Lieutenant weird bug.. and some others

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Level 2
Feb 28, 2012
ok so what happened was.. my friend decided to pause the game so he can repick/load his other character before lieutenant dies.. before the pause lieutenant stunned us, bishop crusader and necro... after crusader repicked and loaded his other character i was stunned for so long and realize that its forever xD.. i dunno why but all of us got stunned nonstop except for bishop who got far enough but still caught the stun..



I was stunned for like 2 minutes, so what the bishop did was kill me and use resu.. but i still got this weird stun halo effect but the stun status gone and i can finally move.
noticed the status and the stun effect?

Gaspode and his army remained stunned after we killed all d3 bosses.


also... when we killed Lord Androzaar , it shield slammed me and triggered the infinite stun.. i was killed by 3 ancient zombies whacking my arse XD... Andy's hp was orange when it stunned me.. until the ancient zombies reached me coz of the infinite stun i was then killed.. i forgot to take screenshot tho :( I think the bug triggered when the crusader was stunned and repicked and loaded his zerk..

AND! Can you fix how Sergeant Deakan summons a thief, coz sometimes it summons a thief behind him and gets trap in the rocks.. the thief can't reach us and sometimes when no long ranged class present.. it can't be killed and we'll be on combat and can't rest until we reset dungeon..

either change the way it summons or change the terrain rock behind Sergeant Deakan so no space for the thief to be summoned there... it happened many times but i'm too lazy to take screenshot..

and I would like to report a mispelled boss name... in the quest it says kill the 3 bandit cave bosses.. and the third boss is named "Gealas Tar" not "Gaelas Tar" in the quest.


(i scanned through my replays folder but i forgot i played another map after.. so my last replay isn't gaias.. its the other map.. so my bad T_T)
Level 9
Jul 11, 2011
Good job playing a hacked map, if im not mistaken thats a LOTR elf model on the Spell Breaker, and i dbout Zweib added that. Its an old skin, i've used it before. To be that says obvious hacks, also shield bash dosnt "stun" it knocks you back, another possible reason why its hacked. To me those pics scream hacked gaias. and if you took those pics yourself, you've been playing a hacked map, which now I don't trust any of your loads. This imo sohuld be deleted because its not even about the real gaias map. Zweib coding is fine, but the hacker's isn't.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
I've seen the whole stun thing lasting on everyone before but to my recollection it just eventually went away, a few minutes and it was gone. Never had the chance to test it. Next time it happens to somebody, pvp anyone with a stun and let them stun you, see what happens.
Level 2
Feb 28, 2012
Good job playing a hacked map, if im not mistaken thats a LOTR elf model on the Spell Breaker, and i dbout Zweib added that. Its an old skin, i've used it before. To be that says obvious hacks, also shield bash dosnt "stun" it knocks you back, another possible reason why its hacked. To me those pics scream hacked gaias. and if you took those pics yourself, you've been playing a hacked map, which now I don't trust any of your loads. This imo sohuld be deleted because its not even about the real gaias map. Zweib coding is fine, but the hacker's isn't.

wow... do you even think before you post?

first time i heard of a hacker posting bugs and helping a community.. another ignorant kid..

that is a model i remember downloading in this very website.. and now i dunno how to put it back so it stays like that..

I've noticed this bug a few times myself
even Z noticed the bug, dunno why you think its a hack map.. freakin' ignorant!! hahaha
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
wow... do you even think before you post?

first time i heard of a hacker posting bugs and helping a community.. another ignorant kid..

that is a model i remember downloading in this very website.. and now i dunno how to put it back so it stays like that..

even Z noticed the bug, dunno why you think its a hack map.. freakin' ignorant!! hahaha

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