you need an integer variable : random_percent
you need also to use a specific type for your unit
Event: Unit - generic unit event - a unit die
Condition: Unit-type comparison - (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Dropper creep
Set variable - Set random_percent = random number between 1 and 100
If/Then/Else do multiple action
- If Condition : And
- - Integer comparison - random_percent Greater than 0
- - Integer comparison - random_percent Lower or equal to 10
// explanation : check if the value of the variable is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 or 10; that's 10% of the value it may have
- Then Action :
- - Item - Create item at point - Create 1 item_1 at (Position of (triggering unit))
If/Then/Else do multiple action
- If Condition : And
- - Integer comparison - random_percent Greater than 10
- - Integer comparison - random_percent Lower or equal to 20
// explanation : check if the value of the variable is 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 or 20; that's 10% of the value it may have but not the same 10% than the first ones
- Then Action :
- - Item - Create item at point - Create 1 item_2 at (Position of (triggering unit))
etc etc