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Life Drain spell damage

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Level 10
Mar 17, 2012
Hi everyone! Guys, maybe I'm not so attentivem but I can't find the way do trigger damage of Life Drain spell...
Well, I tried a trigger than sets 2 variables (caster and target) and turns on the second trigger that consists of:

every 0.5 seconds of a game time

if caster fas buff (?????)

cause caster to damage target bla-bla-bla...
set life of caster bla-bla-bla...

But there is no effect... I know that it is the buff problem. BUT!
I was trying to find it and named all buffs thet default Life Drain includes... there are life and mana caster, life and mana target, mana caster, mana target, life caster, life target... also there are 3 buffs that I can't find in editor: Siphon mana, Drain life & mana, Drain life.
I named them as 1,2,3,4.... and checked in game what buff caster have, then I set to "if caster fas buff (?????)" apropriate buff, but still no effect! :ogre_rage:
Could anyone tell me what buff to use or maybe to trigger it better???
I'll be realy thankfull!
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Hi everyone! Guys, maybe I'm not so attentivem but I can't find the way do trigger damage of Life Drain spell...
Well, I tried a trigger than sets 2 variables (caster and target) and turns on the second trigger that consists of:

every 0.5 seconds of a game time

if caster fas buff (?????)

cause caster to damage target bla-bla-bla...
set life of caster bla-bla-bla...

But there is no effect... I know that it is the buff problem. BUT!
I was trying to find it and named all buffs thet default Life Drain includes... there are life and mana caster, life and mana target, mana caster, mana target, life caster, life target... also there are 3 buffs that I can't find in editor: Siphon mana, Drain life & mana, Drain life.
I named them as 1,2,3,4.... and checked in game what buff caster have, then I set to "if caster fas buff (?????)" apropriate buff, but still no effect! :ogre_rage:
Could anyone tell me what buff to use or maybe to trigger it better???
I'll be realy thankfull!
Maybe the buff is not placed immidiately and by that the effect fail to find the buff? do you use spell book with a passive aura that only effects self for instant buff placing?
Level 10
Mar 17, 2012
Maybe the buff is not placed immidiately and by that the effect fail to find the buff? do you use spell book with a passive aura that only effects self for instant buff placing?

I don't use any spell books, I'm just trying to trigger life drain damage, but it is channeling, so I must check if no one break this spell to my hero... that's why I want to check a buff...

Look at this, what is rong with it?:
:fp: spell and triggers.jpg

Oh wow! New thing! It damages units only if hero has 100% and less hp, if hp grows over 100% it stops dealing trigger damage! :vw_wtf:
Level 10
Mar 17, 2012
It's not MUI (does not work in Multiple Unit Instances), meaning that if a unit casts it (Unit A) Then moments later (Unit B) casts it, it will only happen to Unit B. So maybe it's the un-MUI-ness that's causing the problem.

I found that when unit after using this spell don't deal bonus damage if his life is above his maximum. Don't you know why?
I found that when unit after using this spell don't deal bonus damage if his life is above his maximum. Don't you know why?

That picture explained everything, you did well to show it.
So the problam is, that the spell by itself won't land a buff.
So, How do you check if a channeling spells is inside of its channeling?
The answer is simple:
Trigger 1: A unit start the effect of an ability
Action: Set Boolean = true.

Trugger 2: A unit stops casting an ability
Action: Set Boolean = false.

* Boolean is set to false as default

The way you are using it right now, the first drain won't go since the buff isn't found: life drain is not an ability which gives a buff.
Funny fact: I had same bug with immolation of Demon Hunter: his Immolation leaves buff on self but only do special effect to enemies, and I failed to detect the buff on the enemies and trolled for 1 week till I get it. :goblin_good_job:
Level 14
Dec 12, 2012
The way you are using it right now, the first drain won't go since the buff isn't found: life drain is not an ability which gives a buff.

Thats not true, Life Drain has two different buffs, one for the source and one for the target. This will fire if placed in a damage response:

if GetUnitAbilityLevel(target, 'Bdtl') > 0 then
    call BJDebugMsg("Life Drain!")

So, How do you check if a channeling spells is inside of its channeling?

