inside the area. Units in an area of 300 hit by the bolt have a chance to instantly die, and if they don't they take 20% of their max hp in damage and are then knocked back.

This spell was enhanced by me to become a storm but the original "bolt" was made by Paladon.

There are no leaks to this system so far as tested by me.

This is my first attempt at a spell and all of it is in GUI, I'm so sorry for you JASS fans... :p

-Changed many of the variable uses to local variables
-put more creeps on the map and spread them out so it's easier to test
-Patched up one leak i found (no one else found it though thank goodness) :D

lightning, storm, storm system, system, lightning storm, lightning storm system, deth_lord, Bob marley

Lightning Storm (Map)

12th Dec 2015 IcemanBo: Too long time as NeedsFix. Rejected. 08:38, 15th Jun 2010 Hanky: I found some stuff that should be improved: - null locals otherwise they'll leak - to hardcode rawcodes isn't a good idea, newbies will have problems...




12th Dec 2015
IcemanBo: Too long time as NeedsFix. Rejected.

08:38, 15th Jun 2010
I found some stuff that should be improved:
- null locals otherwise they'll leak
- to hardcode rawcodes isn't a good idea, newbies will have problems importing your spell
- if you write that much stuff in custom script why not writing the whole spell just in jass?
- also you hardcoded the effects, that should be changed

That's all I found for now. When you have fixed those stuff message me or one of the other spell moderators.
Level 5
Jun 25, 2009
if thats the case this is mui... it's also a system not really meant to be a "spell" perchance i'm using it as weather in my map and i noticed no one else has made this. You can take this and turn it into a spell, or keep it as a weather system if you wish. As long as you give me and Paladon credit because it uses some of his stuff.
=/ I can name a few things that make it not mui just off this trigger.

  • Lightning Strike
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Lightning Strike (LS)
    • Actions
      • Set LS_TempPoint[1] = (Position of (Triggering unit))
      • Set LS_TempPoint[2] = (Target point of ability being cast)
      • Set LS_TempPoint[3] = (LS_TempPoint[2] offset by (Random real number between
I am referencing simply the set triggers at the top.

Set LS_TempPoint[1] = (Position of (Triggering unit)) - Setting that point, if another unit uses the ability at the same time it will set it to the point of only one of the units.

Set LS_TempPoint[2] = (Target point of ability being cast) - Yet again, it will set it to only one of the units.

Those are only two, I can name more but I am pretty lazy.
Level 6
Aug 26, 2009
=/ I can name a few things that make it not mui just off this trigger.

  • Lightning Strike
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Lightning Strike (LS)
    • Actions
      • Set LS_TempPoint[1] = (Position of (Triggering unit))
      • Set LS_TempPoint[2] = (Target point of ability being cast)
      • Set LS_TempPoint[3] = (LS_TempPoint[2] offset by (Random real number between
I am referencing simply the set triggers at the top.

Set LS_TempPoint[1] = (Position of (Triggering unit)) - Setting that point, if another unit uses the ability at the same time it will set it to the point of only one of the units.

Set LS_TempPoint[2] = (Target point of ability being cast) - Yet again, it will set it to only one of the units.

Those are only two, I can name more but I am pretty lazy.

it's can be correcting by using local variable, right?
Level 11
May 16, 2007

Reviewed by
Reviewed Version
Lightning Storm(new)
Reviewing Points
[+] MUI.
[+] Special effects used fit the spell nicely. The random lightning storms around the map are also a nice bonus.
[+] Spell runs smoothly and doesn't lag, even when there are many being cast at once.
[+] Good, simple, and easy to understand readme section.
[+-] The lightning looks a bit weird if you cast it somewhere far away.
[+-] Some BJs used in custom script could've been inlined.
[-] After you remove locations / destroy groups, the leak is still there, you still need to null the variable.
[-] Can't modify damage / radius vaules without having to edit the spell's core.
[-] Not so original, already seen some similar spells somewhere around here.
Inline the BJs to increase efficiency, and if possible, make the spell's damage / radius vaules easier to modify, some people might not be able to identify where are those vaules in the code and not be able to change them (yes, believe me, there are people that can't even understand a simple GUI code, you have to think about everyone that might want to use your spell). Also, null the locals.
3/5 - Good.
