• Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.
  • 💡 We're thrilled to announce that our upcoming texturing contest is in the works, and we're eager to hear your suggestions! Please take this opportunity to share your ideas in this theme discussion thread for the Texturing Contest #34!
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Ladik's MPQ Editor version

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This tool originates from here

Ladik's MPQ Editor version
site: http://www.zezula.net
Has File lists for MPQ archives. They are necessary to opening MPQ archives using MPQ viewers and editors.The listfiles are updated, as the work on MPQ name breaking goes on.

Ladik's MPQ Editor version (Binary)

14:20, 6th Oct 2009 PurplePoot: Do you have the author's permission to upload this?




14:20, 6th Oct 2009
PurplePoot: Do you have the author's permission to upload this?
Level 3
Aug 16, 2007
I tried to replace some textures in the mpq archive (TT I don't know what format to put for skins, like to compress it or not...) and my warcraft goes kab00m... I had to delete the whole entry units/orc/shaman because it won't work with it...
Plz can some1 tell me what's the correct way to inport skins in the mpq ???
Last edited:
Level 1
Sep 25, 2009
To D@B@R:

Open Ladik's MPQEditor.exe, and you see a option at top there called 'Tools'.

Now, go to 'Tools > Rules for adding files to MPQ... > at 'Compression Library(Change 'Bzip compression' to 'Zlip compression' . And you're done, you will not get the same error next time.



Level 32
Mar 21, 2016
Seems cool, but I'm wondering, can I use it as a command line tool? [...]
(in case @NerdFencer comes back someday (?), and for those interested)

From the documentation of version

MPQ Editor Command line

Opening a single MPQ

MPQEditor.exe MpqName [/listfile ListFileName]

Opens a MPQ. If you enter a listfile name, this listfile
will be used as external listfile to the MPQ. If the MPQ
already has a listfile, then both those listfiles are combined.

Opening a multiple MPQs in multi-document mode

MPQEditor.exe /multi BaseMpq1 BaseMpq2 BaseMpq3 ... BaseMpqN [/patch PatchMpq1 PatchMpq2 ... PatchMpqN] [/listfile ListFileName]

Opens multiple MPQs in multi-document mode. Additional listfile may be added.

Opening a multiple MPQs in merged mode

MPQEditor.exe /merged BaseMpq1 BaseMpq2 BaseMpq3 ... BaseMpqN [/patch PatchMpq1 PatchMpq2 ... PatchMpqN] [/listfile ListFileName]

Opens multiple MPQs in merged mode. The user will only see one tree,
where all the files will be combined. This is how the game sees
all MPQs.

Opening a MPQ in patch mode

MPQEditor.exe /base BaseMpq1 BaseMpq2 /patch PatchMpq1 PatchMpq2 ... PatchMpqN [/listfile ListFileName]

Opens multiple MPQs in patch mode. You have to enter all patches
that belong to a MPQ. When extracting a file in patch mode, then
the extracted file will allways be the latest version, i.e. from base
MPQ with all subsequent patches applied.

Running MPQEditor in console mode

MPQEditor.exe /console [ScriptName]

Opens a MoPaq 2000 console. If a script name is entered, it is executed immediately.

Using MoPaq 2000 commands from command line

MPQEditor supports executing MoPaq 2000 commands directly from command line.
They can be executed either with or without opening console window. The difference
is to use or not to use slash before the command.

This is an example to run a command without opening a console:
MPQEditor.exe extract war3.mpq * C:\Work /fp

This is an example to run a command with opening a console:
MPQEditor.exe /extract war3.mpq * C:\Work /fp
Level 5
Dec 20, 2008
In addition to above post:

If you run MPQEditor.exe with the /console flag, you can type help in the newly opened console window to get a list of all "MoPaq 2000" commands. help followed by the command displays detailed information like the following:

F:\Games2\Warcraft III>help
new (n)
open (o)
openpatch (op)
add (a)
extract (e)
rename (r)
move (m)
delete (d)
flush (f)
htsize (t)
list (l)
close (c)
script (s)
chdir (cd)
exit (x)
quit (q)
help (h)
ver (v)

MoPaQ script interpreter also supports Windows command line.
For example, type "md /?" for help on the Windows "md" command.

F:\Games2\Warcraft III>help add
a[dd] MpqFile [SourceFile] [TargetName] [/wav] [/c] [/auto] [/r]

Adds one or more files into the MPQ. Replaces existing files.

MpqFile Name of the MPQ to be used for this operation.
SourceFile Name of source file. Can contain wildcards.
TargetName Target file name (or directory name) in MPQ.
/wave Add the file as WAVE file
/c Use data file compression
/auto Choose compression by file type
/r Recurse subdirectories

F:\Games2\Warcraft III>help extract
e[xtract] MpqFile FileName [TargetDir] [/fp]

Extracts one or more files from MPQ Archive.

MpqFile Name of the MPQ to be used for this operation.
FileName Full of file in MPQ.
TargetDir Target dir. If not entered, the current dir will be used.
/fp Forces extraction with the path stored in MPQ file
/lower Creates lowercase path

I ran into some issues with building a w3x from extracted files. I used a script like the following which i had to put into the directory (lets call it DIR) with all the input files.

build_temp_w3x.txt said:
new temp.w3x
add temp.w3x /c /auto /r
delete temp.w3x build_temp_w3x.txt
close temp.w3x

The second line adds all the files in the current directory to the temp.w3x archive - which includes the script build_mpq.txt - thus i remove that file from the archive again in line 3.

To call the script to build a w3x from all files listed in DIR you would call the MPQEditor like this
MPQEditor /console build_temp_w3x.txt