The answer is simple:

That won't work without bugs this way. Set the boolean before the UnitDamageTarget call, not before 'A unit start the effect of an ability'.
Then reset it in a damage response event.
Thats not true, Life Drain has two different buffs, one for the source and one for the target. This will fire if placed in a damage response:

if GetUnitAbilityLevel(target, 'Bdtl') > 0 then
    call BJDebugMsg("Life Drain!")

That won't work without bugs this way. Set the boolean before the UnitDamageTarget call, not before 'A unit start the effect of an ability'.
Then reset it in a damage response event.
Damage detection? why is everyone on this forum think so much about this stupid trigger than make lag with each attack that hits? (and poisons and even nukes that deals 0 damage) this is not good solution at all for a few reasons: 1) damage detection system is not needed, this person show a picture of a super simple map which be a big hardship to add a very complecated trigger such as damage detection system to it. 2) The damaging effect of life drain is the same as the hero attack, there is no way you can say if it was an attack of the hero, a poison effect caused by the hero or his spells which are not lifedrain or the life drain: the lifedrain is an ability that must use the caster and by that you cannot use another unit to cast the spell and check if that unit was the caster and avoid mistakes of detection.
REJECTED if you ask me and I don't think this guy understood what you tried to write about the JASS, he is using GUI and asking for a simple solution so there is NO WAY he will use the methode you mantioned.
Level 14
Dec 12, 2012
Chill man, it was just an additional advise. :D
He doesn't have to do it this way, thats why I mentioned the buff.

There is a buff to detect Life Drain on the unit targeted by the spell, so you can also just use this.

Its just like this: If you use this trigger turn on/ turn off like he does, the first damage of the spell will depend on how long the last timer run. If you cancelled the channeling one millisecond before the damage, it will fire the next time you cast it immediately. If you cancelled it right after the damage you will have to wait one whole damage interval before the damage gets applied. That can be noticable and annoying if your damage interval is long enough (like one second).

If you can live with this, it is perfeclty fine. Just wanted to mention it :p
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
well, good damage detection systems filter 0 damage events(nestharuses at least does, or at least he claims that it does), but it wont lag unless you bind like 500 functions to the damage detection system. I was testing Nestharuses and Cokemonkeys damage engines with 150 units vs 150 units all hitting someone(ranged and melee units) and my fps was dropping just because the game had to render 300 units and camera zoomed out for around 3000 units away, when I moved over the sea I had 60 fps always

so your claiming that DDS(normal one, I bet even Bribe's is good) is lagging the game
well, good damage detection systems filter 0 damage events(nestharuses at least does, or at least he claims that it does), but it wont lag unless you bind like 500 functions to the damage detection system. I was testing Nestharuses and Cokemonkeys damage engines with 150 units vs 150 units all hitting someone(ranged and melee units) and my fps was dropping just because the game had to render 300 units and camera zoomed out for around 3000 units away, when I moved over the sea I had 60 fps always

so your claiming that DDS(normal one, I bet even Bribe's is good) is lagging the game

Yes, I claim that a needless element in the trigger area which can be done in another way without the needless elemnt should be removed. Damage Detection check each and any damage, like when Abominition poison whole army and Dryads leave whole army poisoned (so even if you don't check 0 damage for costum missles, it will still spam the lag endlessly). This needless trigger can be checked each second, which is better than each damage done which is, in large fights, spam greater. Also, checking each and every attack that hits will not give you accurate infomation: know "Linken" from Dota? when drain life fails, the system will see it as if 0 damage was done, if you filtered it, it will not be bugless since the casting was indeed "set boolean = True", and the drain might last forever unless u do something to detect that the cast failed (how?), lets say for instance that you use that spell 60 times in a 60 minutes game (cooldown 1 minute) -> was it worth the lag of each and any damage hit to lay down such a system? or lets say instead you use a lot of spells and by that you don't use one spell inside that system - each and any damage taken will cause milion conditions to be checked. So lets say we gonna make the most best case: we let each unit in the map drain life so that the spell won't be checked with milion different conditions and it was worth it to let the damage detection trigger exists. In this optimized case, all you have to do is spam each and any unit to be able to drain life, the units will drain life of eachother, which transfrer health and once one of them dies, there will be a lag for the confusion of the channeling, also, milion units channeling a spells is a lag maker by itself.
Even inside the optimized case, it will not be worth to apply a damage detection system.
I use DDS only to show text above the unit which took damage, and each unit has 1 second cooldown before the next text can be shown, in this case, I have a small lag, I won't lie, but it is still better than the lag I saw on maps that uses DDS where you can have your screen pause for 5 whole seconds during a single player fight!.

