[Hero Arena] Krakena's Project

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Level 11
Jun 26, 2014
Hello everyone this is my project that I'll be wroking on. I have just started it and I still have no idea in which direction I want to move to. For now I am only making heroes but I don't know what the actual map type will be in the end of the making of this.
I hope that people who bother reading this will check out the heroes that I'll be posting and help me out balance them. For now I'm thinking about a MOBA, Hero defence... or something to do with Heroes in general. I have not posted this in the Idea Factory section since this IS A THING, there is content and more will come soon. Not only that but it will start to take shape fast and with your help even faster!

Current Info:

Map name = None for now
Creator = Krakena aka Krakenn
Info: Has 3 (and 1 WIP) heroes at the moment: Dragon Knight, Headless Horeseman and Elder Shaman. The map is not locked so feel free to take any triggers or ideas, some credits would be appreciated though.


Dragon Knight

Headless Horeseman

Elder Shaman

Here you can check out the abilites of the heroes quicker. The heroes are not meant to be complex or fancy! There will be some complex and some insanely simple heroes but most of them should be avarage and easy to get used to. I'm trying to make the map as newbie friendly as possible! :)

Dragon Strike [Q] - An enchanted attack that stuns the target and deals a good amount of damage. If the Hero is below 50% health he will heal himself over 5 seconds.

Dragon Power [W] - The Hero enchants his weapon with magical flames making him deal bonus damage on attacks but drain mana for each attack.

Dragon Scale Armour [E] - Reduces the damage of all attacks on the Hero.

Fire Aura [R] - The Hero burst in flames dealing damage to nearby enemies over 15 seconds.

Phantom Charge [Q] - Charges an enemy. Deals more damage the longer the Horseman charges.

Sould Manipulation [W] - The effect of the ability is different, depending on the targeted unit.
If the target is an enemy, non-hero; the Caster will kill the unit and heal himself.
If the target is an enemy, Hero; the target will take damage.

Horrific Influence [E] - Unleashes a powerfull spell decreasing the movement speed of all nearby enemies for 3 seconds. The slowed enemies have the ''Horror'' debuff.

Destruction Link [R] - The Hero links himself with an enemy dealing damage to the targeted enemy every second for 5 seconds.If the targeted enemy has the ''Horror'' debuff it will take bonus damage.

Storm Bolt [Q] - A magical hammer that is thrown at an enemy unit, causing damage and microstunning the target for 0.15 seconds.

Thunderstrike [W] - Calls down a lightning dealing damage to all enemies in the targeted area.

Thunder Clap [E] - Slams the ground, dealing damage and greatly slowing the movement speed of nearby enemy land units.
Lasts 1 second.

Spiritual Empowerment [R] - Causes the Hero to attack faster, move quicker and recharge a percentage of his max mana every second.
Lasts 5 seconds.

v1 - First Update
-Fixed level requirements.
-Dragon Strike now heals.
-Some other minor stuff.
v2 - Second Update
-Changed some stats for some spells.
-Added new hero ''Elder Shaman''.
-Added 2 players with shared controll so you can fool around the map with friends.
-Added Ultimate spell to Elder Shaman.


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Level 11
Mar 31, 2016
Good attitude - like the free creative spirit you have going on.

So far so good but the art assets could use work - I feel some of the icons could be improved to better match the wording and effect of each ability.

Would like to see where the project goes in the future. Keep up the good work.
Level 2
Oct 8, 2015
You can add Warcry or Battlecry to Dragon knight that deal damage to enemy and heal your self over time give you bonus damage. Shock and slow enemy for few second. You can use Incinerate Icon if you want.
Level 11
Jun 26, 2014
The Dragon Knight has the same ability twice (Q & W).

Will fix it in a moment.
Good attitude - like the free creative spirit you have going on.

So far so good but the art assets could use work - I feel some of the icons could be improved to better match the wording and effect of each ability.

Would like to see where the project goes in the future. Keep up the good work.
Thanks a lot! Will try to get better icons today.
You can add Warcry or Battlecry to Dragon knight that deal damage to enemy and heal your self over time give you bonus damage. Shock and slow enemy for few second. You can use Incinerate Icon if you want.
That is a very good idea since he's kinda lackluster atm, I'll make him do that when he casts W or R.
Level 2
Oct 8, 2015
If you are making Hero defense, create some hero that help their allies (give them good buffs, restore their mana, heal them or ...) or create some Support hero or Tank hero.
First define them role, than create them. Never stop creating! Good luck ;)
Level 11
Jun 26, 2014
If you are making Hero defense, create some hero that help their allies (give them good buffs, restore their mana, heal them or ...) or create some Support hero or Tank hero.
First define them role, than create them. Never stop creating! Good luck ;)

Thanks a lot! For sure the're will be supports if the map needs any! Or at least there will be some way in wich players can heal and buff.

Some ideas for the actual genre of the map and tips to make it unique would always come in handy also :D ;)

Edit: New update! Check it out!
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