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this is one of my simpler creations, one I never planned on uploading, yet I see a serious lack of volcanic style doodads in this site.

this is not nearly as much creativity as my other creations of plants or bombs or hero/unit UV wraps. so it may not be as well looked upon creativity wise, I expect that. it has quite a small size though. (4.95 kbs) and no custom textures.

it has just one animation -- stand. capable of being a Cinematic doodad, or Prop Doodad.

it is based off of ''Doodads\Northrend\Water\North_IceFloe2\North_IceFloe2'' which is basically a long flat ice burg that slowly bobs up and down. Using ''Textures_OutlandDoodads.blp'' over to this Ice Flow doodad I created a doodad designed to make the lava tiles look more lively and more importantly give you filler for you're never ending oceans of lava cracks terrain.

you can use this model in any size it doesn't matter I advise between 0.7 and 3.5

give me credits and what not. you may change this to add particles or glows if you like, I left it blank to that degree in case others want their own glows or particle emitters on them, if this edit is too small how ever I can add more.

UPDATE: 1. this version LavaSlagAv033 has added: 3 particle emitters, one for large magma bubbles, one for small magma bubbles, and one for ''water rings'' like naval ships but made bright yellow. i'v also added 2 animations:

Birth-- rises from beneath the ground in a bobbing liquidy fashion as though rising from the volcanic depths

death-- sinks first slowly into the volcanic depths and then suddenly accelerates and falls sharply down into the ground as the particles fade out.

UPDATE: 2. fixed the death and birth animations by adding the animation tag non looping so that stand initiates properly (my bad guys), added origin attachment points as follows:

origin -- on the middle of the model on its dead origin, attached to no bones.
head -- in the middle of the model above either slag piece also attached to no bone.
hand right -- attached to the bone for the right slag piece and is hence able to bob up and down
hand right -- attached to the bone for the left slag piece and is also able to bob up and down

this variation is not designed to be a raft, as it is 2 pieces and a raft should have its rider in the middle of the model, and will not be designed to operate as one, as I am saving that function for a different variation of slag piece that is 1 piece bobbing up and down, hence it will come soon, just not this version.

Update 3 2015: added collision object, calculated vertex extents.

Volcanic, Lava Slag, Burning, Floating, Doodad, Volcano scab. Floating Lava Island. Iraq lobster, I am the egg man

LavaSlagAv038 (Model)

Misha 10th Jun 2013 Moderator's Review: oke, a real moderation now ^^ it looks quite good and performs nicely ingame. the only two things are that the bottom polys should be deleted, because no-one is really gonna see 'em. And the second...




10th Jun 2013
Moderator's Review:

oke, a real moderation now ^^
it looks quite good and performs nicely ingame. the only two things are that the bottom polys should be deleted, because no-one is really gonna see 'em. And the second thing that would suit is to animate those two chunks like 'breaking off' from each other and sinking in the lava

20:01, 15th Jun 2013
Deolrin: You should really add attachment points to add units on top of this thing("Hand Left" and "Hand Right" would do, and if you add them to a parent bone called "Bone_Turret" they will turn to shoot at enemies should you want to do such a thing... at least if it's a building). Also, make Birth and Death non-looping.

17th Jun 2013
Moderator's Review:

This is quite useful model, mate :) approved
if this is too simple, I will change it more drastically and turn it into an attachment pointed ward where you can add some unit on top of it and then use it as a raft of safety from the scorching doom beneath, along with various animations (walk, stand portrait) and other objects (collision sphere for targeting clicks and spells, left click/drag select to get a hold of you're unit) and particel emitters (leading front edge of the raft with some kind of firey bubbles or liquidy lava on the front to help emphasize movement). to ride down lava rivers. if even just 3 people comment saying I should do this, then I will do this. but it is a lot of work to do all that so let me know if this doodad is acceptable.
Thank you Burningreaver! its appreciated!

EDIT1: ok my plan is to release the 4 variations of this that I have, and then build a raft based on variation C which is not uploaded yet, but is the best shaped one for such a lava raft

once this is approved I shall release the other 3 that are similar to this but different enough for variation and then build the raft version.

EDIT2: ok added 2 animations and 3 particle emitters along with a better ''stand'' animation and a wide glow to help you create a molten landscape.
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thank you Vertitas 117, im glad you like it.

and abgm, ya those ice burgs plus the out land ''rubble'' gave me this idea when I saw them.

updating it tonight so stay tuned, im going to add those animation bug fixes for the looping issue, and add some attachment points, once this is approved il build the ''raft'' version that is not in 2 pieces so units can stand on top of it.

EDIT:1 updated with attachment points in the middle, above, and attached to both pieces of slag. explanations of locations included in the original update above.
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