PS: The main question was how to make drain life to cause damage based on intelligence points (see his attached picture), so drain life MUST make 0 damage so that the text won't lie ( worst case he can write 1+intelligence ) but in short, to fit his need of spell that cause damage based on hero intelligence, will be VERY away to be solved by damage detection system which you said "good systems filter 0 damage out".
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
well, those people with 5 seconds lag must not know a shit about programming, honestly from how you describe it cheking milion conditions and lagging like shit, it seems almost like if you never came close to DDS, even my shittiest one(according to higher minds on forum) wouldnt cause any lagg whatsoever, even if there was 200 dryads fighting each other

I once made trigger that ran every 0.0025 seconds to stop unit regenerating health and I had it run on 5 different units and you couldnt even notice any fps drops and that is waaay too many more times then DDS will run its triggers

I dont know if this will/will not require DDS, I just wanted to point out that you are spreading "lies" about DDS lagging.

(I dont want to insult you in any way, just giving my opinion on the lag.)
Level 10
Mar 17, 2012
So the problam is, that the spell by itself won't land a buff.
So, How do you check if a channeling spells is inside of its channeling?

The answer is simple:
Trigger 1: A unit start the effect of an ability
Action: Set Boolean = true.

Trugger 2: A unit stops casting an ability
Action: Set Boolean = false.

* Boolean is set to false as default

The way you are using it right now, the first drain won't go since the buff isn't found: life drain is not an ability which gives a buff.
Funny fact: I had same bug with immolation of Demon Hunter: his Immolation leaves buff on self but only do special effect to enemies, and I failed to detect the buff on the enemies and trolled for 1 week till I get it. :goblin_good_job:

1. Actually it land a buff, but it is hidden.
2. You dodn't mention the event if Unit finishes casting an ability...
3. Life drain deal additional trigger damage untill life gets over limit.
4. What about immolation - there is enough to have a buff on a caster, then create group around him, deal damage and destroy group...

Damage detection? this is not good solution at all for a few reasons: 1) damage detection system is not needed, this person show a picture of a super simple map which be a big hardship to add a very complecated trigger such as damage detection system to it.
Actually, I have such a system, (bribe's one) but I didn't like it because it can't separate simple attack damage from all another... (or maybe I just don't know how to do it, but Bribe said than it can't)
I don't need your undervalue about my map. It is not so simple, I just wanted add Intelligence damage to this spell.
There is nothing bad of using good Warcraft spells right?
2) The damaging effect of life drain is the same as the hero attack, there is no way you can say if it was an attack of the hero, a poison effect caused by the hero or his spells which are not lifedrain or the life drain: the lifedrain is an ability that must use the caster and by that you cannot use another unit to cast the spell and check if that unit was the caster and avoid mistakes of detection.
Disagree, I checked that buff. I placed every (adequate) buff to trigger and added floating text to check that trigger works and I foud it. But it stops working when life becomes over-maximum, and even when it works - it is very unstable.
Simple way, set Life Drain damage to 0.01, then set the trigger damage to heal the caster using this trigger

Life Drain Init
Event :
A Unit starts the effect of an ability
Condition :
Ability being cast equal to Life Drain
Actions :
-Turn on Life Drain Damage <Gen>
-If/Then/Else :
If :
Unit has Life Drain (Caster)
Then :
Else :
Turn off Life Drain Damage <Gen>
Skip Remaining actions
-Wait 0.6 seconds
-Turn of Life Drain Damage

Life Drain Damage
Event :
Every 0.1 seconds of game time
Condition :
Actions :
Deal 15*Lvl of Life Drain + 1*Int from Casting Unit to Target unit of ability being cast
If/Then/Else :
If :
Life of Casting unit is less than Life of Casting unit + 20*Lvl of Life Drain
Then :
Set Life of Casting unit to Life of Casting unit + 15*Lvl of Life Drain
Else :

