Hello, this is a fourm in conjuction with the start of the map "The Last Stand" (which was changed to The Last Defense). This forum will be made so people can submit their charactor ideas for the new hero defense/survival map. If you want more information about this map please go the other forum because I cant spend hours of retyping everything thats been said,but I will give you the basic information on it and how to sumbit chars. and a basic idea of the map.
Original Forum
1)Map Name- The Last Defense
2)# of PLayers- 8
3)# of Computer Players- 2
4)Teams Protectors(working title) - Monsters (working title)
Basic Information:
This map is a combenation of 2 popular map genres. Which r Survivor maps (Troll Tribes,Tom Brown,Ect., where players build buildings, items and other things. The second genre is Hero Defense (Doolmites,HEro Line Wars?,ect.) where each player controls 1 hero to protect a certain object, if the object is destroyed then u lose! I will compare and contrast what this map has in common and what it doesn't have with these 2 genreas!
-Item Creation ( unit picks up a stick then another stick then a steel bar (triger works) = Flimsy Dagger is created.
*Doesn't Have
-Hunger,Heat,Warmth,Energy, ect.
-P v P ( Players vs. Players)
Hero Defense:
-A selection of heros which can be chosen, only 1 copy of a hero can be made ( like their can't be to Blade Masters)
-Somthing 2 Defend (Duh! Lolz){Don't know what, tohugh!}
-Waves of monsters ( like what u see in td and mauls)
-Bonus Cash after waves r over.
-Preparation Time between rounds (working on how much)
*Doesn't Have
-Lame Gold or Rigged Hero Cheats
-Overpowered or under powered waves of monsters (like a peasent for round 1 then 50 knights round 2)
( the info. above is from the original forum except some parts were corrected {2 were} )
OK theres the information for the map.NOw heres the information for hero sumbmiting below.
Information On Hero Submitting
I will brief you in on what charactor submissions should look like and what they should have.Remember this is not an ARENA, we dont want moves that can only target heros. I'll explain below what kind of moves should be used.All heros will have 3 basic moves with 4 levels,1 ultimate with 3 levels and a 10 point attribute bonus stat (dont include that, i will make). So the heros in the maps max level will be 25! Ok, I will also use an example copyed from 131ueDragon.
Q.What moves should a hero have?
A.We want heros to be fun to play so dont have them have repeats of moves (all spells,all buffs,all arures).Make them have like 1 passive/buff, 1 spell/autocast 1 summon/helping(healing,buff,arurea) and ult damaging/summon/helping.
Q.Should we spot misc. information on a hero such as main attribute, attribute points per level and starting stats?
A.THat is a YES, we will need to know all of this information to make the hero to the best of our knowledge!
Q.Should we have a test map with the hero and all the moves ready if it gets voted in?
A.Yes, you have to have a test map showing everything if you are voted in.
Q.How do you get voted in?
A.WE will have the 2 main map amkers (me and 131ueDragon) disscus it as well as other peoples opionion. WE want people to rate all heros on a scale 1-5 plz.
------------------------------------------------------ Hero Example
Name:Human Archer - *Heros Name Here*
Main Attribute:Agility
Starting Stats:
1)Use Dagger/Use Bow: Use the night elf druid ability to switch between a dagger and a bow. Make the bowed unit have low health and slow movement. (That's the thing with wc, archers have fast movement, most games archers are pretty slow and have to be protected.) the daggered unit will be pretty fast and agile, but no ranged attack (obvious...) so the hero will be forced to switch to dagger mode in close combat.
Level 1- Move speed %25/ 50 bonus life 10 bonus damage/ 450 range
Level 2-Move speed 20% / 100 Life 15 dam. / 500range
Level 3-Move Speed 15% /150 life 20 dam. / 500range
Level 4-Move speed 10% / 200 life 25 dam. / 550range
*True Marksmanship (Critical Hit)
Level 1- 5% to do 1.25 extra damage.
Level 2- 10% to do 1.25 extra damge.
Level 3- 15% to do 1.25 extra damge.
Level 4- 20% to do 1.25 extra damge.
*Sniping Shot (shockwave): give it a huge damage but very very slow casting... like 5~10 seconds...
Level 1- 150 Damage 300 Range
Level 2- 250 Damage 400 Range
Level 3- 350 Damage 500 Range
Level 4- 500 Damage 600 Range
*Multishot (shoot multiple targets at a time,splitting the damage % between the shot)
Level 1- 2 Shots / 60% Damage Reduction
Level 2- 2 Shots / 50% Damage Reduction
Level 3- 3 Shots / 40% Damage Reduction
Level 4- 3 Shots / 30% Damage Reduction
*Rain of Arrows (starfall): i think you can change the starfall things to be arrows... and maybe this should also damage friendly units or maybe not. if it damages friendly units, its more likely, but it'd kill everything too... Chanleing)
Level 1- 600 Range / 60 Damage a shot / 4 Seconds
Level 2- 700 Range / 90 Damage a shot / 5 Seconds
Level 3- 750 Range / 120 Damage a shot / 6 Seconds
That is a hero example.Also send any questions or information to me by e-mail,pm or post please!
