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Land of Legends

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Land of Legends is a small 4v4 map right now.

This is because all of the heroes have customized abilities made from a relaxing and still learning creator.

There are 8 heroes. These 8 heroes have some sort of custom triggered abilities.

Map isn't protected, you can get whatever you want, but remember that this is my map.








Note: I always needed to upload something new. I haven't for sometime already. I think if I don't get a positive review, I'll just go with another concept which is most original.

land, of, legends, custom, trigger, ability

Land of Legends (Map)

21:13, 20th Mar 2009 by bounty hunter2: Septimus and APproject voted this for rejection and that's enough for me. Work more on your map and use hidden tags please, Rejected.




21:13, 20th Mar 2009 by bounty hunter2:
Septimus and APproject voted this for rejection and that's enough for me. Work more on your map and use hidden tags please, Rejected.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
[ + ] Pretty good custom spells, even though some aren't custom
[ + ] The map is unprotected, that way other people can learn because of your map
[ + ] Very small map-size
[ / ] You've got enough heroes for 4v4, but not a large variety of different heroes
[ / ] You haven't used a lot of more advanced functions within the world editor, but it isn't a requirement
[ - ] Basic Terraining (in general a flat terrain with basic doodads)
[ - ] No items
[ - ] Descriptions aren't very good (some are even incorrect, like "Lightning Cuffs", you don't know what "CHOMPS" are, untill the spell activates)
[ - ] Units/Heroes/Towers can't receive upgrades

So at first sight this is a pretty basic AoS, there are no items (at all), the terrain is more or less flat (a few higher and lower grounds, but in general not much variation in doodads/terrain), it has a basic leaderboard and nothing can receive upgrades, but you've got good custom spells and heroes, which is one of the most important things in an AoS.

- The Ultimate ability of the Sea turtle activates the Baby turtle-spell
- According to the "Chain Cuffs" description, it can only target air
- The Sea turtle Egg only hatches a few moments after the timer expires (it isn't serious, just strange).

No rating atm
Level 31
Jun 27, 2008
Add a description to this map because there is none. Loading Screen's description says: Destroy their Health Fountain. I've destroyed it and so? Nothing happens even if I kill all towers including fountain itself. And enemy units keeps spawning.

Terrain/destructibles/doodads could be improved.

Big imbalance. Let's say I choosed that Magnus, tree hero and I upped it's level to 10 and I upped that Roots spell to that level that makes 400 damage in 200 radius area. With this one spell I kill every enemy unit that is being spawned. Even how cute these abilities are, it must be balanced.

No main objective that tells us what excatly we should do playing this map.

It's familiar to Dota map, but I asure you that it do not matchs Dota quality.

Map isn't protected,

It's not? So why I cannot open it?

I suggest you to hide these screenshots using

I rate this map by 1/5 and I suggest this map to be Rejected only because of such imbalance. By fixing these points, my rating will incease.

EDIT: Also Multiboard didn't function, or at least I didn't see it doing any function.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
1) Description at site - The description at hiveworkshop seems to be average, but you should use hidden tag for the screenshot.
2) Terrain - I do not think I need to explain this part, do I?
3) Item - No item at all.
4) Description - You should have a description telling player what to do. Sure, all AOS have same objective and that is to destroy the main tower. But, who knows if your AOS have some sort of game mode the other AOS don't have.
5) System - It seems like there is no anti-back door system. My hero could easily run into enemy territory and attack the fountain right away.
6) Balance - Balance have problem, I think Approject have mention quite a few.
7) Bug - The hammer bash ability doesn't seems to add additional damage once I learn Holy Devotion Aura.

This map standard was between 1/5 (Unacceptable) and 2/5 (Lacking). Although it have custom spell and some of the spell was impressive, the terrain, balance, fun factor, description and many more left much to be desire.

Sorry to said this, but I follow the staff standard and I would have to vote 1/5.

Main reason why it earn 1/5 is because

1) It is too inbalance at this moment.
2) It have no item.
3) Seems to be another AOS genre map with nothing fancy at it. Even though it have custom spell to attract player. But it lack a lot of feature and make the game quite boring once the player test out every single spell.
Level 3
Jan 11, 2009
My review:

-Really nice custom spells!
-I like AoS-type maps :)

-No items. But well, I think its more based on the stratecigal fight and the players abilities.
-Not so many heroes, but I like the ones you did.

-Terrain is flat :/
-Great unbalance and bugs with the skills.

All in all: 3/5 I think pending for this map is ok.