This way, the trigger will heal the caster and the caster never cancelled the trigger damage, oh yeah, a side note : the difference is this trigger is not MUI and it will deal int damage and Heal the Hero every seconds, this trigger is a basic example don't forget that you need Variables, I don't use those since I'm lazy :) writing it for you :)
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Simple way, set Life Drain damage to 0.01, then set the trigger damage to heal the caster using this trigger

Life Drain Init
Event :
A Unit starts the effect of an ability
Condition :
Ability being cast equal to Life Drain
Actions :
-Turn on Life Drain Damage <Gen>
-If/Then/Else :
If :
Unit has Life Drain (Caster)
Then :
Else :
Turn off Life Drain Damage <Gen>
Skip Remaining actions
-Wait 0.6 seconds
-Turn of Life Drain Damage

Life Drain Damage
Event :
Every 0.1 seconds of game time
Condition :
Actions :
Deal 15*Lvl of Life Drain + 1*Int from Casting Unit to Target unit of ability being cast
If/Then/Else :
If :
Life of Casting unit is less than Life of Casting unit + 20*Lvl of Life Drain
Then :
Set Life of Casting unit to Life of Casting unit + 15*Lvl of Life Drain
Else :

This way, the trigger will heal the caster and the caster never cancelled the trigger damage, oh yeah, a side note : the difference is this trigger is not MUI and it will deal int damage and Heal the Hero every seconds, this trigger is a basic example don't forget that you need Variables, I don't use those since I'm lazy :) writing it for you :)
This is one of the many reasons for why I respect you as a forum member: very solid trigger and this is exactly what I said to use while the others try to detect invisable buff using lagging damage detection system, you do have one bug in what you wrote: "skip remaining actions" as the only alternative and then keeping on giving actions. Not bad for a text writing of triggers tho.

About DDS, I enjoyed reading what you wrote but really!!! 0.00027 times a second? I allways thought 0.01 is the minimal value? are you lieing? and another thing about that LIE/TRUE: a trigger using 0.01 which is moving a single unit will cause the game to lag by little bit, 2 unit? harder 4 fucking units? the screen is nearly 100% to pause for a few moments, and you say to me you used 0.00027 which is unavailable value AND you had no lags? post that map and I would belive that!
1. Actually it land a buff, but it is hidden.
2. You dodn't mention the event if Unit finishes casting an ability...
3. Life drain deal additional trigger damage untill life gets over limit.
4. What about immolation - there is enough to have a buff on a caster, then create group around him, deal damage and destroy group...

This will answer 2.
Since many people read this thread and had no idea how the casting works I decided to explain it:

Lets say a Palading has Holy Light. Paladin unit stats of Cast Point = 0.6 and Cast Backswing = 0.30.
The spell itself has 0.00 casting time.

First: The Paladin's Cast Point take place (Event - A unit begins channeling an ability)
Second: The Paladin's Casting Time take place ( Event - A unit begins casting an ability )
Third: The Paladin's spell is proc (Event: A unit start the effect of an ability)

*optional* Only fires if the unit stands still for the cast backswing to occure (can be skipped if the unit moved).
Forth: the paladin's Start and finishes his Cast Backswing (Event: A unit finishes casting an ability)

And Last: The Paladin spell is stopped (Event: A unit stop casting an ability)

Edit: "a unit finishes casting an ability" was solved thanks to ezekiel12!.
Edit: All arrow abilities use the damage point, means it counts as an exact match to Attack. Arrow abilities only count as cast (go through each of the phrases) if where manualy targeted.

If you want order a unit to stop immidiatly so it will not cast its spell and you use "a unit begins channeling an ability"or else the unit will be charged for the mana , but wont start the effect of the spell.

It amaze me that my post has been here for a few days with not a single reader who knew those, so I decided to post the complete guide in that post.

Good luck map making :goblin_good_job:
This is one of the many reasons for why I respect you as a forum member: very solid trigger and this is exactly what I said to use while the others try to detect invisable buff using lagging damage detection system, you do have one bug in what you wrote: "skip remaining actions" as the only alternative and then keeping on giving actions. Not bad for a text writing of triggers tho.