P.S- Add mana value of moves 2 plz .
Original Forum
1)Map Name- The Last Defense
2)# of PLayers- 8
3)# of Computer Players- 2
4)Teams Protectors(working title) - Monsters (working title)
Basic Information:
This map is a combenation of 2 popular map genres. Which r Survivor maps (Troll Tribes,Tom Brown,Ect., where players build buildings, items and other things. The second genre is Hero Defense (Doolmites,HEro Line Wars?,ect.) where each player controls 1 hero to protect a certain object, if the object is destroyed then u lose! I will compare and contrast what this map has in common and what it doesn't have with these 2 genreas!
-Item Creation ( unit picks up a stick then another stick then a steel bar (triger works) = Flimsy Dagger is created.
*Doesn't Have
-Hunger,Heat,Warmth,Energy, ect.
-P v P ( Players vs. Players)
Hero Defense:
-A selection of heros which can be chosen, only 1 copy of a hero can be made ( like their can't be to Blade Masters)
-Somthing 2 Defend (Duh! Lolz){Don't know what, tohugh!}
-Waves of monsters ( like what u see in td and mauls)
-Bonus Cash after waves r over.
-Preparation Time between rounds (working on how much)
*Doesn't Have
-Lame Gold or Rigged Hero Cheats
-Overpowered or under powered waves of monsters (like a peasent for round 1 then 50 knights round 2)
( the info. above is from the original forum except some parts were corrected {2 were} )
OK theres the information for the map.NOw heres the information for hero sumbmiting below.
Information On Hero Submitting
I will brief you in on what charactor submissions should look like and what they should have.Remember this is not an ARENA, we dont want moves that can only target heros. I'll explain below what kind of moves should be used.All heros will have 3 basic moves with 4 levels,1 ultimate with 3 levels and a 10 point attribute bonus stat (dont include that, i will make). So the heros in the maps max level will be 25! Ok, I will also use an example copyed from 131ueDragon.
Q.What moves should a hero have?
A.We want heros to be fun to play so dont have them have repeats of moves (all spells,all buffs,all arures).Make them have like 1 passive/buff, 1 spell/autocast 1 summon/helping(healing,buff,arurea) and ult damaging/summon/helping.
Q.Should we spot misc. information on a hero such as main attribute, attribute points per level and starting stats?
A.THat is a YES, we will need to know all of this information to make the hero to the best of our knowledge!
Q.Should we have a test map with the hero and all the moves ready if it gets voted in?
A.Yes, you have to have a test map showing everything if you are voted in.
Q.How do you get voted in?
A.WE will have the 2 main map amkers (me and 131ueDragon) disscus it as well as other peoples opionion. WE want people to rate all heros on a scale 1-5 plz.
------------------------------------------------------ Hero Example
Name:Human Archer - *Heros Name Here*
Main Attribute:Agility
Starting Stats:
1)Use Dagger/Use Bow: Use the night elf druid ability to switch between a dagger and a bow. Make the bowed unit have low health and slow movement. (That's the thing with wc, archers have fast movement, most games archers are pretty slow and have to be protected.) the daggered unit will be pretty fast and agile, but no ranged attack (obvious...) so the hero will be forced to switch to dagger mode in close combat.
Level 1- Move speed %25/ 50 bonus life 10 bonus damage/ 450 range
Level 2-Move speed 20% / 100 Life 15 dam. / 500range
Level 3-Move Speed 15% /150 life 20 dam. / 500range
Level 4-Move speed 10% / 200 life 25 dam. / 550range
*True Marksmanship (Critical Hit)
Level 1- 5% to do 1.25 extra damage.
Level 2- 10% to do 1.25 extra damge.
Level 3- 15% to do 1.25 extra damge.
Level 4- 20% to do 1.25 extra damge.
*Sniping Shot (shockwave): give it a huge damage but very very slow casting... like 5~10 seconds...
Level 1- 150 Damage 300 Range
Level 2- 250 Damage 400 Range
Level 3- 350 Damage 500 Range
Level 4- 500 Damage 600 Range
*Multishot (shoot multiple targets at a time,splitting the damage % between the shot)
Level 1- 2 Shots / 60% Damage Reduction
Level 2- 2 Shots / 50% Damage Reduction
Level 3- 3 Shots / 40% Damage Reduction
Level 4- 3 Shots / 30% Damage Reduction
*Rain of Arrows (starfall): i think you can change the starfall things to be arrows... and maybe this should also damage friendly units or maybe not. if it damages friendly units, its more likely, but it'd kill everything too... Chanleing)
Level 1- 600 Range / 60 Damage a shot / 4 Seconds
Level 2- 700 Range / 90 Damage a shot / 5 Seconds
Level 3- 750 Range / 120 Damage a shot / 6 Seconds
That is a hero example.Also send any questions or information to me by e-mail,pm or post please!
P.S- Add mana value of moves 2 plz .