If anyone is familiar with Ladik's MPQ editor, I'm curious...
I know where to find the sound files in all 4 of the MPQs in the data folder, but some seem to be missing, or I simply cant find them. The sound files in question are emotes or, phrases boss mobs say in certain zones.
Particularly the ones in Naxx like the Four Horsemen shouting things like "Life is meaningless. It is in death that we are truly tested."
or even perhaps Ragnaros shouting "BY FIRE BE PURGED" and whatnot. Are these files tucked away somewhere inconspicuous? Please let me know if you can help or simply post here how I might go about finding those files. Thanks a ton!
I know where to find the sound files in all 4 of the MPQs in the data folder, but some seem to be missing, or I simply cant find them. The sound files in question are emotes or, phrases boss mobs say in certain zones.
Particularly the ones in Naxx like the Four Horsemen shouting things like "Life is meaningless. It is in death that we are truly tested."
or even perhaps Ragnaros shouting "BY FIRE BE PURGED" and whatnot. Are these files tucked away somewhere inconspicuous? Please let me know if you can help or simply post here how I might go about finding those files. Thanks a ton!