About DDS, I enjoyed reading what you wrote but really!!! 0.00027 times a second? I allways thought 0.01 is the minimal value? are you lieing? and another thing about that LIE/TRUE: a trigger using 0.01 which is moving a single unit will cause the game to lag by little bit, 2 unit? harder 4 fucking units? the screen is nearly 100% to pause for a few moments, and you say to me you used 0.00027 which is unavailable value AND you had no lags? post that map and I would belive that!

What do you mean 0.00027 which is unavailable, you can see clearly that I use 0.1 and 0.06 seconds, which both available and accessible????:eekani:

Sorry for giving this, but aren't you double posting Best Player 88?? Sorry if this is a bit offensive.

One more thing, what is DDS???
Okay :)

Well, all I can say is try the trigger I post on page one (which is still text)

You must trigger the healing, damage and others which include never maximize the caster HP to maximize the life drain effects. It seems this apply to mana drain as well.

and for imba spell sake :) spell type force, it will make 1.6x damage to banished units which is awesome.
Never notice that one Bes Player 88 :))

I don't know what is the default case for normal bnet game, but there is an option inside game settings that allow or not allow for drain life to cause more damage to banished units (and by that drain more health). So, when I make custom lifedrain I allways add "if target has buff banish, make healing effect x1.6" to counter that area. :goblin_good_job:
Level 10
Mar 17, 2012
Okay :)

Well, all I can say is try the trigger I post on page one (which is still text)

You must trigger the healing, damage and others which include never maximize the caster HP to maximize the life drain effects. It seems this apply to mana drain as well.

It doesn't check the buff Drain (caster) if caster has more than 100% hp! But okay, I wrote it off like it is a feature of that spell :ogre_hurrhurr:
kinda it doesn't deal damage if caster has more than 100% hp :xxd:
It doesn't check the buff Drain (caster) if caster has more than 100% hp! But okay, I wrote it off like it is a feature of that spell :ogre_hurrhurr:
kinda it doesn't deal damage if caster has more than 100% hp :xxd:

Stop seartching for buff who doesn't exists, maybe when the caster reach 100% hp the buff of self is either removed or disabled untill the next time that the caster is missing health. I know for 100% that my method of using triggers who check if the caster has yet to stop his cast works, since I have done this spell million times (yes, with the banish emplefire which is awesome) so you can either have buged spell OR you can start listen to my advices. Good luck.
Level 14
Dec 12, 2012
Stop seartching for buff who doesn't exists, maybe when the caster reach 100% hp the buff of self is either removed or disabled untill the next time that the caster is missing health.

What are you talking about? The buff does exist (as I already told you) and it also doesn't get removed magically if the caster reaches 100% hp.

I just tried it out, dealing damage when the buff is detected works perfectly. Even if the caster has more than 100% hp.
What are you talking about? The buff does exist (as I already told you) and it also doesn't get removed magically if the caster reaches 100% hp.

I just tried it out, dealing damage when the buff is detected works perfectly. Even if the caster has more than 100% hp.

If you say so. I never checked. My respond was based on his quote.
It doesn't check the buff Drain (caster) if caster has more than 100% hp! But okay, I wrote it off like it is a feature of that spell :ogre_hurrhurr:
kinda it doesn't deal damage if caster has more than 100% hp :xxd:
Major Note: The following triggers are bugfull: they create point, and instead of removing it properly, the point is saved in a leaking way. It only applies for a single caster per player.

  • Total Art
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Total Art
    • Actions
      • Set A = (Player number of (Owner of (Triggering unit)))
      • Set p = (Position of (Casting unit))
      • Set real1 = (X of p)
      • Set real2 = (Y of p)
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_p)
      • Floating Text - Create floating text that reads Kats! at (Point(real1, real2)) with Z offset 0.00, using font size 20.00, color (100.00%, 100.00%, 0.00%), and 0.00% transparency
      • Floating Text - Set the velocity of (Last created floating text) to 30.00 towards 90.00 degrees
      • Floating Text - Change (Last created floating text): Disable permanence
      • Floating Text - Change the lifespan of (Last created floating text) to 4.00 seconds
      • Floating Text - Change the fading age of (Last created floating text) to 3.00 seconds
      • Set Tability_level[A] = (Level of (Ability being cast) for (Triggering unit))
      • Set Teffect_Count[A] = 0
      • Set keepArt[A] = True
      • Trigger - Turn on Total Art Special <gen>
  • Total Art Special
    • Events
      • Time - Every 0.10 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Set MAX = 0
      • For each (Integer A) from 1 to 10, do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • keepArt[(Integer A)] Equal to True
            • Then - Actions
              • Set MAX = (MAX + 1)
              • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                • If - Conditions
                  • (Playerhero[(Integer A)] is alive) Equal to True
                  • Teffect_Count[(Integer A)] Not equal to 70
                • Then - Actions
                  • Set p = (Position of Playerhero[(Integer A)])
                  • Set real1 = (X of p)
                  • Set real2 = (Y of p)
                  • Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_p)
                  • Set p = ((Point(real1, real2)) offset by (Real((Random integer number between 0 and 685))) towards (Random angle) degrees)
                  • Set real1 = (X of p)
                  • Set real2 = (Y of p)
                  • Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_p)
                  • Special Effect - Create a special effect at (Point(real1, real2)) using Abilities\Weapons\Mortar\MortarMissile.mdl
                  • Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
                  • Set ug = (Units within 215.00 of (Point(real1, real2)) matching ((((Matching unit) belongs to an enemy of (Player((Integer A)))) Equal to True) and ((((Level of Life Steal (Frostmourne) for (Matching unit)) Equal to 0) and ((Level of Invulnerable (Neutral) for (Matchi
                  • Unit Group - Pick every unit in ug and do (Actions)
                    • Loop - Actions
                      • Unit - Cause Playerhero[(Integer A)] to damage (Picked unit), dealing (20.00 + (80.00 x (Real(Tability_level[(Integer A)])))) damage of attack type Spells and damage type Force
                  • Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_ug)
                  • Set Teffect_Count[(Integer A)] = (Teffect_Count[(Integer A)] + 1)
                • Else - Actions
                  • Unit - Order Playerhero[(Integer A)] to Stop
                  • Set keepArt[(Integer A)] = False
                  • Set pg2 = (All players matching ((Player number of (Matching player)) Equal to (Integer A)))
                  • Game - Display to pg2 for 3.00 seconds the text: (Your Ultimate created + ((String(Teffect_Count[(Integer A)])) + explosions.))
                  • Custom script: call DestroyForce(udg_pg2)
                  • Custom script: set udg_pg2 = null
            • Else - Actions
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • MAX Equal to 0
        • Then - Actions
          • Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
        • Else - Actions
  • Total Art Ends
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Stops casting an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Total Art
    • Actions
      • Set A = (Player number of (Owner of (Triggering unit)))
      • Set keepArt[A] = False
      • Set pg2 = (All players matching ((Player number of (Matching player)) Equal to A))
      • Game - Display to pg2 for 3.00 seconds the text: (Your Ultimate created + ((String(Teffect_Count[A])) + explosions.))
      • Custom script: call DestroyForce(udg_pg2)
      • Custom script: set udg_pg2 = null
Level 1
Mar 29, 2013
Major Note: The following triggers are bugfull: they create point, and instead of removing it properly, the point is saved in a leaking way. It only applies for a single caster per player.
Level 10
Mar 17, 2012
Stop seartching for buff who doesn't exists, maybe when the caster reach 100% hp the buff of self is either removed or disabled untill the next time that the caster is missing health. I know for 100% that my method of using triggers who check if the caster has yet to stop his cast works, since I have done this spell million times (yes, with the banish emplefire which is awesome) so you can either have buged spell OR you can start listen to my advices. Good luck.

Could you please make a sample map for me because I'm not sure that I'll do exactly as you said :ogre_kawaii:
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Could you please make a sample map for me because I'm not sure that I'll do exactly as you said :ogre_kawaii:

Only keep in mind: WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T REMOVE THE "1+(triggered damage)" OR ELSE THE SPELL WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO CAST (the spell must have atlist 1 damage, or it shows all enemies as untargetable, hardcoded into warcraft)


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